
Chapter 43: Spirit Possession

Chapter 43: Spirit Possession

The cold night breeze hitting my body slowly cooled me down.

That stupid girl is probably still fighting her way among the golems. If that’s the case, then I just need to get to her and, while pulling her by the cheek, force her to come back. The problem is, if she reaches the boss.

The Proline Dungeon’s boss, 『Mithril Golem』, was famously known as the “First timers’ killer”.

When you finally arrive at the boss’ room, after going through tough and fierce battles against golems, standing there is a huge monster even bigger than the other golems. Everybody then thinks―― “Oh, I guess physical attacks won’t work on this guy either”.

And that’s a huge mistake. Physical attacks are certainly ineffective against the golems. It’s a legitimate strategy to attack them with Attack Magic or overwhelmingly powerful physical attacks. But the Mithril Golem is different. Neither physical attacks nor Magic seem to be effective.

Players who faced against the Mithril Golem for the first time without any information easily thought, “Let’s fight it using magic”, and try to overwhelm it firing a large amount of 《Fire Attribute?Third Form》 magic. Afterwards, obviously no damage goes through. Then, the player’s target, the Mithril Golem comes attacking. And, since they suffer from rigidity after using that much magic they can’t move, and they have no choice but to die while being crushed by the boss.

It’s almost certain that you will be killed if the first thing you do is fire magic at the boss.

Then, what should be done?

Quite easy. Don’t enter the Proline Dungeon until you get to a level where your physical attacks can damage the Mithril Golem.

Now, the question is whether Chérie has high physical attack power?

The answer is, probably no. She’s a Spirit User who fights truly inefficiently using a Spirit. She’s more of a back-row type.

Even if she defeats the golems in the dungeon, there’s no way for her to defeat the Mithril Golem. That’s an inevitable outcome as long as she’s a Spirit User.

Just the other day, the “Proline Capture Group” was organized by the Adventurers Guild, but it seems like it ended up in failure. The reason for that is obvious. That is, no adventurer whom physical attacks could damage the Mithril Golem was participating. And, probably the information that Magic attacks are ineffective against the Mithril Golem hasn’t been spread out yet.

Of course, Chérie most likely doesn’t know this information either.

……It’s a race against time. Every second counts.


“Let’s hurry up.”

As soon as I reached the Proline Dungeon, I unmounted Seventh Teiō and dashed.

“(Leave the guiding to me.)“

It seems that apparently Angolmois is able to follow the signs of Gnomides. Then that means, Chérie is still alive.

I continued to mow down golems using 《Rook Swordsmanship》 while being guided in my mind. I moved forward focusing on speed and trying to minimize battles as much as possible in order to reach my target.

“Fu-hahaha, so such small fries can’t even be your opponents!? “

Seeing the battles ending up too one-sidedly, Angolmois spoke in a good mood.

“It’s been a long time since I last fought! This is exactly what you’d call having your blood boiling! “

Laughing so loud, I can no longer see Angolmois as anything other than a real Demon King.

“I will probably have you work later, so prepare yourself.”

“Certainly! “

While thinking why I had to come so desperately for that woman in the middle of the night, I hurried ahead while destroying golems.

* * *

I’ve had no friends since I was little.

I know the cause. My character.

Nobody wants to get close to an Earl’s daughter who says nothing but cruel things.

It can’t be helped. I got this personality because I am the Earl’s daughter. Even if I could fix it, I didn’t want to fix it.

But, to tell the truth, I felt lonely.

Being all by myself was, lonely. It felt natural to be that way while I was a child, then I realized I couldn’t change my character.

It was for such a shameful reason that I decided to learn using spirits.

My one and only friend. To get an existence that absolutely will never leave me. That is, the Great Spirit of Earth, Terra.

I used her to fill that loneliness.

In hindsight, that was something that I should’ve never done.

If I couldn’t stand the loneliness, it might’ve been easier to reach for other people. But I had Terra. That’s why I was able to endure it.

I spent my childhood like that, my pride getting bigger, my character even more twisted, more stubborn and high-handed. Getting jealous of everything and everyone, with an unfiltered mouth, making an enemy out of everyone, and holing myself up in my own shell…… every single day I hid myself in the world of me and Terra. It became a habit.

It’s too late to change now, I can no longer change this habit of mine.

Maybe you could call me a “person unfit for society” now, right?

Well, I’m a genius Spirit User and the Earl’s daughter. I’m also good-looking, and my adventurer’s rank is A, so it no longer matters if I’m a misfit. I can live by myself now. I’ve been living alone so far.

Yes, I’ve been living alone.

That’s why…… I never knew how comfortable this was.

How pleasant it was to talk to someone who could accept my crude character.

This is nice.

……This is nice!

I’ve always wanted a human friend!

And I finally was able to meet one, for the first time in 16 years!

I will absolutely, never give up! I’ll leave him speechless! I’ll make him acknowledge me!

“Terra! One more coming from the right! “

“Yes, Master~.”

Following my instructions, Terra fired Earth Attribute magic. The earth magic collides against the incoming golem with a great force, shattering its body.

As expected of my Terra. She’s the strongest spirit.

“Well then, let’s keep going…… Oh? “

“This is~……”

What came ahead of us was a huge, dome-shaped room.

And at the center of it, a pale rock so huge that I had to look up.

“――Master! Step back! “

Terra shouted. I felt unable to move after hearing Terra’s panicked voice for the first time.

“Wh-what is wrong……!? “

The huge rock began to move, making a thunderous sound.

The rock then grew about three times its size―― No, I realized IT was standing up.

“……Go-golem……!? “

A golem this big!? I’ve never heard of it!?

“This is the boss, Master. We can’t win! Let’s run away! “

The boss.

I see, this guy is the boss.

“…………Terra, let’s do this.”

“Master! “

If I beat this guy…… I have a feeling that I will be able to change.

You can scream at me and call me an idiot. But I’ve already decided it.

“Terra! Earth Attribute?Fifth Form, prepare it! “

“……Ggh……! “

I forced Terra to obey. To use the strongest magic that I just learned recently. It’s the strongest attack that I can do now.

“Shoot it!! “

Terra prepared to shoot the 《Earth Attribute?Fifth Form》 magic at the golem who apparently still hasn’t noticed us yet.

Immediately after, a magic array spread, amplifying the magic using the power of the great spirit, then―― the earth cracked. A large chunk of rock, almost like a mountain, came out from the ground, and after wrapping itself above the huge golem, it was compressed. Then as if being drawn to it, the stone came raining down like a meteor. After receiving a hit from this, it doesn’t matter how big that golem is!

“Did we do it!? “

I involuntarily cried while the dust danced in the air, blocking my view.

I defeated the Proline Dungeon’s Boss. I captured the Proline Dungeon before Second! With this, with this……!


“――――Eh? “

――Or so I thought.

Coming out from the dust and dirt, the giant golem walked towards us.

It was unharmed.

Terra is suffering from after-magic rigidity. I am completely defenseless.

……So big. Incredibly so. I might not be as big as the arm of that rock.


“Eh…………!!! “

I was kicked. Probably.

I can’t breathe.

I can’t even hear.

My body doesn’t move.

It hurts so much.

……Eh? How many seconds have passed?

What was I doing?

I tried opening my eyes.

A huge golem is coming.

“――! ――――! “

Terra is shouting something.

And then, she stood in front of me with a sorrowful face.

She is…… trying to protect me?

It’s impossible. I mean, isn’t that thing unscathed? There’s no way to win. What the heck is this?

Ahh, I was so stupid. An incredible fool. A helpless idiot. The worst.

……Oh, it seems I have no time to indulge myself in sentimentality.

“(Thank you.)“

I can’t properly move my mouth, but…… My thoughts were properly transmitted.

Thank you for being together with this stupid and foolish good-for-nothing loner, and helping me.

Bye bye, Terra

《Un- summ――

《Un- summ――

“ “

――I will never forget what happened in the next moment.

Suddenly, a “man with a seven-colored aura coiled around himself” appeared, and with a single sword, he caught the arm of the giant golem.

And more astonishingly, he deflected the arm. He won against the huge golem with “raw power”.

Then, while leaving a large number of afterimages, he gave chase and approached the huge golem in an instant.

That was 《Rook Swordsmanship》. I’ve seen it being used by my elder brother, who is a first-class swordsman. But that power is weird. It’s too strong. Besides, why is he, who is a Spirit User, using 【Swordsmanship】? And, what the heck is that ominous aura?

Looking at the sight before my eyes, I forgot about my pain.

……He’s on a different level.

I didn’t think he was the same person.

He alone was overwhelming the huge golem using only 【Swordsmanship】.

Is he a Rank A adventurer like me? What a joke.

Genius Spirit User? Earl’s daughter? ……So what? Is what I want to say.

“Master, it’s alright now. We’re saved.”

With tears trailing down her face, Terra came to my side. Ahh, I wasn’t able to send her back.

I’m sorry, Terra. To have such a master.

……What did I want to accomplish?

Was I just letting it get to my head?

Idiot. Idiot. I’m really stupid……

* * *

“Angolmois, let’s go.”

“Alright. My Second.”

All the experience points I earned beating the enemies along the way were allocated to 《Spirit Possession》. Its rank became 11th Class. It’s a rank at which it can barely be used.

“Ohh, that seems dangerous.”

Said Angolmois. Is Chérie going to die!?

“Let’s use it here! Possession! “

“Haha! As you wish! “

I used 《Spirit Possession》 in a place still a bit away from the boss.

Angolmois turned into a seven-colored light. And then, it blended into my body.


This is incredible.

That’s the only way I can describe it.

An ‘all-powerful’ feeling that’s beyond my imagination envelops me.

With 《Spirit Possession》at the 11th class, the possession time is 120 seconds, and the reuse cooldown time is 440 seconds. The effect increases all status by 2.5 times.

If it’s at Grade 9, the possession time becomes 310 seconds, the reuse cooldown time is 250 seconds and the status increased by a total of 4.5 times.

……However, I think that in this world, the effects of 《Spirit Possession》aren’t only those. As a matter of fact, the time I’ve spent thinking all of this has been less than a second. What’s this? This is way too powerful. Is it because of Angolmois?

Thus, in an instant I reached the boss’ room. My movement speed is also incredible, it feels more than 2.5 times. Almost as if time had stopped.

I found Chérie by the wall. She was knocked down, her nose bleeding. Looking closely, she was crying, all the while Terra desperately called out her name.

I can hear and see that, I see, so my sight and hearing is also much better.

100 seconds remaining. I jumped in front of the Mithril Golem and took its rocky fist using 《Gold Swordsmanship》. The skill’s effect is a ranged attack in all directions, but in fact, this is an omnidirectional skill. If you activate the skill matching the timing, the physical attacks compete against each other, and the one with the highest attack power is the winner. And because Gold can hit in all directions, it’s very suitable to use as a ‘response’.

“It can’t be――!? “

I can hear Terra’s astonished voice from behind. Did she realize that this seven colored aura is Angolmois’ possession?

And thus, while fighting and thinking unnecessary things, the Mithril Golem gradually weakened.

If your physical attacks have the necessary power, this boss is just a “small fry” who has a monotonous attack pattern. Therefore, since the Proline Dungeon’s Boss battle is such a rare irregularity, it can be said that this dungeon is quite suitable for clearing.

……Ahh, it died. It took just 15 seconds to finish it.


After checking the surroundings, I released 《Spirit Possession》 along with a sigh. From here, Angolmois can’t be summoned for another 440 seconds.

Wow, it surely was overwhelming. It felt incredibly good. I might become addicted to it.


“――Second-san. Thank you very much for what you’ve done.”

Immediately after, Terra-san was the first to speak.

“Seriously. What was that? You’d be dead if I hadn’t noticed it.”

I unconsciously answered in a condescending tone. You might say it was because I was about to go to sleep, and ended up coming to this place instead.

After hearing my complaints, Terra was apologizing with her head bowed. Or rather, even if Chérie is unconscious, her spirit wasn’t unsummoned. I see, this might be valuable information.

“Ahh, that’s right. Let’s have her drink this.”

As I suddenly remembered, I forced a high-grade potion into the mouth of the blood-covered, white-eyed idiot.

Her consciousness didn’t return, but at least her eyes look normal now, so I guess she’ll be alright.

“…………Erm, this child is actually a good child.”

In a single breath, Terra-san began to tell me something as if explaining.

Since there was no reason to stop her, I decided to give her the appropriate response.

“Even if you say that, I already know she’s not a bad person. She’s just a bit more twisted, short-tempered, stupid and lonlier than most people.”

“Yes~……It’s as you say. Ever since she was little, this child never had any friends except for me.”

“I can tell.”

“I think that probably this child took interest in you, Second-san. However, since this was the first time for her ever, she didn’t know what to do.”

“……Wait a minute. What does that mean? Did I do something to grab her attention? “

“Yeah~. I think there were a lot of other things, but the main reason was that you were recognized by her parents~.”


“D~? “

“Don’t come at me with that! Properly supervise her!! “

“Since I’m a spirit~, I can’t defy my master~.”

Somehow, this girl is pissing me off! Seems like her true nature is finally coming out……!

“Sorry~! Don’t hate this child~.”

“No, I don’t hate her. I don’t hate her, but……”

It’s a pain in the ass. Nothing but a pain in the ass. And also, Terra, I think I hate you a little.

……Ohh, that’s right. Let’s leave things here to mister great. 《Spirit Summoning》.

“(Mmm, I see, I see. I understand the current situation.)“

As expected of Angolmois. He grasped the situation in an instant by making use of the sense of unity.

“――It’s been a while, Gnomides.”


The Great Spirit King suddenly appeared in front of her.

An expression of “fear” appeared on Terra’s face, then she backed up a couple of steps.

……Ohhhh? Where did that previous attitude go?

“What’s wrong? Why are you still s-tan-ding? “

The moment Angolmois said that, a reddish-black lightning flashed, and Terra’s hands and feet were chained to the ground. She ended up in a dogeza/prostrating position.

So much for a Great Spirit of Earth. Groveling down, prostrating on the ground while facing towards us. It was quite the spectacle.

“Wait a moment, that’s wrong. This is not it.”

“Wrong? My bad.”

As I pointed out suddenly, Angolmois’ strange obedience magic was released, and Terra-san got up.

Terra-san looked over here with eyes of astonishment.

“Huh? Ohh, I see. Then, I will answer the question directly.”

At that point, as if Angolmois had guessed something by the sense of unity, he opened his mouth.

“The spirits and their masters are gradually united. The more they live together, the stronger it is. This gnome girl was surely dragged by the little girl there. Was it pity? Or maybe yearning? Still, that’s only an excuse for her to not go against her master’s order. That was just the result of both of them always running away and licking each other’s wounds.”


Terra-san was shaking, her eyes looking down.

“By your lack of action, you tried to kill your master. That’s something you should never do. You have failed as a Great Spirit.”

“Wait. Isn’t it easier to understand the master the closer spirits are? “

“Nay. That’s no reason to be unilaterally dragged. To be united is to understand each other. But this girl was too close to her master.”

“……That is, a bit pitiful.”

It’s impossible to not forget about common sense when you want to help a sad child who doesn’t have any friends, as they try to get along.

“Hmm? My Second, weren’t you angry at this girl? “

“No, after hearing this much, the sympathy I have for her is bigger.”

“Is that so? In that case, she’s exonerated. Hahaha! “


“Is that okay? “

“I don’t like to make a mountain out of a molehill. I haven’t the slightest interest in the details of the relationship each spirit has with their master. This time I was just teasing her.”

Saying so, he laughed. Wow, this guy has a terrible personality. And what was that? What age does he think we live in? (TLN: Angolmois used quite ‘old’ speech.)

“…………Should we go back?”

While feeling appalled, I carried Chérie and we left the Proline Dungeon.

Somehow, I felt a part of her clothes were a bit ‘damp’. While throwing an oversized sigh, I called Silvia using the team chat and told her to be ready to take care of it.

Seriously, I hope this girl is ready for what I have to say to her after she wakes up……

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