
Chapter 53: Fierce Fight in Isoreus

Chapter 53: Fierce Fight in Isoreus

The following morning.

Chartering a small boat from Koula’s Port, I headed for the island where Isoreus was.

It’s not too far off the coast, so I’ll be arriving in about two hours.

After getting down on the island, I started to reminisce on it. A huge, dilapidated old castle turned dungeon; that was Isoreus. And although it had such a setting in the world of Mobius, it had its own history in this world. Maybe even a lord ruled over this old castle once. If so, since when did it become a dungeon? And when did monsters start appearing from it? It might be interesting to later search the documents and records.

While having those thoughts in my mind as I walked, I finally arrived at the front of the Isoreus Dungeon. The old castle was so huge that one couldn’t really see the whole thing. The atmosphere was awfully dark and an eerie silence covered the place. The only entrance was the castle’s front gate. There, two monsters acted as gatekeepers. The boss is in the deepest part of the ‘top floor’, but my destination is a different one. The lowest part of the ‘underground grand library’.

“For now, let’s go straight to the library.”

“As you wish.”

Dashing out, I stopped in front of the two gatekeepers. They were two demonic knights nearly three meters tall, wearing an ominous black armor.


The moment the gatekeepers approached me, swinging down their long swords, I activated 《Transform》. Twisting my upper body, I put my right hand forward and my left hand on my waist. I chose a pose that was as simple as possible so that I could activate it immediately.

“――――! “

The two black knights were then blown away by the blue-blackish lightning that gushed out from my body.

Enemy characters who were within a certain radius when the transformation process starts were always knocked back. Aside from the 8 second immunity, this was one of the very important effects of Transform. Seems like Mobius management had a really good understanding of how a transformation should work.

And, one more important thing. The immunity time was 8 seconds, but the time until the transformation was completed was only 6 seconds. In other words, ‘you can move while invincible for two seconds’.

I wonder why it’s become like this……?

“This is how it is.”

Six seconds later, I approached the armored knights.

Knocked back by the effect of the transformation, the armored knights were still alive and well, but a great distance had opened between us. It was on a level where it allowed me to have plenty of time to prepare my skills.

For knight-type monsters, magic attacks worked the best. Combining 《Rook Archery》 and 《Lightning Attribute?Third Form》, I released it against one of the knights still down in the distance. Along with a loud sound, its head was blown off. The other one was starting to get up. Still, with this distance, I have great leeway in preparing my skills. In a similar way, I defeated it with 「Rook Third Lightning」.

“Isn’t that overkill?! “

Angolmois said in a great mood.

“I was able to finish them in a single shot since both were critical, but if that didn’t happen, it would’ve taken a little longer to defeat them. That’s no overkill at all.”

I explained as I went deeper into the Isoreus Dungeon.

Yeah, critical is a tricky thing. You get a critical hit when you don’t really need it, but when you’re hoping for one, it doesn’t come out at all. Therefore, it’s not really good to rely on it. It’s better to think of it as a bonus or else you’re in for a painful ride.

I could have asked Yukari to craft some equipment and give it the effect of increased critical using 《Bestowal Magic》. However, once you start, it is quite the tedious task. It sucks up plenty of money and time. Money is acceptable, but I don’t have the time right now.

Still, an attack with 《Transform》 at Grade 9, 《Critical》 at Grade 9, 《Rook Archery》 at Grade 9, and 《Lightning Attribute?Third Form》 at Grade 6, while using 《Combine》 with a Mithril Longbow reinforced to the fifth stage, specialized in attack speed; I think those criticals were barely able to one-shot the knights with low magic resistance…… This might be a little harsh.

These black knights that serve as gatekeepers are about as strong as Metio Dungeon’s White Dragons. Most players when they hear that think “The Isoreus Dungeon isn’t that big of a deal after all”. But that’s wrong, completely wrong. The reason is, while in Metio you always fight one on one, in Isoreus, more often than not, it’s at least two on one. At the room in front of the last boss located on the top floor, it becomes a 3 vs 1 against monsters that are eight times stronger than the White Dragons. They are on the level of the Golden Dragons.

However, the monsters in Isoreus are certainly weaker. All the monsters that appear here are attack-focused, therefore their HP and VIT are on the lower side of the Upper-class dungeons. That’s the case for everything all the way to the boss. In particular, the 「Darkness Wolf」, despite being a head above the boss-class monsters, has quite the low HP. But in exchange for that, it has incredible attacks incomparable with the other bosses.

“Change of plans. Let’s move to the Great Underground Library considering safety first. Straightforwardness isn’t good here, it’s better to take our time.”

“Straightforwardness? “

“Yeah, it’s better to not be too naive.”

“I see. Let’s work hard, my Second.”

“Yeah, do your best. I’ll also do my best.”

Impatience and frustration are forbidden. Steeling my resolve, we aimed at the deepest part of Isoreus.



Probably about six hours have passed since we were in the castle’s entrance.

Proceeding cautiously while taking breaks every now and then, the entrance to the Grand Underground Library came in sight.

“Let’s set up camp here.”

“……By the side of the road? “

The tent was set by the side of the hallway, in front of the library’s entrance, in the space between the figures of large armors that were lined up at each side in a stage-like platform.

“We can relax here. The only monsters that appear here are Ghost-type ones, right? And since ghosts can’t jump, they can’t get past steps of a certain height.”


Angolmois silently looked at me, half unconvinced. I wonder if he isn’t in on the idea of sleeping this close to the enemy? However, if it’s safe, it’s safe.I can’t do anything about it.

“Alright, let’s go.”

“Umu. So finally, it’s time for the Darkness Wolf.”

“Yeah. Get ready for possession the moment I open the door.”

“As you wish.”

After taking a break for some time, I finally decided to begin this deathmatch.

After giving instructions to Angolmois, I then prepared an item that can be set up and used as a light source.

One of the most useful items in the fight against the Darkness Wolf, the longest-lasting among the so-called Bonfire-type, the 『Great Bonfire』. This item was used during the ‘Great Barbecue Event’ back in Mobius, and was able to be crafted using the 《Manufacture》 skill, even at the 16th class, using a bag of rice as a raw material.

This is an item with an amazing performance that continues to burn for 336 hours each. Seems like it was designed to disappear after the two-week event period was over, but for some reason people were still able to create it with the 《Manufacture》skill even after the event was over. Probably the developers simply forgot about it. And thus, it became an item that was greatly used as a source of light in the Darkness Wolf Tame.

And surely, I could also make it in this world. So, I’ll be relying on it once again.

Holding the Mithril Longbow in my left hand, with the Mithril Longsword hanging from my waist, and the Great Bonfire on my right hand, I kicked the door open.

Immediately after, I activated 《Spirit Possession》. The red-blackish thunder ran through my body, illuminating the lurid library with a flash.


――Behind a series of bookshelves, on top of a fallen pile of decaying wood and paper, there she was.

“(That is……!)“

Despite being in a state of possession, I could clearly hear Angolmois. I wonder why he was surprised, even some horror was transmitted to me.

Not too big, not too small, a completely black wolf. That was her appearance. The exact same figure as the one that remained in my memories.

That beautiful fur swaying like a flack flame. Those black eyes as if I was staring into the abyss. Those eyes that I can’t tell where they’re looking or what they are thinking. Claws and fangs not too long, but not too short either. At a simple glance, it’s just a black wolf.

“(Without a doubt, the current you can’t win against this opponent! My Second, leave this place!)“

Angolmois said such a thing. Indeed, a magnificent observation. As one would expect from the Spirit King, truly a proper evaluation. It’s true that with my current status, I’m not an opponent for this monstrous Darkness Wolf. It’s almost like comparing a child to an adult.

……It’s just that, this is just a game, right?

“(Just shut up and watch.)“

I set up the Great Bonfire about 15 centimeters above the pile of fallen books, 2 meters to the left from the fourth bookshelf from the entrance. Then, while keeping my eyes on the Darkness Wolf, I ran sideways.

The Darkness Wolf was currently in her “Wolf-form”. For this form, the first attack is always a “Rush”.

I greeted the rushing Darkness Wolf with a Rook Lightning shot. Firing like a laser, the red and blue lightning streaks twisted and turned as they left a tail-like trail, attacking the Darkness Wolf. Since physical attacks don’t work at all when she is in wolf-form, you should attack by 《Combine》 using 【Magic Archery】 or 【Magic Swordsmanship】. By the way, I naturally aimed at the feet. That is to accumulate damage to get her into a “down” state.

Thus, the behavior following the rush breaks into 4 different patterns. This time, since the front left leg was pressed down hard, it seems it will be Body Slam. That being the case, avoiding it is the best choice. At the last moment of the rush, I jumped to the side.

When the Body Slam or Claw attack fails, the Darkness Wolf will certainly follow with Darkness Transfer→Darkness Shift→Darkness Summon.

I watched as it moved, during Darkness Transfer, to a small mountain of books located one bookshelf away, then I also positioned myself facing the Darkness Wolf.

Just like the pattern, Darkness Shift also happened. After casually jumping on the spot, the Darkness Wolf’s body got wrapped completely in black flames, and the figure changed into its human-like form.


――Long jet-black hair and wolf ears. Her eyes were gently closed, and on her face I could see a mole above her slightly smiling lips. Those bewitching limbs couldn’t be concealed behind the coat of darkness that covered her body, and her height sort of balanced her voluptuous proportions.

To be able to see this figure again after all this time. She, my “Anko”, had the exact same figure in this world.

……Oops, this isn’t the time to immerse myself in my emotions.

After using Darkness Shift to change into human-form, next is sure to be Darkness Summon.

I looked at her shadow, while at the same time, preparing to use 《Dragon King Swordsmanship》. Good, there is a shadow. She’s not in 《False Shadow》 state.

“Fuu……! “

I calculated the moment to match the activation of Darkness Summon after Anko finished her Darkness Shift, and by moving up three steps, I unleashed the 《Dragon King Swordsmanship》. At moments like this, it’s quite late to start preparing after the transformation has ended. As for the timing, you should start preparing 《Dragon King Swordsmanship》 in the 0.2 seconds while the black flame of the transformation is settling and the moment she lands, and if you take three steps afterwards, you can activate it immediately. By the way, you can’t move while 《Dragon King Swordsmanship》 is being prepared. For Grade 6, the preparation time is about 4 seconds. It is a very risky skill.

“――! “

The shockwave, along with the flashy effect, was released forwards and Anko was directly hit, causing her to become stunned. 《Dragon King Swordsmanship》 is a very powerful skill, however, it has a long preparation time, making it somewhat dangerous to use. And one of the reasons for that high power is the stun effect. That’s right, if it’s applied it becomes quite strong. But only if it’s applied.

Well then, this part is where criticals are important. During this period when Anko is stunned, you can shoot two 《Rook Archery》 shots. If both hits are critical it goes into ‘down’ state, but if only one shot is critical, or if none at all are, she will continue to stand. If that happens, then one or two more shots of 《Rook Archery》 are needed to down her. Between the former and the latter, there’s a world of difference in safety.

“Hmm…… mmm…… Nice!”

Alright, this time both of them were critical hits.

Then, what happens when you bring her down after Darkness Summon? That is, Darkness Shift and a Rush again. In other words, we’re back at square one as far as strategy is concerned.

Since Anko transformed into a human but wasn’t able to do anything, she will once again use Darkness Shift to transform into the Darkness Wolf form and use Rush again.

During that transformation period, I took enough distance from her and moved back to the fourth bookshelf from the entrance,while opening with a Rook Lightning attack again. So, what will you bring out next?

Ohh, she lowered her head. Then it’s a “Bite route” rush. Placing the Mithril Longbow in my inventory, I focused on avoiding using my full speed.

After Bite comes a Darkness Howl. Avoiding that is easy since it has a preparation time of two seconds. Incidentally, 99% of the time, if you just avoid the Bite at the last second, you can’t escape the howl.

After rushing across, Anko used Darkness Howl then returned to the book’s mound using Darkness Transfer. Following Darkness Howl comes a Rush or Darkness Shift. This time it seems to be Shift.

I already moved to the previous bookshelf. I then prepared 《Dragon King Swordsmanship》 with the timing just like before, and after carefully checking for 《False Shadow》 after transforming, I moved forward three steps. In the case of the Biting route, Anko will use Darkness Magic here, but it’s possible to crush her without allowing her to move unless she’s in 《False Shadow》 state.

And so, she was stunned. Then damaged by 《Rook Archery》. Unfortunately, only one was a critical.

Immediately after the stun wore off, Anko moved using Darkness Transfer, then she activated Darkness Summon. Well then, which one will it be……? This time it was 『Shadow Cane』. Good, good.

As a result of the Darkness Summon, she entered Jojutsu mode. However, that doesn’t really matter. Since the damage has accumulated from the previous two shots, she will go “down” with one more 《Rook Archery》 shot at her feet. I took her down while she was preparing to begin her Jojutsu mode assault with that 《Rook Archery》 shot.

While dealing some extra damage with the combination of 《Knight Archery》 and 《Silver Archery》, I moved back to the bookshelf from before and started running sideways again.

What’s next after going down from Darkness Summon? That’s right, Darkness Shift into wolf form and Rush again.

While I prepared to release a Rook Lightning shot, this was all that occupied my mind.

Ahh…… how fun.

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