
Chapter 58: Determination (First Part)

Chapter 58: Determination (First Part)

The sun went down in no time.

By the time I arrived at Pae Ho, it was already dark. Being dead tired, I went to a suitable inn, ate a meal, took a bath and quickly went to bed.

Then, the next sunrise, well it was actually already about nine-thirty. I woke up to the sound of someone knocking in the room.

“Tch…… what now? “

Clicking my tongue, I dragged my body out of the bed and went to answer the door.

There stood a handsome man dressed in butler’s clothes.

“Second-sama, this is the first time we meet. I’ve been assigned the position of butler for the Firstest family, my name is Cubero. A pleasure meeting you.”

A splendid bow. His short blonde hair swayed along with that movement. I could also perceive a slight smell of a nice perfume. When Cubero raised his face, his blue eyes rested on me. Strong eyes, like those of a warrior. I somehow get the vibe “I’m not an ordinary person” from him.

……Well, for now, I get it. He’s my butler, that’s fine. However, there was this one word I couldn’t help but to notice.

“Wait a moment, since when did my family become the Firstest family? “

“Yukari-sama has instructed me to introduce myself as such.”

“For real?”

I’m not sure if I heard about that or not…… I’ve been sort of enjoying myself these past four months, my memories are a bit fuzzy.

Eh? That’s not bad. That means my public name has become “Second Firstest”. Hoo-hoo. I see. Fumu, not bad at all, right?

“By the way, why did you come here? “

“Yes. I’m here to pick up Second-sama.”

“Even though you’re a butler? “

“If it’s for Second-sama, I’ll go anywhere no matter the place. Incidentally, I’m not only a butler, but also Second-sama’s attendant (valet).”


Ahh, not good, I’m so sleepy I can’t even turn my head. I want to sleep for a bit more. However, there’s the checkout time to worry about, what to do――?

“I’m very sorry to have woken you up when you were so tired. I’ll go speak with the innkeeper and let him know, so it’s okay to get some more rest. Ah, here, have a cold drink. I’ll have breakfast ready for when you wake up. Is it okay to bring it here to the room? “

“Eh? Ah, yeah.”

“Very well. Please relax for now then, I’ll handle the timings. Well then, please excuse me.”

“Ah, yeah.”

……Nicely done, Cubero-kun. He looks like he’s in his early twenties. However, his extremely meticulous care was like a honed technique. Just what kind of training did he go through in these past four months?

Ohh, this cold tea is really delicious. I can’t say for sure, but I’m certain he used some good leaves. It gives out a vague luxurious scent.

“Good nightー“

Speaking towards Cubero, who surely was outside the door, I went back to bed in a very good mood.


Just before noon. Just as I was thinking it was about time to get up, there was a knock on the door. Are you serious? Is that guy an esper?

When I opened the door, as expected, it was Cubero. The breakfast cum lunch he brought was well-served and delicious. I invited him to eat together with me, but Cubero politely refused, saying he had already eaten.

“Alright, now to check out.”

“I finished that earlier.”

“Is that so? Then, Seventh Teiō.”

“My subordinates are in charge of that, don’t worry.”

“That’s helpful. Then, I think I’ll eat some snacks for the way home.”

“For today, I’ve prepared chocolate cake and hot coffee.”

“I see…… Ahh, somehow I kind of feel like playing cards with you.”

“I’m honored. I have an unopened deck here.”


This guy’s amazing. He doesn’t make any oversight in his work. So, he’s a superhuman on top of being an esper, huh?

“You’re pretty good, Cubero.”

“Your praise is wasted in me.”

Even while being praised, he bows his head with refined movements. As I left the room, he quietly followed me from behind. After I got into the carriage that was parked in front of the inn, he gave some instructions to the two men who seemed to be his subordinates, and then sat across from me.

The carriage quickly departed. Surprisingly, the shaking and noise from it were about half of what I expected. I’m sure this is a pretty luxurious carriage.

While trying to somehow put on airs, I looked at Cubero as he sat with his back straight. After noticing my gaze, he said “Is there something you need? ” while smiling. After answering him with a “No, it’s nothing”, Cubero then said, “Please tell me if there’s anything you need.”

No oversight at all, indeed. Nothing is overlooked…… but something feels odd. Ever since the moment we met face to face this morning.

I don’t know what’s wrong, but I got this feeling of incongruity that I can’t quite pinpoint.

I wonder what it is? Am I just imagining things? Or maybe I just feel restless. Hmmー……?

Nope, I don’t know. Well, for now, let’s just stare at him for the four hours it takes to go to the capital to kill time and try to identify this feeling of incongruity.

“……? ? ? “

Ignoring the puzzled Cubero, I intently watched him. If the concept of sexual harassment were to exist in this world, this slave of mine could certainly sue me for doing this. However, since I’d feel bad for making him stress out, I’ll just do it with moderation.

…………Eh? Wait. Stress?

With that sudden thought, I watched Cubero’s mouth and hands closely.

Ahh…… As I thought. His lips appear to be slightly dry, and his middle and index fingers are trembling lightly.

――It appears he’s quite “nervous”. I wonder since when? From this morning? Why on earth would he? Well, probably because it was his first day.

However, he hasn’t said a word about it. He’s doing his best to complete his job and trying hard to hold in all his mental stress, namely nervousness, so as to not displease his master.

He’s got great willpower. Not being able to stop being conscious, he’s tense and he’s trying to suppress it to the limit by only willpower.

Hahaha! He sure has determination!

“Hahahaha! “

“I-Is there something wrong?”

“Cubero, you’re great. You’re the kind of guy I like.”

“You like me……? “

Huh? I feel like I made a mistake in my choice of words.

“Wait. I didn’t mean it in that way. I mean you have a good personality.”

“I am very grateful for that.”

“Relax, don’t be so stiff. Ahー……that’s right, wanna play cards?”

“Yes. As you wish.”

Looking carefully, his movements were still a bit stiff. Still, he properly does his job, so there’s no doubt he’s a responsible guy. It feels kind of awkward still, but I’m sure he’ll get used to it. I’m looking forward to when his tension is completely gone.

Cubero, my butler cum attendant, huh? Somehow, I feel like we’ll have a long relationship. I’d like to build a friendly relationship if I can.

After receiving the cards from Cubero, I opened my mouth as I shuffled them.

“I’m sure you too have a terrible past. If you ever feel lost, just make up your mind and talk to me.”

“……! “

“I’ll do something about it.”

――That is, if it’s something I can do anything about. I said so while looking composed. It was a very irresponsible statement that inadvertently came out of my mind because I felt like I grew stronger after taming Anko.

It’s just, I wanted to look good here. In front of this guy who had shown me his determination.

Opening his eyes wide and with a shocked face…… Cubero bowed his head immediately after. He bowed down below the knee. Almost to the limit.

“This Cubero will never forget those kind words, Second-sama.”

He then raised his body a little, and I was able to see his eyes. A light had lit in those eyes, making them look like those powerful eyes of a man who has steeled his resolution.

“Tonight, before the time to sleep. I would like to ask for a little of your time for a consultation.”

“……Tonight, huh? Alright.”

For a moment I thought he might have misunderstood something of what I said, but I changed my mind after looking at Cubero’s eyes. In the corner of his eyes, a little tear was visible.

He, a man who pushed down his nervousness with willpower alone. There must be a reason for those tears, seeing how he looks like the man who would never show his crying face. What could be the meaning of it? I too have to resolve myself before I meet with him tonight.

“Well then, let’s play cards. How about we play ‘speed’? “

Pretending to not have noticed those tears, I handed out two cards to him.

“Spe…… I’m sorry, what is that?”

“Haha, I’ll teach you.”

“I’m very grateful.”

Then, until we reached the capital, I continued to play cards with Cubero.

I had a lot of fun.

I returned home at last. Ahh, I was quite excited about coming back home after all this time, but our destination was not the “Eastern Mansion”, but the “Mansion on the shore of Lake Vanilla”. A bit of that excitement faded away.

I see, now I remember. Seems like they adopted my idea of “moving mansions depending on the season”. Certainly, the contrast between the red and yellow foliage of the trees and the clear blue Lake Vanilla makes for a beautiful landscape. I have to say it was a great choice.

“Welcome home, Master.”

“I’m back, Yukari. So, we’ll live here in autumn――Oohh.”

Yukari, who came to greet me, suddenly hugged me while being overcome with emotion. It was a bit surprising, so I was taken aback.

Then, after hugging each other for a while, Yukari was the first to speak.

“Please, forgive me for doing something disgraceful. Hmm, I……, uhm, I was relieved. There are many things I want to talk about, I’m sorry, but just for a bit, can we stay like this just for a bit……?”

Even though we kept in touch regularly, I left everything related to the mansion to Yukari while I was away for these past four months. I’m sure she was relieved to see my face. While thanking me and apologizing, I gently patted the back of Yukari’s head as her face rested on my chest.

“……Fuu. Please pardon me, Master.”

Five minutes later, Yukari separated from me and went back to being the usual cold-hearted Yukari that I knew. I wonder if she’s feeling embarrassed, she’s not making eye contact with me.

“Well then, let’s have a meeting about the various problems that have accumulated so far――”

“Secondーー! ! “

“Guoaa! ? “

Eko came rushing at me at full speed while calling my name, then tackled me, making me do a weird sound. The sound I leaked wasn’t like someone being struck though. However, it was quite the tackle. Looks like she’s growing up properly.

“Second! Welcome! Second! Welcome! “

While holding me by the waist, Eko rubbed her whole body on me, calling my name as her tail swung from side to side. She totally behaved like a spoiled child, wanting me to pat her head. She was supposed to be a cat demihuman, but now she totally behaves like a dog.

“Ohh, there, there. I’m back. Eh? Eko, have you grown a little taller? “

“Don’t ask me! “

“I see, you don’t know. By the way, you copied that from Silvia, right? It’s better to stop.”

“What do you mean with that!? “

Ohh, speaking of the devil.

Silvia walked this way with an angry face. However, as she approached, that face gradually turned into a smile. Almost as if she couldn’t suppress her overflowing joy.

“……You look quite fine, Second-dono. I feel like all my worries were for nothing.”

“Looks like your expression has changed. I look forward to the next time we go to a dungeon.”

“Idiot, I’m the one who’s looking forward to that.”

“Ohh, that wasn’t the response I was expecting.”

We both laughed, then held our hands and hugged each other. I’ve never had this much skinship with Silvia before. However, in this pleasant atmosphere, it was almost as if we couldn’t help it.

After she moved back, Silvia asked “Is there a meeting before dinner? “, laughing lightly in embarrassment. “That’s right. It will become busy”, Yukari continued. Eko simply continued to smile.

Then, I suddenly remembered.

“Come to think of it, I have someone to introduce to you. We’ve gotten a new companion.”



“? “

…………Huh? The previous peaceful atmosphere from just a second ago has suddenly turned somewhat like that of a husband who’s suspected of cheating on his wife.

“Second-dono. To think you’ve stolen some other woman’s heart? “

“Master. For the time being, please get that woman here. We’ll do the talking.”

I wonder what they are angry about? And what’s with these two’s threatening attitude? I wonder what kind of reaction would Silvia have if I told her that rather than with words, I persuaded her with my fists? Or rather, why do they know it’s a woman?

“Wait, wait, I get it. I’ll call her now.”

Complying with their demands, I called Anko out using 《Monster Summoning》. Angolmois is currently at his place.

“――Lord, Anko is here as you’ve called.”

Anko appeared from the darkness of a shadow.

Silvia and Yukari held their breath, being intimidated by the aura of darkness, saying “Tch, huge! “, and “Have I lost……! ? ” under their breath. It’s normal for them to feel scared, but I somehow feel like something is off.

“Ara? These people are……fufu.”

On the other hand, Anko muttered something, then thrusted her right hand forward.

……Eh? What the hell is she doing――――!?

“Sto――! ! “

――I couldn’t make it in time.

From Anko’s right hand, a stream of black mist shoots out. This was 《Darkness Magic》…… And, Yukari, Silvia, and Eko ate it head-on, without being able to do anything.

The three girls were completely white as a sheet. But I noticed it right away. Their HP has become 1.

I then grabbed Anko by the hair as she was trying to deliver the finishing blow, and pulled her back to me.

“Anko, you, just what in the world are you doing without my permission? “

“Ahh, AAHHHH……Lord, I was just going to kill……”

……It surprised me. Anko was trembling. Just like a child being loudly scolded by their parents. With eyes about to break in tears, completely defenseless.

“Wh……What just happened? “

Silvia spoke after finishing drinking an instant healing potion. She had a look of astonishment, anger, puzzlement, and of fear. The same was true for Yukari and Eko. Well, that’s to be expected, they almost died in an instant. No doubt everyone is scared.

“I wasn’t supposed to kill them, right? What a thing to have tried to do. Ahh, I’m extremely sorry, Lord. Anko will properly reflect on it. I will never ever act on my own again. I will do whatever you say, Lord. I’ll always be useful. So please, forgive me. I am very sorry……”

Anko apologized. She bowed down her head and stayed like that. Most likely, she doesn’t want to be hated by me. She’ll probably want to do anything to change herself so that I won’t abandon her.

However, that’s not the problem. The problem is her sense of values of trying to kill people just because she sees them for the first time.

It surely is something natural for Anko, being born inside the Isoreus Grand Underground Library, and having spent hundreds of years alone in the darkness of that place. In that darkness she lived, she breathed it, she wore the darkness as a robe and killed everyone who came close. Maybe, for her, this was her only joy in life.

……What’s with that? How should I tread on it? How can I correct it? I’m not sure what to do.

“Anko…… from now on, you aren’t allowed to take any free action without my permission. If you want to do something, you need to ask me for permission first. Absolutely, okay? I’ll see what to do then.”

“~~~! “

While I thought of a solution, I gave Anko a pretty ruthless order for the time being.

Anko stared at me with a shocked face for some reason, then sat down on the spot and nodded. I don’t know why, but she obviously looks happy. And while staying silent, she kept looking at me. Ahh, she’s just obeying my command in a disciplined manner.

“You can talk.”

“Ahh, Lord. What a generous treatment for someone foolish like myself. Please, give me a more severe punishment until this stupid head of mine completely understands. Don’t hold back and make me wear a collar of thorns. And when you deem I’m no longer useful, put me down with your own hands……”

“……Sorry, but I’m a bit busy right now. I’ll do so some other time. Well then.”

I made the call to send her back and used 《Unsummon》. My heart aches a little.

Ahh…… My headaches have increased by one. Just what went wrong……?

Even like this, she can ‘perform’ good enough. However, I don’t think it’s alright for her to stay like that. Sooner or later she will breakdown when I least expect it. And then, some dangerous incident like this one might happen again. Yeah, I’d like to avoid that……

“Master. That just now……? “

Even at such times, Yukari remained calm. She’s trying to regain her composure and analyze the events that just transpired.

“The Darkness Wolf…… A boss-ranked monster that I took four months to tame. Her name is Anko.”

“……Isn’t she too strong? “

“And she wasn’t doing even half her best.”

Yukari and Silvia were both speechless.

A monster had unexpectedly become a companion. Although she should be reliable, to begin with, they wore expressions like they couldn’t honestly accept it. After all, they were about to get killed. So, it’s a matter of course.

“I’m sorry about that. I’ll talk more about it later.”

“Understood. I’ll get everything for the meeting ready then. Let’s have it in an hour.”

Saying so, Yukari went up the stairs to the second floor. I know she cares about me by the way she speaks. But not being able to find the words to respond to her, I just blankly stared at her buttocks hidden under that long skirt…… Until Silvia slapped me back to reality.

“Yukari was happy to see you so I’m sure she forgot about the meeting. But at least I’ll stop hearing complaints since you’re now here, Second-dono. You better be prepared though.”

Silvia also went upstairs while waving her hand. She tried to show a strong front to show me she wasn’t scared, but she was easy to read.

Ahh…… Everyone around me really has a strong determination.

“Sorry, Eko.”

“It’s okay.”

When I apologized to Eko she came to my side, grabbed my hand and while saying “Let’s play”, she guided me to her room.

She showed me various things in her room, such as broken palm fruits, pretty stones she picked up by the lakeside, and comfortable cushions to sleep in.

I spent my time before the meeting playing with Eko, then at the meeting I heard Yukari’s endless complaints, and at dinner, I had a drink with Silvia while laughing. The day I returned home ended unchanged from before.

……Everyone seemed to have forgiven me for that mess before and avoided bringing that up. My heart felt warm.

This problem hasn’t been fundamentally solved. However, it’s not such an easy problem that could be solved quickly. I learned in my previous life that switching gears is important. I decided that it was better to consult with everyone about it, and settled on not thinking too deeply for now.

There’s something that has to be prioritized for now. That’s right, I can’t go to bed just yet. Preparing myself, I decided to wait for ‘that man’ to come, while fighting the drowsiness with an abnormal status recovery potion.

……It was around midnight that he showed up.

The butler Cubero bowed deeply and led me to the shore of Lake Vanilla after saying “If you could be so kind as to come this way”.

There’s no sign of people anywhere near. Only the sound of the waves pushing and pulling the gravel on the shore was heard.

Cubero walked in front of me for a while, then he turned around and quietly took off his gloves.

I was prepared to not flinch, no matter what came. Therefore, I was able to calmly observe him.

The moonlight shone upon us. And the faint expression on Cubero’s face filled with grief…… suddenly changed.

“I’d like you to fight me.”

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