
Chapter 58

Chapter 58

Together with Shelly, we arrived at Nick\'s house. Nick was sitting in his chair and opened his eyes when I entered. He asked "All done?" to which I replied "Yes, I just need to keep an eye on Rand as he might be able to survive this". Nick thought for a while and then said "He will die but if you need to, then make sure he is dead after you leave here". He then reached into his pocket and brought out the bag from before that could store many things while not increasing in size.

Nick said "Take this, inside you will find all the inheritance items that I received from my master". I took the bag and looked at Nick. He smiled and said "It\'s a shame I will never know how you grew up" to which I said "Yes". We stayed like this in silence for a while, looking at each other. After a while I said "Although you are not my master, I shall remember what you did for me. Not as a disciple but as a true friend. Now let me show you the carnage we created".

Nick got excited but didn\'t say anything. I picked up Nick together with his chair and went outside. I could already hear people waking up, this meant that the poison started to work. I placed Nick at the square that had the best view of the village and waited.

After a while people started running out of houses and vomited blood. The weaker people would die after one or two vomits and would just lay there on the street, dead, not even aware of what hit them. I looked at Nick and he seemed to enjoy himself. By nature he was evil but just because his nature was evil, it didn\'t mean he was unkind. If he was, then he could just kill me when we met after I killed Dina. He could kill me or the whole village whenever he wanted. He also wouldn\'t need to help me or teach me anything.

With people running out and dying, we watched as all of this unfolded. Some people noticed us standing at the square and I could see fear in their eyes. After a while, most normal villagers died. I could then see Grond running towards the village chief\'s mansion as if it would save him. He died while running. The poison spread faster the more physical activities infected person did.

With people dying like flies left and right, I was numb to that scene. I already took lives of others and since the day I killed Dina, I no longer felt anything when killing. I looked at Nick and he was also coughing out blood but with one difference, there was excitement in his eyes as well as smile on his face.

In his last words before dying, Nick said "Nex, the road ahead is thorny for you but if you persist and preserve, nothing will be able to stop you in the future. YOU SHALL ACCOMPLISH BIG THINGS!" and with the last cough, Nick died. I stared at Nick and a tear in my eye swelled. I didn\'t remember how long it was since I cried. I lifted Nick up from his chair and went towards his house, to lay him down in the bed. I would burn his corpse as he wished later.

Shelly rubbed its head on my leg and showed a sad expression. I said to Shelly "I will be fine, Nick wanted to see this before he died and we fulfilled that wish. He can now rest in peace". After taking one final glance at Nick, I left to take care of the villagers that might be still alive.

Outside, I walked towards Rand\'s mansion while piles of corpses were on both sides of the street. I walked forward not caring about the dead and or those who were dying. After about 5 minutes of walking, I arrived at the mansion that belonged to Rand. I could see bodies of strong men laying in front of the gate. I walked past the gate and went straight to the mansion.

There were more bodies inside and I followed the trail towards the main bedroom. Before I could arrive there, I saw Rand walking towards me with shaky steps. I looked at him and just enjoyed the sight. I saw him as a weak, helpless little human who was at life\'s end. When he saw me and Shelly standing together unaffected by the poison, I could see anger in his eyes. He coughed up some blood and said "Why did you do it?" to which I looked at him and said "Because I could. What you did was no less painful to me than what I\'m doing right now". His expression changed many times, I could see regret, fear, anger, hatred and helplessness flash through his face.

I then said to him "You yourself, brought this disaster upon this village. But don\'t worry, your granddaughter is also damaged. I made sure she will never have descendants, neither will that so called young master, that you revered so much. All of that because you wanted to abuse one human being".

I laughed out loud and continued "Life is weird, right? You wanted to use me for the rest of my life and yet, I\'m the reason why you and everyone you know lost their lives. This village is ruined and your bloodline is ruined too. All you have left is death". I smiled at Rand and said my final sentence "Embrace your death as this is your reality now".

I turned around and could hear Rand\'s final cough, then a loud thud as his body fell to the ground. The poison didn\'t kill him, nor did any of my weapons as I didn\'t need to use any. What killed him, were my words. He lost all hope and feared me so much, he died out of fear and sadness.

I went outside the mansion and there were no screams anymore, no movement either, it was empty. Just like a silent night in a serene forest with nothing around. I said to Shelly "Let\'s go, we need to wait outside of the village for the Cloud Haze Poison to dissipate. We will return in the morning". Shelly nodded it\'s head and followed after me.

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