
Chapter 84

Chapter 84

While we were running towards the black wolf, Shelly stayed a bit behind to wait for the appropriate chance to attack. I decided to throw few of my daggers to test our the reflexes and also defence of that black wolf. When I threw about half a dozen of daggers, the black wolf immediately avoided them and pounced towards us.

I knew that the wolf was fast but this was a bit too fast for my liking. I knew that it would have annoying fighting style but I had to fight it in close combat in order to get its attention on me. This way Shelly would have more freedom finding a chance and attacking unexpectedly.

I took out two daggers and engaged the wolf with my attacks. The wolf evaded my slashes and got behind me in order to bite but I was not stupid enough to expose my back to the enemy like this and rolled forward while throwing my daggers at the black wolf behind me. The black wolf was stunned a bit but at the same time also avoided my daggers. I thought \'This will be another annoying fight\'.

When I turned around, I faced the wolf again. The wolf avoided my attacks while I avoided its. It was a battle without conclusion. Due to my skills of calculating and predicting its behaviour, the black wolf could not land a hit on me but the same could be said about me. I had no way to injure the black wolf as its reflexes and speed were too great.

Although I\'m saying this. The wolf while fighting with me, forgot about one crucial thing and that was Shelly. I managed to gain the black wolf\'s focus onto myself and when the time was ripe Shelly finally made its move.

The black wolf was surprised when it finally noticed Shelly pouncing at it and wanted to run but at the same time I also threw my daggers. It would either avoid the daggers and face Shelly or avoid Shelly and face my daggers. The wolf knew what I was capable of so it chose to face Shelly. This was its demise, Shelly was actually stronger than me. If it chose to face my daggers instead, it had a chance to survive but now its choice was fatal.

When the black wolf evaded my daggers, it also tried to evade Shelly and to a point it managed to avoid the ramming attack that Shelly did. What the black wolf didn\'t expect was Shelly\'s bite attack. The black wolf\'s neck was ripped apart by Shelly\'s bite and it stumbled around for couple of steps then fell to the ground twitching.

It couldn\'t produce sounds anymore as its vocal cords were destroyed. After a few seconds, the black wolf laid dead in its own pool of blood. I said "Good job Shelly. If you were to try and ram into it, the attack would fail so using your mouth at a critical moment was a good move". Shelly seemed very satisfied with my praise. I then started to dismember the wolf.

One wolf especially this size would not be enough for both of us but I didn\'t have to worry about lack of meat. The moment I was about to finish with the black wolf, I heard more howls coming from the direction that the black wolf arrived from. \'Probably its reinforcements have arrived\' I thought. Fortunately the black wolf died and we wouldn\'t have to deal with it and the rest of the pack.

After a while, I saw about 10 wolves running towards us but there were some bad news too. There was another black wolf amongst them. I took out the remaining meat that was cooked from my bag and threw it towards Shelly while I munched on some as well. While Shelly was devouring the food, I said "This is going to be troublesome. There is another black wolf amongst the group so we need to take care of as many normal wolves as we can before taking care of the black one". Shelly nodded and finished eating the meat. We needed to be in a good condition for that fight.

The normal wolves were not a problem but adding in the black wolf to the group, it could potentially mess up a lot of things. When the wolves got close enough, I started throwing my daggers at the normal ones. Soon 5 of them were dead and the others got a bit scared. The situation was different compared to last time. The black wolf didn\'t try to protect its kind like the silver bear did, it just pounced towards us with increased speed.

I would need to fight it again. I got ready for close combat while saying to Shelly "Be ready to attack the black wolf together with me. This time pretend you are weak and that you are trying to take care of the other wolves. If the black wolf underestimates you, it will work to our advantage". Shelly nodded and got ready as well.

Soon the black wolf arrived first while the other wolves were trailing behind it. I raised my daggers and started the attack. Of course the black wolf evaded it like the previous one but I didn\'t expect anything else from it and threw couple of daggers to where it evaded. This time I got the black wolf by surprise and it got hit by one of the daggers. Its fur was not as sturdy as I thought and the dagger penetrated the wolf very well.

Although one of my daggers hit the target, the black wolf was not dead or injured to a state where it couldn\'t fight. Some of its speed would be affected due to the damage on one of its legs though. The black wolf howled loudly and backed away, letting the normal wolves come forward and attack. I still planned to fight and started attacking the normal wolves together with Shelly. Shelly didn\'t kill the wolves in one attack but took an approach of being weak. This worked to our advantage as the black wolf decided to get rid of Shelly first. When it got close and tried to bite Shelly, it was instead bitten by Shelly and lost a considerable amount of flesh due to that. The black wolf was finished now, I didn\'t have to worry about it and quickly killed off the rest of the wolves that seemed to be in daze from what just happened.

The black wolf tried to get away but due to the severe injuries it sustained and the loss of blood, its speed was greatly affected. Shelly caught up with the black wolf very soon and killed it. I praised Shelly again and proceeded to cut up the wolves for their meat.

11 wolves would be enough for us till the next day hunt. After getting all the meat we returned to our camp. I said to Shelly "Let us rest for a bit and have some food. I will then train with you using the puppets". Shelly nodded and we ate our dinner, properly this time.

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