
Chapter 249

Give her ten million is to seal her mouth, but she is not good at all.

Let go in the morning, all this will not happen, Su Meng pedal nose face, repeatedly to threaten himself.

At that time, for the sake of Su Jinxi, he managed to give her a wedding. It would be nice if she kept a low profile.

Even the fake pregnancy can do this kind of thing, and then is forced to die by death, pilai face wants to stay in the Tang family.

Since then, Tang Ming is more disgusted with her to the extreme, no emotion, and full of disgust, how can he like Su Meng?

Su Meng heard his heartless voice, tears rolling down one after another.

She thought she had married into the Tang family.

Even if he doesn\'t like himself now, it doesn\'t mean he won\'t like himself in the future.

After all, she looked up to herself, Tang Ming\'s heart from beginning to end did not have her.

She did not give up grasping Tang Ming\'s trouser legs, "if there was no su Jinxi, would you like me? Even a little? "

"I won\'t like you with or without other people. I won\'t hate you until you do these things."

Su Meng bit his lips, and the man had no pity on her.

"What else do you want to ask? I\'ll tell you today. "

"All of them are Su\'s daughters. What can\'t I compare with Su Jinxi?" This is what Su Meng really wants to ask.

"You can\'t compare anywhere." Tang Ming didn\'t think about it. Maybe it was that she gave up her heart to Su Meng. He went on:

"I like her because she is simple and kind. She is just a little woman, but she always wants to carry the heaviest weight on her body.

From the beginning, she knew that marrying me was just my shield against the Tang family, and she married me for the sake of the Su family

Su Meng was unconvinced. "At the beginning, I tried my best to marry you. If my parents didn\'t let me, how could it be her turn to Su Jinxi?

Is this pure kindness? I think she clearly wants to be an enviable Mrs. Tang and enjoy her wealth and glory forever

Hearing Su Meng\'s explanation, Tang Ming just sneered. This is what Su Meng can never compare with Su Jinxi.

"If she is really greedy for that position and honor, how can she leave me?

At the beginning, I made a contract with her, and I proposed a secret marriage. No matter in front of or after others, she kept her distance from me.

I didn\'t like her at first. Like you, she married me, but she wanted something else

This should be su Meng contact Tang Ming, he said to himself the most words, but also the most gentle.

However, all of this is because Su Jinxi is not himself. Even if he mentions the story of that woman, he will use such gentle eyebrows and eyes.

Su Meng was so jealous that he couldn\'t see himself more?

The heart is unwilling, she is also very curious, since Tang Ming didn\'t like Su Jinxi at first, then what happened to make him change?

"And then?"

"There has been no contact between us. Apart from dealing with our elders occasionally, I will leave even if I sleep in the Tang family.

She always remembered our agreement, never stopped me, even if it was her own acute appendicitis also refused to tell me.

At that time, I thought that the person I liked was Bai Xiaoyu. As long as Bai Xiaoyu called, he would leave.

She endured the pain and asked me to leave with a smile, saying that she was OK. It was not until the next day that I knew that she almost died of pain in the villa.

Compared with Bai Xiaoyu\'s trouble free, I saw her in the hospital bed for the first time.

I gave her a card and increased the amount of that card again and again, but she never swiped it once.

If she was really like you, would she do so many things? You and Bai Xiaoyu fight openly and secretly, and are jealous everywhere.

She suffered a lot of grievances in private, but never told me a word, just because she did not want to let me and Bai Xiaoyu have more trouble because of her.

Her kindness and gentleness slowly attracted me. I gradually fell in love with her, but it was too late

"Why is it late?" Su Meng was also fascinated.

Tang Ming has always been bitter about Su Jinxi\'s affairs, and her long-standing feelings suppressed in her heart have found her audience today.

"She fell in love with a man who broke into her heart when I ignored her again and again.

Love is such a magical thing. When I tried my best to keep her, she thought how to escape from me.

But I have been reluctant to let her go, not hesitate to threaten her to come back to me, even secretly carrying her to get the marriage certificate.

I thought this would keep her forever, but it turned out that I was wrong.

It really aroused her hatred for me. I didn\'t even dare to look into her eyes. "Su Meng listened to his murmur, almost can\'t believe Tang Ming would be so timid in front of love.

"She is already your legal wife, how can you let go again?"

"How can I let go? The third uncle forced me to divorce her with Tang\'s group, which is only an external condition.

If she likes me a little bit, I will not let go, even if I lose everything!

But she didn\'t like it or even hated me. I stayed at home for a few days and finally chose to let go.

Then it happened, and all the fire was on her.

I don\'t want to hurt her. If you fake pregnancy, I\'ll try my best to protect her

Su Meng knew this was the truth, but her own ears knew the truth from Tang Ming\'s mouth. Her heart was still a little painful.

She was just a shield for Su Jinxi. Fortunately, she thought she had taken advantage of it at that time.

"I have one last question." Su Meng pressed down the pain in her heart and choked.

"You ask." Tang Ming is still immersed in the past with Su Jinxi, and does not wake up, with a little gentle eye wave.

"You are infatuated with Su Jinxi, so what is Bai Xiaoyu to you? Before Su Jinxi appeared, she was not the one you loved? "

Su Meng and Bai Xiaoyu fight for so long, at least before she leaves, she wants to know the position of Bai Xiaoyu in Tang Ming\'s heart.

Referring to Bai Xiaoyu, Tang Ming\'s eyes are obviously not so gentle, his voice is light: "I have not loved her."

"No love? It\'s impossible. You married Su Jinxi just to hide her existence. "

"Before Jinxi appeared, I thought I loved her. After Jinxi appeared, I knew what love is.

I only feel guilty and used to Bai Xiaoyu, and the habit is good for her. This kind of feeling is not called love. "

"Now you..."

"It\'s just a friend. After Jinxi\'s death, I haven\'t liked anyone else. I haven\'t liked her for so many years, and I won\'t even in the future."

This sentence makes Su Meng relieved. Tang Ming doesn\'t like himself or Bai Xiaoyu. Bai Xiaoyu doesn\'t win.

Tang Ming handed the check to her, "OK, I have said everything that should be said. From now on, I hope it has nothing to do with you."

Su Meng stares at the check. She is very clear that once she receives the check, she will completely cut off the gratitude and resentment with Tang Ming.

From now on, everything she does has nothing to do with Tang Ming, and she can no longer use the name of Mrs Tang.

What if I don\'t take my dad\'s medical bills?

She had no status in the Tang family, and no one wanted to see her. She could not get anything if she left or stayed.

Su Meng looked up at Tang Ming\'s cold eyes, and she suddenly thought of the words Tang Ming had said before.

If Su Jinxi likes it a little, he won\'t let go.

Now she only felt that if Tang Ming\'s eyes showed a little reluctant, she would not leave.

However, she did not see any pity, Tang Ming did not want to stay with her.

His fingertips trembled over the check and looked at the number on it. Five million.

Tang Ming has always been generous. He gave 10 million yuan that night on the cruise ship.

Now he could not give a cent, he had no way, but he gave five million.

Maybe in the past, Su Meng didn\'t care about five million, but now she has a gratitude in her heart.

She got up slowly and wiped her tears with her fingers. "I know what to do."

Tang Ming indifferent from her body to take back the line of sight, "you do it yourself."

Su Meng took a look at the screen on Tang Ming\'s computer, and saw the woman who was in the fire recently.

as like as two peas.

After all, he couldn\'t get into his eyes. Su Meng said softly, "Ming, you are a good man."

Although Tang Ming put her together, it was her own fault and calculated him first. Tang Ming could not stand up to Bai Xiaoyu, Su Jinxi and herself.

Tang Ming didn\'t look at her, let alone answer, he should have said all.

"Good bye, Mr. Tang."

Su Meng left in these four words and turned to leave, but Tang Ming did not expect to see Su Meng again when she completely became another person.

The door is gently brought up, Su Meng steps out of the office, the sun is still shining outside.

She and Bai Xiaoyu fight for so long, but in the end, Tang Ming doesn\'t love anyone.

It\'s good for her, but it\'s sad to think from another angle.

Two women used countless means to please him, but what he liked was another woman, a woman who had been buried for a long time.

Thinking of this, Su Meng couldn\'t help laughing, "ha ha ha..."

Voice with endless desolation, she laugh at their own silly also laugh at their arrogance.

Once upon a time, Su Jinxi was a fool, but a fool like her could get the unreserved love of Tang Ming and Si Li Ting.He calculated everything and ended up with such an end.

Assistant Zhan was attracted by her laughter and looked at Su Meng worried. "Miss Su, are you ok?"

In his eyes, Su Meng is a woman who has lost her sense.

Su Meng also hung tears in the corner of his eyes and stopped smiling. "Assistant Zhan, please take good care of president Tang in the future."

Then she went straight into the elevator and never looked back.

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