
Chapter 464

After receiving the call from Lin Jun, we were both surprised and pleased. Although we were making a lot of shares a year ago, we still hope that Si Li Ting will come back to take charge.

All people are very recognized that this fierce man, as long as he exists, can lead Emperor Huang to a stronger height.

Therefore, everyone\'s face with a happy smile, "the president is back, this is great good news."

"Fortunately, my wife stopped us a year ago, otherwise we would have destroyed Emperor Huang."

"Yes, I still feel sorry for the president."

Emperor Huang is an industry brought up by Si Li Ting. Without him, it is equivalent to that Emperor Huang has no soul.

As long as he is there, everyone can feel at ease.

According to the previous rules of Si Li Ting, he can only arrive early, and is not allowed to be late.

Almost all of us entered the conference room 15 minutes ahead of schedule, and the atmosphere was as good as new year\'s Eve.

"Assistant Lin, is the president really back? Don\'t you lie to us? "

"Yes, we can\'t have a good time."

"Don\'t worry, everyone, the president is really back. I came back with him from the plane just yesterday. How can I cheat you with such a thing?"

You can see that Lin Jun looks much better. There should be no fake.

Five minutes after the meeting time, the president\'s office has not seen the figure of the man.

Everyone began to get nervous again. "Why hasn\'t the president come? Is something going on? "

"Yes, would you like to see it?"

Now it is not just Gu Jin who is worried about gains and losses. Even these shareholders are scared.

"The president has never been late for so many meetings before."

Lin Jun thought that he saw Si Li Ting\'s appearance today and was also scared. He laughed: "that It\'s a special situation recently. The president is really delayed, but you can rest assured that he will be here soon. "

But change diapers, feeding and other things, can not delay too long.

As soon as the voice fell, the door of the meeting room opened, and everyone looked at the door happily.

"President, you go back to What are you holding? " One shareholder was dumb.

Another shareholder gave him a blank look. "Obviously, the president is holding a child."

"Of course I know whose baby the president is holding?"

"Nonsense, the president must be holding his own child. Is it his wife who gave birth to it?"

Everyone you say I a word, are Si Li Ting\'s modeling to thunder.

Disappeared for a year, Si Li Ting is still handsome, with a suit and a suit, and his expression is indifferent.

But he was wearing a stiff suit with a child in his arms and a pocket in his hand, which should be filled with bottles and diapers.

The business president turns into a father in a flash. If he goes out in such an image, he will make headlines immediately.

"Never seen a child?" Si Li Ting gave everyone a cold look.

They haven\'t seen this look for a year. Yes, this is the president. The familiar look has come back.

Si Li Ting holds Jin Nuo and sits down, still with the same action as before, the same indifferent person, but everyone is no longer afraid of him.

"President, where have you been this year?"

"Yes, we all miss you."

"Miss me?" Si Li Ting sneered, "I\'m afraid I want to share." The fact that

\'s face is red is a fact. Lin will tell Si Li TSE about what happened before.

"Si Li Ting severely patted the table," are you tired of living? I dare to rebel. "

This action can only appear when he is angry. On the contrary, when he leaves, everyone will share the shares.

What\'s the difference between sharing property with the son of the dead big landlord?

Usually Si Li Ting, we dare not provoke, let alone at this moment angry Si Li Ting is more so.


When everyone was speechless and ready to be scolded, there was a loud cry in his ear.

The clever Jin Nuo in Si Li Ting\'s arms suddenly wails.

On a second also with the cold faced Yama\'s person instantaneous change face, "baby darling don\'t cry, daddy is not scolding you."

Just now he was angry, and Jinnuo was always clever and had never cried in front of him.

As a result, Si Li Ting almost forgot that there was a baby in his arms. He spoke loudly and patted the table, which must have frightened Jinnuo.

Jinnuo is crying, and Si Li Ting is distressed. No matter how hard an iron man is, he is now becoming soft around his fingers in front of the children.

"It\'s daddy\'s fault. Daddy shouldn\'t talk loudly and pat the table. Don\'t cry, don\'t you?"All shareholders in the market are scared to be stupid like ghosts. Look at me, I look at you. Isn\'t it true?

Before Si Li Ting in everyone\'s heart is cold-blooded merciless, but also abstinence big abnormal.

In recent years, he has never seen a woman around him, and he is very busy with business.

Some kind shareholders once wanted to marry their daughter to him, but they didn\'t even look at them.

It\'s hard to pull him and a woman together, let alone imagine what he would look like one day when he had a child.

Originally thought he was so indifferent character, the child did not immediately throw cold face to others.

Who knows he not only did not throw to others, but also so patient and soft voice coax.

It\'s really a long time to see Si Li Ting coax the children in his lifetime.

It is also the child\'s clothes, his voice is gentle, his face is very gentle.

It turns out that the iron and blood president also has such a side, several shareholders are eager to take out their mobile phones to take photos.

However, when he thought of his character, people were good to the baby, not necessarily good face to them. Later, he was found to have secretly photographed him. It is estimated that how they died did not know.

Jinnuo is crying, and Lin Jun is afraid of affecting the meeting process.

"President, I\'ll take the young master out for a walk. I guess he doesn\'t like it here."

"No problem." Si Li Ting put the child in his arms, repeatedly told, "can\'t go far, on this floor, be careful."

This posture, before Si Li Ting gave the Emperor Huang to Lin Jun, he was not so nervous!

It is obvious that after the beloved wife madness, Si Li Ting has another name, pet son crazy devil.

Emperor Huang, whose market value is 10 billion yuan, is not as good as this little baby. We can imagine the status of his family in his heart.

"Don\'t worry. I have relatives\' children in my family. I held them." Lin Jun knows that besides Gu Jin, this little thing is his life. How dare you neglect it?

"Well, go ahead." Si Li Ting was relieved that Lin Jun\'s ability to handle affairs was very strong, which he could trust.

Lin Jun was holding the weeping little Jinnuo and was ready to leave. Every step he took, Si Li Ting felt as if someone was gouging out his heart.

It hurts.

In the past, he was only distressed by Gu Jin\'s crying, but now he has another little guy.

Jinnuo is usually very clever, even if hungry, but also just a little cry to stop, others will not cry.

Lin Jun took him to the door of the meeting room. The cry of the child did not stop, but became louder.

Si Li Ting said coldly: "that\'s all for today. The general meeting of shareholders will be held another day. You only need to know one thing. I, Si Li Ting is back."

A word is enough to have prestige, Si Li Ting gets up to leave, will Jinnuo receive in the bosom.

"Sir, the meeting will not be held?"

"No, bring the account book to my office some other time."

"Yes, sir."

We watched the tall man leave with the baby in his arms, and the sound came during the period.

"No good, daddy doesn\'t talk loud any more. Can you forgive Daddy this time?

Do you miss Mommy? Mommy is still sleeping. We\'ll see her in a moment. Be good

Everyone was knocked over by thunder, "my mother, you pinch me. Am I dreaming? Is that still our manager? "

"You didn\'t dream! He is really the president, but now he has another identity, the child is his father. "

"No, I used to think that our president had no weakness. A man like iron has become a child wife slave."

"It\'s not very good. He\'s a little popular at last. Let\'s take the young master\'s blessing and escape for a while."

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