
Chapter 623

Gu Jin had a cold and had a headache. He was knocked by others. Now he is more miserable.

What\'s going on? She remembers how she managed to drag her injured leg to the periphery of the hospital and met a passer-by.

She borrowed the phone to Si Li Ting to report, just called his name, the next second he lost consciousness, unconscious.

Someone knocked her out!

Gu Jin is very angry. Mingming and Si Li Ting are so close, just wait for him to pick her up. Who knows what happened.

She was kidnapped?

Gu Jinneng is sure that Carter is not the one who kidnapped her. Although Carter is a little bit excessive, he is still very good to her in these days.

Especially after she was ill, Carter was better for her, not Carter.

Is that Alice? It\'s not right. The car body shakes so much. With the shaking, she clearly feels that it\'s a cheap and worn-out car.

Her body was left on the ground in the back row, so it should be a shabby van.

Alice\'s worth can\'t find a van to kidnap her.

It\'s not someone she knows, so it\'s a passer-by? There\'s something wrong with that passer-by.

It\'s just the passers-by\'s words that Gu Jinping was calm. The key is that she still has a fever and a cold, her leg is injured and her physical strength is so poor. Her condition is very dangerous.

Gu Jin didn\'t know if this year she was against the water and finally ran out of the wolf\'s nest. She fell into the tiger\'s den again.

The car body is bumpy. Obviously, it is not on a flat road. Gu Jin feels that it is only when driving on a village road that it is so bumpy.

She didn\'t yell. Anyway, her eyes were covered with gauze. Others didn\'t know if she was awake.

Fortunately, she finally dials the phone, Si Li Ting is aware of something wrong, and will certainly trace that number to find it.

Gu Jin to do is to protect themselves, waiting for the rescue of Si Li Ting.

The driver was talking and laughing. He heard that he was a young man.

"I didn\'t expect that I was so lucky this time that I caught a beautiful woman. I don\'t know whether to dig her organs to sell or sell them to others as daughter-in-law."

Gu Jin has a hard face. She is not so unlucky. The people she meets are not only individual dealers, but also human dealers who can dig other people\'s organs.

"She\'s so beautiful, we can only sell 100000 organs. Those damned second-hand dealers have to earn all the big money.

In my opinion, it\'s better to sell it to someone else as a daughter-in-law. It\'s better to have such a face wasted. "

Obviously, the two who caught her were habitual criminals. They not only dug up living organs for illegal trafficking, but also took part-time jobs selling people.

Think of what girls saw in the news before to see netizens were dug kidney, roadside was dizzy, wake up kidney is not seen and so on.

I didn\'t expect that she would meet these evil animals in her lifetime.

Another said, "well, if it wasn\'t for the old man who caught a woman and was found taking him to the police station, we wouldn\'t have gone to the mountains to avoid the wind now."

Deep mountain? Gu Jin is a little flustered. Will there be any signal in the mountains? What if Si Li Ting can\'t find her?

"This woman is delicate and tender. She looks like Miss Qianjin. I haven\'t been to miss Qianjin yet. Why don\'t you stop for a while and let our brothers enjoy themselves?"

Gu Jin listens, that also got, with her now hand does not have the strength of the body how to deal with others?

Two men on the head of the sperm will stop soon. Gu Jin wants to find some sharp weapon nearby, but the rope in her hand has not been untied.

She has no strength in her hands, so she has to slow down.

The car was stopped at the side of the road, two men opened the door behind, "look at this skin, tender can pinch water, can\'t it be a baby?"

"I\'m sick." Gu Jin spoke coldly.

Two people look at each other, they also arrested a lot of women, but never one is so calm.

Gu Jin has figured out the situation now. The more nervous and flustered she is to such a man, she will only stimulate his animal desire.

She has learned this from striding and Carter.

Calm down. Don\'t panic at this time.

"Are you not afraid?"

In the face of such a cold Gu Jin, on the contrary, it gives people invisible pressure. It is clear that she is so weak and has injuries on her leg. When she wakes up and is held, is she not flustered?

The first time they met such a woman, their curiosity about her diluted their desire.

"Afraid, you can let me go?"

Gu Jin has a sneer at the corner of his mouth, which is impossible at all.

"Let you go. What else do we catch you for?""That\'s right. You won\'t let me go. Why should I be afraid of you?

By the way, let me remind you that if you want to sell me, you\'d better not touch me.

I\'m in poor health. As you can see, my leg is injured and I\'m still running a fever. I\'ve been in bad health ever since I was young.

Even if it\'s a minor illness, it\'s a serious illness for me. It\'s not good for a long time, and I may die anytime and anywhere. "

Gu Jin\'s condition is very poor, a white face without blood, a look is a patient.

"If you move me, I can\'t bear it. If you die, you can\'t sell money."

The cloth on her eyes was torn off, and Gu Jin squinted and slowly adapted to the light.

"Little beauty, can you bargain?"

"I don\'t believe it. You can touch my forehead. I have been burning for many days. When you found me, I just came out of the hospital."

At the moment, she feels cold. People with cold and fever are like this. The body temperature is very high, but the body feels very cold.

"Lying trough, boss, she\'s not lying. She\'s got a fever."

"If I go on like this, I will die in this mountain."

"You want to trick us into sending you back to the big city? Don\'t even think about it. A sick seedling like you can\'t sell a few money. Just dig the kidney.

It\'s a good idea that we can have a good time before you die

Gu Jin did not expect that they would finally reach such an agreement, which is not good.

"Wait, don\'t you want money?"

"What? Are you rich? "

"As long as you let me go, I can give you a large sum of money, so that you can live without worry about food and clothing."

"You must be the eldest lady of a rich family.

We don\'t want to cause trouble. Once our sins are caught, it\'s not as simple as going to jail. "

In addition to abducting and trafficking in human beings, they also sell human organs. Many people die without any reason, and they are bound to be shot.

Unexpectedly, these two people are not stupid, but careful.

"Although I am not in good health, I also want to live. If you refuse to send me back, you will sell me to others.

I\'d rather be sold to the poor Valley by you than be killed by digging out organs. "

They have never seen a woman so open-minded, which of them is not desperate.

"Do you really think so? You look so beautiful. To tell you the truth, it\'s really hard to kill you, but your sick body can\'t sell for a good price. "

"I just have a cold. When I get rid of it, I\'ll be fine. As you said, I\'m beautiful. As soon as I get a good cold, I can sell it for a good price.

As long as you can help me cure my cold, I can also sell you a good price. "

"Miss, do you have a bad head? You\'re going to be sold into the mountains, and you\'re going to help us? " They suspect that Gu Jin has a brain problem.

"I want to live."

"Well, if we can\'t get a good price, we\'ll have to dig up your organs and sell them. You don\'t want to run away."

"My foot is injured and dizzy. How can I run?" Gu Jin had no choice but to smile, "I\'ll write a prescription for you. You can fill my prescription according to this prescription."

There must be no Western medicine shop in this deep mountain. Gu Jin just wants to cure her illness quickly. She can\'t get sick any more.

"You don\'t cheat, do you?"

"All the medicine I\'ve caught is for me. Can I harm myself?"

"This is also true. Traditional Chinese medicine can be found in the mountains. It\'s not as complicated as western medicine. It\'s rare that you are so reassuring, but it\'s a pity that you can\'t touch you..."

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