Starsign Lord

30 Step Whisper - Chapter 30

Fraus knew his big advantage and believes he needs to use it without any kind of extra motives as he will need these kinds of advantages if he wants to fight against humans.

Humans are most of the time more dangerous than creatures, not because they are inherently more powerful than monsters or creatures.

In reality, monsters have strong natural bodies, scales, and many other things. The reason why humans are hard to fight against is that there are many underhanded tactics and plans that they are able to perform and find in the seconds of their mind.

Humans are dirty fighters most of the time. They are not somebody or some sort of creature that would make things easier for their enemy.

They will use any kind of tactics or plans to fight against their enemies, especially if they are fighting for their life and losing means the end of their life.

It would be another point. Fraus, as a human being himself, knew that he could not just look at the power of his targets and decide that he was stronger than them or have the ability to take care of them.

Level is one thing, but in a battle where there is not much disparity between two individuals or groups of fighters, the battle cannot be just decided by the level of both sides.

The experience of both parties, the bloodlust of both parties, the equipment, the location where the battle happens, everything has its importance and at the first point, the "experience" decides how well one can use these points in his favor.

p "The students may have their own tactics, but with my advantage of Gemini Clones, I am sure that they would not create problems for me."

Fraus moved as he whispered in his mind. His only problem was with the woman, who was their teacher.


As Elisia was walking and kept looking at her surroundings, she made a simple hand sign to stop the students and started talking.

From here, we are entering "Phasma Woods", the second outer-level of the Border Mountains. This means that here it is common to encounter ordinary creatures like Dire Wolves and Sabertooh and there is a higher chance of encountering Level 1 or Level 2 magical creatures,"

Elisia warned the students that her level was a starsign user with Pisces Starsign.

She is a Candle Starsign User but her heir,

Starsign Energy Level, was at 8.0, which means that it is most likely that with her resources in one to three years\' time, she will become a Starsign User at the Torch Level.

Phasma The woods were different than ordinary forests and the woods of the entrance of the Border Mountains. As the name suggests, "Phasma" means some sort of magical interference and the creatures, as well as monsters that live in the forest, are magically enhanced and there is a high chance of them becoming magical creatures when they are just ordinary creatures.

Fraus is killed in reality by a creature named "Iron Muscle Leopard", a strong creature that can still be killed by four or five ordinary humans with a little bit of hunting training.

Because the Iron Muscle Leopard lived in Phasma Forest, its genetics and body were enhanced to the point where it became the creature known as "Lesser Demon Leopard,"

which gave a fight to Fraus. Lesser Demon Leopard is the true name of the creature, not Black Leopard, as Fraus gave it.

She also had one thought in her mind that he did not tell about the students. It was that she knew that they were being followed by some sort of creature or person.

She was an experienced person. She always knew that there were chances that they would be followed by some sort of unassuming creature or even an evil human.

With these thoughts in her mind and experience of past events, as she walked, she used a simple application of Starsign Energy called "Step Whisper."

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