Starsign Lord

33 Hunter Clones - Chapter 33

With this order, everything was ready. There was nothing else that needed to be done. Fraus gets back a little bit for being the mastermind of his plan.

All of the target group were sitting on the logs around the camp-fire, Elisia always looking for any danger. At that time, a whisper of sound resonated in the dark, silent forest.

A spear was shot towards a short man. The spear was fast and powerful for a short guy.

The sitting position of the short man was close to the tall guy and had more distance to Elisia and Elyse.

Elisia, who was giving her attention to her surroundings, heard something being shot or thrown, directly got up from her seat and a second later, a spear was seen in her eyes targeting a short student.

But one thing is not good. Elisia brandished her own twin blades and easily intercepted the spear thrown at her student.

At the same time, a spear was about to hit Elyse. It was not a thing that she could stop, considering the power and speed of the spear.

The spear hit Elyse on the chest and penetrated it like a skewer. Elyse directly coughed up a lot of blood and dropped on the ground, bleeding to death.

Elisia furrowed her brows and her mind started working to look for the enemy. Seconds later, more spears fired towards the tall student, Elisia ordered.

"Come close to me, protect yourself and stay behind me."

It would have penetrated its throat if Elisia hadn\'t warned them.

Ferman screamed out loud from the pain and adrenaline rushing through his body. Seconds later, the pain subsided because his body had entered a survival state.

Elisia took a deep breath and whispered.

"Search Circle." (Starsign Application)

With her whisper, a wave of Starsign energy radiated around her. At the same time, Ferman started seeing some dreams because of the injury.

The now quiet road that led to Naporia was slowly absorbed back into nature as grass, flowers, and small shrubs reclaimed what they could as fast as they could.

Broken branches and leaves cover the roads inside the town while the tall grasses of the unkempt gardens sway in the wind.

Doors were broken, rotten and in most cases barely a door at all. Whether this was the work of looters, animals or the elements was unclear, but it didn\'t really matter.

Paint crumbled off of the walls and were slowly replaced by vines that crawled their way towards the rooftops.

Naporia, once bustling with life and brimming with light at this hour, is now partially reclaimed by nature. Silence had taken the place of the sounds of playing children, talking neighbors, and the sounds of a working community. The silence was deafening.

The safety of the bank was forfeited long ago. There was nothing left but empty halls and empty safety deposit boxes, boxes that made for great nesting areas for small birds who gladly took advantage of this.

The town was truly an eerie sight. So many lives forgotten and whatever was left to show for it is slowly withering away as time goes on.

But even when all the buildings are finally taken by nature there was at least the knowledge that the animals wouldn\'t have to leave and could continue their lives in peace.

The dream lasted for one second outside, but for Ferman it was enough for him to be scared to death.

He saw a place that was destroyed; a village like his home was destroyed and burned to the ground. Ferman\'s mind began to blur, and the blood loss from the wound on his leg increased.

At that moment, Elisia whispered in her mind:

Three enemies, all wearing the same clothing and wearing a mask with a symbol, have 2.0 to 5.0 Starsign Energy Levels and candle level. Individually they are no danger, but seeing their experience of ambush and attacks, they are not something that can be handled easily. I also don\'t know if they have more support that I could not see and recognize."

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