Starsign Lord

154 Genesis And Monsterium - Chapter 154

On the outside of a big castle, a human looking humanoid man named Ardian takes care of small looking torch-level creatures sickle arms, and then looks at the red-haired woman and starts speaking

Ardian shook his head and the Sickle-Arms backed down. At that time before he had any chance to speak. the red-haired woman started speaking.

"Who are you. I dont know you and I dont even know your race."

As she said these words. the creature close to her said something.

"It looks close to your race my highness."

The woman did not offended of words of the creature and nodded.

"Yes. you are not wrong"

At this time Ardian answered.

"I am Ardian a human being which found himself here and I need some knowledge. I am from an organization named Genesis"

The woman listened the words of Ardian and looked at the creature. Creature answered directly seemingly understanding what he needs to say from the look of the woman

"He is not lying my lady."

After confirming that Ardian is not lying the woman introduced herself.

"I am Red Queen Alvina and you are in the garden of Clan Crimon. the clan of Red Dragons which I am one of the high members. the ground you are in belongs to Clan Crimon and the location you are in called Relfor Island and controlled by Monsterium Organization".

Ardian listened  the words of Alvina and took a deep breath. His thoughts and informatiom from Earth Researcher is not wrong. Ardian started talking.

"I am sorry for entering your land without authorization. I did not purposefully entered your land and the property of your clan. Can I ask some question"

The honest words of Ardian confirmed by the small creature beside to Red Queen Alvina and Alvina after understanding that he is telling truth started forming a good emotion towards to Ardian. The talking way of him and the fact that he looks like noble-race of red-dragon not considering the pale skin color and lack of dragon horns. Made her feel good towards to him and see him as equal of her.

She decided to answer the questions of him.

"Ask what you have in your mind. I do not mind."

Ardian nodded and asked several questions in ten minutes. The questions he asked are started from basic to complex ones but Red Queen Alvina answered all of them without any kind of emotion.

Ardian have learned that the he was in some sort of a island. The name of island as Red Queen Alvina said before Relfor Island and there are several other islands which the total number is "12" islands. All of these islands are controlled by an organization named Monsterium and inside of these islands all races and all type of beings can live without being having problems of seeing lowly or bad as the land of Monsterium and islands of Monsterium is called land of no race and no being places.

Which means there are no racism in these lands.

There are several clans on each island that control some of part of islands which is given to them by Monsterium Organization according to payment and many other things said clan makes and gives them basically fedualism and kingdom-like ideology and management system.

Ardian also asked about the clan of Red Queen Alvina and learned that they have some lands and some prestige and power in the land of Relfor Island and these lands given to them by Monsterium Organization. Of course he did not missed the part of understanding how big each of these islands and after learning that the islands have some size difference each other but not much.

Each island is end to end 10.000 km when it comes size. Which makes the size of each island is about same as "Ordinary World Or Earth" which means the each island is the size of where Ordinary Humans which non-mage humans are living.

Crimon Clan is have about 400 km to 400 km size of land. Which can be classified as four to five cities of land when compared to Earth. Of course considering all of these lands just belong to one family. It is no small by any means.

Crimon Clan have five towns one big capital city and more than 300 villages in their lands who pay them taxes which they pay taxes to Monsterium Organization.

At that time. Ardian also learned that there are mages in these places just that they are more rare and the techniques of becoming mage and searching for power is classified and in the hands of clans like Crimon Clan.

Ardian can see that Red Queen Alvina and creature beside him at the level of Adept Beginner. even if they both turned on himself they would have no means to harm himself but when considering that most of the population on the island of Relfor are just ordinary humans who lives with mages. their power is like god-like which why they were not scared of him at first.

The creature beside to Alvina must have some sort of an ability similar to soul ability Brianna which could tell if one lying is or honest.

A short, broad, barbed blade made of mithril is held by a grip wrapped in common, dark brown sting ray leather.

Dual-edged and razor-sharp this weapon makes for the best choice for those looking for power, versatility and general awesomeness.

The blade has a jagged, warped cross-guard, adding just enough weight to make sure the blade sits firmly in the owner\'s hand and protecting those same hands as well. The cross-guard has a lavish eagle wing on each side, this weapon wasn\'t created by just any blacksmith.

A large pommel is marked with a quality symbol, a symbol many would kill for.

The blade itself is unadorned. No decorations of any sorts are on it, the blade needs no decorations, it only needs to be strong and sharp.

This weapon is used by higher ranked guards. You\'d expect nothing less from such fighters.

At that time Red Queen Alvina was about to yell to stop the creature attacking to Ardian but she was little bit slow.

Ardian looked at the creature and slowly turned his hands towards to him and whispered.


With his whisper. a wave of electrical bolt manifested and bursted towards to creature with the blade in his hands.


The creature was hit by the wave of electrical burst and shoot towards to back of bushes second later.

The creature was shoot down the bushes in the garden. A smell of burn meat radiated around.

Ardian looked at Red Queen Alvina and started talking.

"I am no angry person but I will not stop and watch people attack to me."

As he said these words. behind of him ten of Sickle-Arms showed their sickles and ready to fight.

The creature close to Red Queen Alvina took a position of battle but Red Queen Alvina understand the problem and quickly started talking.

"Mister Ardian. my guard thought that you are an assassin considering that ordinary beings can not be here and decided to attack you directly. You were right with stopping him and thank you for using a power that would not kill him. We have no evil intention towards to you."

The creature beside to Red Queen Alvina was shocked this is his first time seeing Alvina use these kind of kind words even the leader of clan could not have this kind of answer when he was talking to Alvina.

At the same time he understad the reason of why Alvina was answering with this kind of kindness. He was a fool.

"This being is unknown being that just can manifest himself in the garden of the clan which pretty heavily guarded. With one move without even batting eye he can just stop a guard without killing him. Considering the creatures behind him is not that weak of creatures. this being is no joke. There is no need for our clan to have a problem with him without knowing we can take him out. Even if he is able to escape that is a big problem considering it can join clans that are enemies of our clan."

The creature took a deep breath and looked at Red Queen Alvina and whispered.

"She matured too much and even better than me when it comes to political things. Starsign users and Mages are likes these kind of peope."

Ardian nodded after hearing the answer of Red Queen Alvina and at that time. some of the guards come and brought to body of the attacker guard and started talking to Alvina.

"My queen Alvina. the Guard Aleon. burned with some kind of energy. There is no life threatening situation but he will need to rest and heal for about one week before can go back to his duty."

Alvina nodded and again looked at Ardian. She did not understand at first but right now she knew it for real. This man in front of themselves is no joke at all.

Considering what he is capable of and this is only the starting point. Alvina did not believed that the clan afford to offend this man at all.

Red Queen Alvina then started talking.

"Mister Ardian. please come with me to drink some tea and sit. We have a good place in the garden that we can sit and talk. At the same time lets forget about what happened. it would be good for both of us."

Ardian nodded and added.

"Of course sitting and drinking tea would be good. I would be forgetting the other matter but I will not forget if something happens again. I believe with your ability you can tell others about me and informing them I am just a guest."

With these words finished. Red Queen Alvina at the same time introduced the creature beside her. It name was Algib. Algib was the protector and advisor of Red Queen Alvina and his age was a bout 230 and he was there even when Red Queen Alvina was a young kid. So Alvina trusted him even more than his father.

About ten to fifteen minutes later. Alvina. Algib and Ardian with some of the guards of Alvina and also Ten of Sickle-Arms walked towards to benches in the garden. As they were walking Red Queen Alvina asked.

"What are these creatures you summoned."

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