Doctor Demon

Chapter 83 - Suspect 3: Sera (3)


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Like a wild animal on a rampage, the masked person was tearing off every bit of Rachel\'s hair from her scalp. He used such brute force to wrench away the once long, golden locks that blood was gushing out of Rachel\'s head. Sera heard something crack and she was sure that it came from Rachel\'s skull.

She was trying her best not to scream out in fright. Her senses had gone numb and she could only stifle her gasps as the man kept on tearing away Rachel\'s hair and also parts of her skin, leaving behind a bloody mess. Rachel had been drugged and was paralyzed because she was not screaming nor was she able to move. 

But Sera could see her eyes were screaming in silent agony, begging at her to save her. Sera could have snuck up behind the man and hit him but she was completely plastered to her spot in the trunk, only watching the terrifying scene in front of her.

Please let it be over, Sera prayed. Just end this!

She watched as the man tore off more hair until there was nothing more than a crimson liquid oozing out of Rachel\'s head. Shockingly, Rachel was still alive, trying to move her lips but failing to do so. Her eyes were still moving, begging at Sera who was still immobile in the trunk, simply peering through it. She should be screaming for help but the fear would not let her even move.

Just when Sera thought the worst was over, she heard the slow whimpering of an animal. She did not notice it in the dark but there was a large cage on the other end of the room. Sera peered closely at it but her sight was partly covered by a large wine cabinet. But the whimpers...why did it sound familiar to her? She was racking her brain to think which creature made that noise but her mind drew a blank.

The masked man did not say anything but stood back and was staring at his deed. Sera could not see his face but she could tell that he was admiring his work. He was relishing what he had done as if it was giving him a sort of unnatural satisfaction. 

The man stooped down and groped one of Rachel\'s bare breasts and kneaded it. Sera wanted to throw up at what he was doing and for once, she felt sorry for what Rachel was going through at that moment. She watched as the man kept on touching and molesting Rachel while she lay there helpless and limp. 

Sera\'s heart was beating fast and she wanted to get out of the place as soon as possible but the nightmare had only begun. The man was touching Rachel all over to his heart\'s delight but he was not going any further. Instead, he was snickering like a child who had been given candy. He was touching Rachel with both his gloved hands, feeling her to his heart\'s content.

Rachel\'s eyes were still screaming at Sera to save her but the latter was now too shocked to do anything. Her mind was telling her to go and help Rachel but something in her was preventing her from moving at all. She simply could not do it.

Finally, after what felt like hours, the man stood up, still snickering. Sera never understood how Rachel was still alive after losing so much blood. Either the girl had a strong will to live or was clinging on to hope that someone would save her. But if she thought that her ordeal was over, she was wrong.

The man walked over to the cage. Sera tried to see what was in the cage but she could not. She could now hear the growling of what sounded like a dog…

Suddenly, she was scared. If it was a dog, then it could sniff her and discover that she was hiding in the trunk all this time!

Sera quickly closed the trunk as silently as she could and lay in the darkness. She pressed her ears against the trunk to hear what was going on outside. For a while, nothing happened. Was the man gone? 

Just when she thought of taking another peek, she heard the dog bark and pounce on something soft. She thought she heard Rachel\'s body being flung and what sounded like the animal chewing on something…

Sera closed her mouth in shock, trying not to throw up as she heard the sound of flesh being bitten on. She did not dare to sneak a peek but lay silently in the trunk, tears rolling down her cheeks. Yes, she hated Rachel and wished that she would be out of her life.

But even Sera did not want this to happen. What was happening to Rachel was something no one should ever go through. Sera should be going for help but she was so scared of the crazy maniac that her body would not move. She did not have the courage to run for help and was helplessly hearing the dog maul the once beautiful girl whose heart was full of pride.

Die. It was all Sera could pray for. Death was the kindest thing for Rachel at that time because even if she survived by miracle, she would live the rest of her life as a handicap which would completely ruin whatever was left of Rachel\'s mental state. The beauty she raved about was gone and she was reduced to a shell of her former self. Seeing other people move on and live their lives would be torturous for Rachel and now, death was her only hope.

Sera tried to keep calm but the sounds of the animal feasting on Rachel was echoing through her ears and no matter how much she tried to shut it out, it was impossible. Finally, she heard a whistle and the dog stopped. It seemed to be prancing back to its cage and there was a clicking sound.

Shaking and traumatized, Sera slowly lifted the trunk\'s door a little to peek outside only to be shocked and go back into the trunk. The little peek she took was enough to scar her for the rest of her life.

The whole place was a bloodbath. Rachel\'s body was now almost a lump of meat with the bleeding bite marks all over it. She seemed to have some out of her paralysis, still alive and grunting in pain. The severity of the pain was preventing her from crying for help but it was of no use anyway. The whole mansion was soundproof and no one could hear her anyway. Even the dog\'s barks were not heard upstairs by anyone.

What have I landed myself into? Sera thought in dismay.

"Help…" Rachel was now trying to say. The drugs which the man had given her were now out of her system and she was whimpering in that state, desperate.

"This is what you get for your deeds."

A low, menacing voice spoke up. There was not an ounce of emotion in his tone and Sera heard him stepping close to the spot where Rachel lay. Sera lifted the trunk\'s door again and watched as the man took out a wine bottle. He uncorked it and slowly tilted it, pouring a clear liquid on Rachel\'s face.

"AHHHHHHHH!" Rachel screamed loudly when the liquid touched her face. Like a skin eating virus, the liquid was burning her face. Smoke emitted from her skin as the liquid burnt her and melted her one eye. Sera could not watch anymore and shut her eyes, hiding in the trunk. She could not drown out Rachel\'s screams and she shook in fear as she heard her once nemesis die a brutal death.

Stop, make this stop! She begged. Make it stop-

Suddenly, the trunk yanked open and Sera looked up to see the masked man staring at her.  His eyes were covered by sunglasses but he was aware that there was a witness. Before she could scream, he grabbed her and yanked her out of the trunk. The man dragged her towards Rachel\'s body and made her look at it.

"You dare to tell anyone what happened here, then I\'ll make sure that you face the same fate as her!" he threatened her. Sera squealed in fright, trying not to look at the remnants of Rachel\'s body. The girl she used to hate, the girl who turned her life into a living hell was lying dead in the worst possible way. 

And Sera did not have the guts to look at her.

"I-I w-w-won\'t!" Sera squeaked. "I won\'t tell anyone! P-p-p-please let me go!"

"I know you hate her too!" the man smirked. "I saw your picture and name in the burn book, Hippo! If you tell anyone about this, I\'ll kill you and trust me, your death will be worse!"

He let go of her and Sera was panting in fear.

"Go!" he ordered. "Otherwise, I\'ll kill you too!"

Without another word, Sera ran off. She struggled with the basement door for a while before managing to open it and escaped the bloody cellar. All that time, she thought she felt the still alive Rachel\'s eye on her but she could not dare to look back. Sera simply wanted to run away and leave behind the messy nightmare.

Little did she know, the nightmare was never going to let her go.

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