Doctor Demon

Chapter 107 - Kang Shinho (6)


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The couple immediately got to work. After Shinho described to him what happened to him and how his father tortured him, they used their connections to first dig up his body before sending it to the police station. Gayoon immediately took charge of the case while Minho was stealthily working against Kang Danny to take him down at all costs. Since Minho was even more influential than Danny, it was easy for him to manipulate Danny to do his bidding. 

They also brought Shinho to their real mansion in the city. It was even bigger than the one in the country and was built like a maze because their daughter apparently loved Alice in Wonderland so Minho had it renovated according to her choice.

But it was not their wealth which charmed Shinho. It was their kindness. They came up with a clever device to help Shinho communicate with Minho even without an interpreter. He always kept a pen and paper near him which he used to convey his thoughts to Minho. Minho, in turn, was unusually gentle with the boy. Gayoon was also very affectionate towards him, considering him to be a part of their family already. The only person Shinho had not met was their daughter.

"You can stay in Jina\'s room for now," Minho had said. "You\'ll also find new sets of writing pads and sketchbooks for you."

Shinho was a little hesitant. He picked up a paper and scribbled.

"WIll it be okay?" he asked. He was scared of retribution from their daughter. What if she became angry that he was in her room? Or what if she was not pleased if he used her things? He was already intruding in their house and after his experience at the hands of his father, he was still wary of being punished by people.

Minho sighed. He of all people understood what the boy was feeling. When he was young, he also faced abuse from his boarding school teachers. They had made him feel worthless but underestimated Minho\'s tenacity. He managed to escape and expose them before throwing them in jail.

Unfortunately, Shinho could not escape. But Minho was determined to make his father\'s life hell. 

"She already has many ghostly minions," he assured the child. "In fact, she\'ll be thrilled to have you around. Trust me when I say this. If there\'s one person who\'ll accept people with an open heart in this family, that\'s Hwang Jina. So don\'t worry and relax. You\'re free to do whatever you want here."

Shinho was not sure what to feel about this mysterious Hwang Jina but he did not want to turn down his bunny uncle. After all, if he was kind, then his daughter must be a good person too, right?

Minho left Shinho there and headed for work. After a while, Shinho slowly entered the room and was instantly welcomed by the peachy room which was bright and sunny. Several toys were scattered all over the floor while a medium sized pink colored bed was stacked against a wall. Jina\'s desk was decorated with random stickers and to Shinho\'s surprise, she had many different thriller books on her desk. It seemed that she loved reading mystery novels.

He picked up one of her sketchbooks. She was not a good artist but drew random things anyway. One of her stick drawings depicted her father in a suit, her mother in a police uniform and a little child in a mini police uniform. Shinho guessed that it must be Jina herself.

She wants to be a cop? He wondered. 

Shinho was a little sad and envious of this Jina now. She was alive. She would live a long life, fulfilling her dreams of being a police officer someday. Her life was set and she was going to live out her dreams to the fullest. 

But what about him? For Shinho, the future was uncertain. He was not sure what was going to happen to him. One day, he would probably disappear from the world and go elsewhere, leaving his dreams unfulfilled. 

Shinho had hoped that someday, he could become a psychiatrist and help people who were going through the same thing as him. This hope of his was the only thing he held on to in that dark basement whenever his father would torture him. He wanted to help those in need and treat them so that they would not have to relive their bad memories. But all of it remained unfulfilled.

"Let\'s not think of that," he told himself in a sad tone. Putting the sketchbook away, he looked around. Then, he picked up a few of the dolls and placed them neatly on the bed in a circle. He then placed several plastic teapots in front of them and cleared his throat.

"I am Doctor Kang Shinho!" he declared. "I will be treating you today!"

If he could not become a doctor, he could at least pretend to be one for a while.

He turned to one of the dolls and asked, "What troubles you today?"

Shinho nodded, pretending to listen to the doll. "Oh, you are seeing bad dreams? Drink this tea and dreams will go away!"

He was playing with the dolls, busy in his own world. Unbeknownst to him, a small figure was standing outside the door.

A pair of brown eyes were peering through the door, watching the boy with great interest. Her long mahogany colored hair was tied in pigtails. She had just arrived back home and felt a strange presence in her room. Peeking through the door, she found out that it was a boy around her age, playing with her dolls.

"And now, we\'ll wish Hanny for his birthday!" the boy said to his imaginary audience. He picked up a stuffed bunny and put it in the center.

Shinho turned to the toy and asked, "Hanny, what do you want for your birthday?"

"His name is Sonja!"

Shinho nearly yelped and turned around only to freeze in his spot. 

Standing in front of him was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. Her large doey eyes were staring at him with curiosity. She was smaller than girls her age, like a tiny fairy. Her porcelain skins was almost glowing and her pink lips were curved into a bright smile. Shinho expected her to shout at him and be angry but she was not.

This must be Hwang Jina, he realized.

"That\'s Sonja," Jina said in a squeaky little voice, pointing at the bunny. "But his birthday is in March. He doesn\'t like cake. But he likes soda!"

"Oh." It was all Shinho could say. He was totally tongue tied in front of this pretty girl, his ears going red. 

"Tomorrow is Jojo\'s birthday," Jina said, picking up a teddy bear. "Wanna help me prepare for it?"

Shinho looked down and slowly nodded. He was too shy to meet her eyes.

"Did this hurt?" Jina asked, pointing at the large wound mark on his head. People who were killed carried around their wound marks with them even after death. Shinho tried to hide it with his fringes but the wound was too big.

"Who did this to you?" she coaxed. It was as if she did not care that he was dead and a ghost. She was talking to him like an equal and a friend. 

"My dad," Shinho mumbled. He watched the happy expression on her face turn to deep sadness and confusion. Dads can kill their kids? The little girl wondered. 

Shinho averted his eyes and was looking down at his feet, feeling very sad. Jina sensed his feelings. Even if she was a child, she had met many spirits who faced terrible deaths. She knew how hard it was for them to live like that and she did her best to keep them happy within her limited means. 

She picked up a large stuffed dog and handed it to him.

"I still didn\'t name him," she said. "Do you wanna name him?"

Shinho looked up at the pretty girl who was smiling at him. "Yes!" he exclaimed. "I do!"

He thought for a moment, trying to come up with a good name. "How about Xiu?" he asked.

"I like it!" Jina exclaimed. "He\'s Xiu then! Wanna host another tea party for Xiu?"

Shinho eagerly nodded his head and they began to rearrange the toys on the bed. Jina decorated the teacups while Shinho put the toys in place.

"My name is Hwang Jina," she said. "What\'s yours?"

"Kang Shinho," he replied.

"From now on, I\'ll be your best friend!" Jina quipped with a wide smile. "You can even come to school with me!"

"W-won\'t your parents mind?" Shinho stammered. 

"Are you kidding me?" she scoffed. "My dad will be happy to know that you\'re getting free education! We Hwang\'s love free stuff and discounts!"

"Why am I your best friend?" Shinho asked. Jina\'s smile faltered.

"You don\'t want to be my friend?" she asked, her large eyes pleading silently with him. Shinho gaped at her cute expression as she tried to convince him to be her friend.

"I do!" he conceded. Jina was triumphant.

"Then it\'s settled!" she announced, pointing at him. "You, Kang Shinho, will be my best friend!"

The girl is a little strange, Shinho thought warily but he could not help but smile at her. Her cheerful attitude was quite infectious and he knew that she was trying to distract him from his sadness.

"So, Shinho!" Jina exclaimed. "What do you want to eat?"

Shinho thought for a while before replying, "Chocolates!"

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