Doctor Demon

Chapter 113 - Kang Shinho-Conclusion


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The police immediately got to work. They had evacuated the hospital under Gayoon\'s orders after CCTV footage showed Danny running on the route leading to it. All the patients were being safely transferred to other hospitals and thankfully, there were no surgeries scheduled that night either. The place was swarming with cops and they received news that Danny was already inside the premises.

Gayoon came running to the spot. The car carrying Danny was found on the highway and the cops were already dead. 

"WHERE THE HELL IS THE BACKUP TEAM?" she yelled at the cops.

"They\'re coming, detective!" one of the officers said. But she was not going to wait for them. Instead, she stormed inside the hospital. Minho was alerted and he abandoned his meeting to get to the hospital. He did not want to leave Jina\'s side but at that time, Gayoon had insisted that he attended the meeting. She texted Junho about the situation and he might be able to rescue Jina as well.

"FUCK!" Gayoon cursed as she sprinted towards Siwan\'s ward. 


Doyoung was protectively shielding the children as her husband inched closer.

"Don\'t do this…" she whispered. "He\'s your son, damn it!"

"That\'s why I\'ll take him away!" Danny snarled. He was pointing a gun at her, determined to kill his own wife. Doyoung was not afraid of him but she was worried about the safety of the kids. He had already murdered countless children including his own younger son. She could never forgive him for that nor allow Siwan to live a hellish life with Danny.

"You killed your own son!" she shrieked at him. "An innocent child! And now you want Siwan to face that same fate? Are you mad?"

"I am!" Danny laughed. "I\'m mad and now, I can do anything in my madness! You made me like this-"

"You were always a monster!" Doyoung growled. "A hideous monster! How could you do this? If you had only told me about Shinho! I might have gotten upset at you but I wouldn\'t have abandoned that boy. He\'s not at fault, you are!"

"He was going to ruin my image…"

Danny was now completely insane. He was only obsessed with cleansing his image and his older son, who was his heir. Nothing else mattered to him. He must keep his bloodline pure and unharmed. Siwan was his son, his heir and Danny was not going to leave without him.

"I won\'t go!" Siwan yelled. He was clasping Jina\'s hand as if to protect her. Jina was shaking in fear as the mad man pointed the gun at them. She was hiding behind Doyoung while Shinho was slowly walking towards his father, invisible to all but Jina.

"Turn yourself in!" Doyoung insisted. "It\'s the only way you can salvage your so-called image! Not like this."

"I\'ll pay my way out of punishment!" Danny claimed. "But\'ll die-"

"Just like how you killed those other children in the boiler?" Doyoung spat. Danny was now shocked and his mask of madness temporarily slipped.

"How the hell do you know?" he demanded.

"I saw the file which Shinho\'s mother left behind!" Doyoung revealed. "I know everything. How could you do this to those poor kids? What did they do to you? You were supposed to save them, Danny!"

Danny was shell shocked but he quickly recovered. "Doesn\'t matter," he said. "I\'ll-"

Without another word, Shinho pushed Danny back with all the strength he could muster. The gun fell out of his hand and Doyoung immediately grabbed it. She flung it out of the window while Shinho kicked his father in the shin.

Suddenly, Junho burst into the room and tackled Danny to the ground. He punched the maniac, cursing at him.


He kept on punching the man until Danny was unconscious and bloodied. Gayoon and Minho rushed in. Gayoon pulled Junho off of Danny.

"Uncle, calm down!" she yelled but Junho wanted to beat him up even more. Minho was about to say something to his father when one of the closed windows burst open and a strong, cold gale rushed in.

The ferocious wind was causing everyone to slip and they had to hold on to something to stop themselves from flying away. 

"Close that window!" Minho yelled, grabbing Gayoon\'s hands when she was slipping away. Jina yelled as she lost her hold on the bed pole but Gayoon grabbed her while Doyoung held Siwan steady. Junho was trying to grab Danny because the latter was waking up but before he could do so, something held Danny\'s foot and pulled him away.

Seeing that, Minho ran after him but Danny was being pulled away. The wind stopped and everyone except Siwan rushed after him. Shinho was also following the thing which was now pulling his father away.

"SAVE ME!" Danny screamed. "HELP-"

Both Gayoon and Minho leapt to hold him back but the poltergeist was too strong. Jina came into view and for the first time, saw it properly.


Shinho paused when he saw the look of pure terror on her face. She was frozen at her spot because other than her, no one else could see the poltergeist. Not even a ghost like Shinho.

The black mass of a poltergeist had hundreds of yellow eyes on its upper body. Several tentacles were erupting out of it, all pulling Danny with a fury as if it would devour him alive. It limped on its short hind legs, leaving a greasy trail of muck.

Jina felt a hand covering her eyes. Someone pulled her towards the exit.

"No!" she yelled. "Mom! Dad!"

But her parents were busy fighting the poltergeist which was now pulling Danny towards the basement.

"Let me go!" Jina yelled at the person who was taking her away. She squirmed but Doyoung\'s harsh voice spoke up.

"If you go there, your parents will not be able to focus on their work!" she scolded Jina. Doyoung did not know what was going on but she must get the kids to safety. One of the cops was carrying Siwan to the emergency exit while Jina sobbed in her arms.

Finally, Doyoung managed to get out of the hospital with Jina and Siwan. Shinho materialized beside her and all of them stared at the building. 

An eerie silence had crept in as they stared at the abandoned hospital, waiting for something to happen. But what was going to occur, no one knew.

"…" Jina was crying hard. Everyone left the building except her family. Her heart was racing but she felt a pair of hands hugging her.

"It\'ll be okay," Shinho told her. "They\'ll be fine-"

As if on cue, Minho, Gayoon, Junho and Shinjin came running out of the building. They looked panicked and scared while smoke began to emit from the hospital.

"BACK OFF!" Gayoon yelled at the people ogling at the building. "NOW!"

"What happened?" Jina demanded as Shinjin picked her up while Gayoon and Minho pulled Doyoung and Siwan away to safety.

"The poltergeist threw Danny into the boiler and burned him to a crisp!" Shinjin yelled. "The whole bloody place is gonna-"

A loud boom interrupted him. Like a blazing hellfire, the building went up in flames as the explosion deafened them all. Sparks flew in the sky, the fire devouring what was left of Kang Danny and his deeds.

Shinho\'s pearly eyes lit up with the flames of eating the building in front of him.

"It\'s over…" Jina whispered. She was now in her mother\'s arms who was consoling her. Shinho looked at her and then at his own family who were standing a few feet away, recovering from the shock. 

Danny was dead. There was nothing more left for Shinho to do.

"It is," he said.

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