Doctor Demon

Chapter 147 - A Discovery

Jiwoon was at her desk, studying the case file in front of her. She was frowning as she looked at the murder-suicide cases and her head was spinning. Just then, Jaebum and Dahoon had returned from their night duty at Jina\'s house. 

"How\'s the situation there?" she asked. "Are they alright?"

"They\'re fine, Second Boss," Jaebum sighed. "But man, I\'ve never seen anything like it! The door was literally clawed by an animal!"


"Yeah!" Dahoon replied. "It was crazy! We went to the house and found that the door was totally ripped apart with claws. We searched for metal residue in case it was done with some sorta metal instrument but the CSI experts said they only found claw marks and hair residue. The lab is testing it right now."

"What we did find out, however, is that the claw marks are similar to the ones we found on the Dalton kid," Jaebum said. He put forward a document which the CSI gave him about their initial report. Jiwoon read it and was stunned.

"Does the Boss know this?" She asked.

"She does. She\'s now re-investigating that case as well. The witness was their babysitter and she came over this morning to give her testimony again."

He recounted what Soobin told him about the doorbell and the red eye. Jiwoon frowned.

"What sort of animal will ring the doorbell before attacking?" Dahoon scoffed.

"A human," Jiwoon simply said. "Give me the files on the Dalton case. I\'ll go through them again. I want the pictures as well."

She paused before asking, "Where are we on the details of that painting which was stolen?"

"I emailed it to you," Dahoon replied. "I didn\'t get to read it much but whatever I could collect on the painting, I\'ve sent it to you."

"Hm," Jiwoon said. "Get to work."

She turned to her computer and opened the file. Instantly, the picture of a strange painting with snakes and forest fire came on her screen. The painting was really creepy and for some reason, Jiwoon felt a strange vibe coming from it.

"Who the hell would buy this?" she wondered. She read the details of the painting.

"Created by artist Kok Gwangwoo, this painting is one of the greatest masterpieces of this generation. Gwangwoo claimed that the inspiration for it came to him one night and he knew that he must paint it immediately. One thing led to another and he was up all night, finishing his creation. In fact, he claimed that he finished painting it in one night. Art experts agree with the claim because the brushstrokes and age of the color residue indicate that it was painted in one consistent motion. Calling it his greatest creation, Kok Gwangwoo named it \'Beezan\'..."

Jiwoon did a double take. Beezan? 

She quickly took out one of her earlier murder-suicide cases. Flipping through the pages, she came across the testimony she took from Baro and glanced through the lines. Baro had clearly stated he heard this name when Jongwha was murdering his family next door.

Jiwoon went back to the articles on the Park family murder-suicide and studied them carefully. One particular thing caught her eye. It was the same painting.

"This painting…" she whispered. "It was at the Park residence! And also at the school. The original creator\'s family is now dead too…"

Everything was related to this painting. Jiwoon was not hundred percent sure yet but she decided to open the case files of the previous murder-suicides and look into them to see if this painting was bought by any of the families. 

Is someone trying to steal this painting? She wondered. But how did they make one of the family members kill the rest and commit suicide? Some kind of drug?

"I must find out," she decided. 


Duho was standing outside the hospital where Soobin worked. He was wearing a long hoodie and thick layers of clothes. Even though it was summer time, he was feeling very cold for the past few days. He could not stop shivering at all but was religiously following his beloved.

"Soobin…" he whispered. "Come to me, my love."

"Go to her…" a voice in his head spoke. "Go and make her yours. Be with her, forever. Don\'t you want her?"

"I want her," Duho said. "I do. I want us to be together."

"If she\'s not yours now, then make her yours," the voice egged him. "Go...go to her…"

Inside the hospital, Soobin sat at a small reception area right outside Hobin\'s office. Her hair was tied in a tight bun and she was going through Hobin\'s appointments for that day. She pressed the intercom.

"Doctor Ohm, your 3 o\'clock patient had to cancel for today," she told him. "She wants to reschedule for tomorrow at 11 AM."

"Alright," Hobin\'s voice came from the other end. "Tell her to bring her prescriptions as well. I\'ll have to look at her progress report too. Bring it to me."

"Yes doctor!"

Soobin hung up and was looking for the report when someone approached the desk. Thinking it to be a patient, she looked up to greet them only for her smile to fade.

"Duho?" she blinked in surprise. Duho was standing there, staring directly at her. But his cute looks were marred with dark circles and his skin was a pasty pale color as if he had not slept for weeks. His hair was also thinner and he seemed to have lost a lot of weight in a matter of a few days.

"What are you doing here?" she asked, feeling a little alert. "Are you here to meet Doctor Ohm?"

"Soobin...just give me one chance!" he begged. "I need to talk to you! Just let me-"

At that moment, the intercom rang again. Soobin turned to answer it.

"I\'m still waiting for the report," Hobin told her. "Where are you?"

"I\'m coming, Doctor Ohm!" Soobin replied, feeling flustered. "I was just-"

She glanced behind her but Duho was gone. He had disappeared and she was suddenly a little scared.

What the hell is the matter with him? She wondered. Shaking the ominous feeling away, she picked up the file and headed into Hobin\'s cabin. 

I\'ll tell this to Yoonmin, she thought.

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