Doctor Demon

Chapter 186 - [Bonus ] Blue Hyacinths (10)

Magrod was sitting in a cross legged position, concentrating hard. His eyes were closed but his ears were alert. He sat in the middle of a circle with a star drawn in it. The demon\'s tail was lazily wagging behind it while it tried to focus.

Where is the demon prince? He wondered. Several vague images popped up in his head but none of them were anything concrete. He could sense a dark presence in the town but it was hard to pinpoint the location. It was even hard to tell what exactly the threat was but he could feel that a dark web was beginning to spread around the town and it was only the beginning.

Is that bloody clan at it again? He scowled.

"Nom nom nom."

Miyoo was sitting behind the demon, eating popcorn.. She was curiously watching the creature, thinking why it was sitting in that funny position. 

"Nom nom nom…"

Magrod was irritated. "Oi, can\'t you chew silently?" he snapped at her. "I\'m trying to concentrate!"

"Bleh!" Miyoo stuck out her tongue at him. He gritted his teeth. Ever since he had borrowed the girl\'s house to stay in, he was being subjected to all kinds of irritating activities. Just that morning, the kid tried to give him a bath and threw him in warm water instead of the 100 degree hot water! The audacity of the kid!

"When are you gonna help me find the Prince?" he demanded. "It\'s been a week already!"

Miyoo thought for a while and then snapped her fingers as if she realized something. She got up and walked towards her tiny table. The demon watched in dismay as she took out a book and gave it to him.

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarves…" he read. Miyoo flipped the pages and showed him a picture of Prince Charming.

"NOT THIS PRINCE!" He yelled at her. "The Demon Prince! The half blood son of our Lord and the Princess\' reincarnation! UGHHHH!"

Princess? Miyoo tilted her head and then flipped the pages to show him a picture of Snow White.


The demon was only scolding her which made Miyoo pout. "Maggie, idiot!" she sneered and looked away.

"I\'m Lord Magrod!" he snapped angrily. "I\'m the Alpha here! Me! You\'re just a puny Omega level servant-"

Miyoo flicked him on the head.

"Ow!" Magrod squealed. "I bruise easily, ya know! Fine! You\'re a Beta!"

Miyoo flicked him on the head again. "Alpha! Miyoo, Alpha!" she  happily exclaimed.

The door flung open and Minyoon\'s head popped in. "Miyoo, ready to go?" he said in a sing-song tone. "Yoonmin is taking Soobin on a date today, so it\'s you and me again!"

"Miyoo, ready!" 

She stood up and jumped into her brother\'s arms. Magrod hid in her backpack again which was then picked up by Minyoon. He closed the door behind him and took his sister to the car. Magrod peeked out of the backpack and climbed out of it. Miyoo and Minyoon were in the passenger seat. Miyoo sat on her brother\'s lap, watching her beloved Beaky\'s video.

"Do you have to like this guy?" Minyoon groaned. "He was rude ya know!"

"Beaky Beaky!" Miyoo happily chanted. Magrod climbed on her shoulder and was watching the video.

"Hey, isn\'t that the girl who saved you that day at the mall?" he frowned. "Why is she dressed like a guy?"

Miyoo ignored him, busy watching her idol. The demon groaned and decided to sneak into Minyoon\'s bag to eat the cookies he hid in there. 

Over the past few days, he had been observing the members of the strange family. It was obvious they were rich but for some bizarre reason they were misers. The twins were a pair of money loving idiots. Minyoon leeched his fans for money and his younger brother, Yoonmin leeched off him for money. Their grandfather was worse. The old man only bought clothes from discount stores or whenever there was a sale. 

And they passed this trait to the alpaca loving penny collector, Hwang Miyoo.

"Weird family," he muttered as he chewed on the cookies Minyoon hid in his bag. 

Finally, they reached the shooting spot. Upon Minyoon\'s insistence, the set was changed. After finding out that a demon was haunting the old set, he refused to step in there. After making sure that the set was changed, he finally agreed to work.

The new set was at a lake within the central park. For the daylong shoot, the park was closed off to the public. It was a bright, sunny day and everyone at the set was sweating as they set up the cameras.

As soon as Minyoon got out of the car, his face contorted into a scowl. Miyoo followed his gaze which was on Baek.

"Beaky!" she happily exclaimed. Miyoo remembered her promise to Baekha about keeping her identity a secret. Surely she could do that for someone who bought her an alpaca!

Baek was chatting with the director when she heard the familiar voice calling at her. If Miyoo was there then so was…

"Oh no," she muttered as Minyoon walked towards them, holding Miyoo in his arms. The little girl was excited to see Baekha again who tried not to look at her way. Minyoon, however, ignored her and went straight to the director.

"What do we have to do today, director?" he asked.

"You and Baek will be shown as best friends who will go on a boat trip on the lake," the director explained. "The audience is already shipping your alleged bromance! People are dying to know if you\'re friends…"

"We\'re not," Minyoon muttered.

"...and we\'ll be capitalizing on the shipping wars to prove that you two are the ultimate idol besties!" the director said, ignoring the jab.

"Can we hurry up?" Baek demanded. "I\'m late for my next shoot."

"Snob," Minyoon muttered.

"Git," Baek shot back. Miyoo and the demon looked from Minyoon to Baek. Magrod did not understand humans at all.

"Was your brother always this dumb?" he asked. Miyoo nodded.

Minyoon and Baek were climbing on a boat while the cameras around the lake began to roll. As soon as the cameras were on, they put aside their animosity and were laughing together as an act.

"Baek, I think I caught a big one!" Minyoon exclaimed as his fishing rod was being pulled.

"Oh, bro that\'s so cool!" Baek laughed. Miyoo was sitting on a chair while Magrod sat on her lap, purring. He was kind of bored but there was no choice. 

"Humans are weird," he muttered. Miyoo could only nod as she saw her silly brother laughing with a girl who was pretending to be a guy. 

"I bet I can catch an even bigger fish!" Baek claimed.

"Oh yeah? Try it!" Minyoon snickered.

Baek steadied her fishing rod and threw it in the water, waiting for a fish to catch the bait.

Meanwhile, on land, Magrod was sleepy and was about to fall asleep when he felt something strange. Miyoo also froze. Her eyes were on the dark shadow which was forming behind Baek.

"What the hell?" Magrod gasped. Both of them were staring at a half man, half goat-like creature with pitch black eye sockets. He was once a handsome man but the years in hell had distorted them, turning his once beautiful face into a pasty monstrosity. His hair was half gone and so were his teeth. He was glaring at Baek and he put one of his pasty hands on her shoulder.

Magrod felt Miyoo\'s hold tighten around him. She was very scared of what was going on and her brother was on the boat with that demon!

"Kid, is that a demon?" Magrod whispered. "Did you see that thing before?"

To his shock, Miyoo nodded, still too shocked to speak. Magrod was now starting to understand some things. Damn that clan! He cursed.

Without another word, Magrod jumped off her lap and leapt towards the lake. He ran as fast as light and jumped so high that he landed on the boat. Before the pasty demon could suck out any of Baekha\'s energy, Magrod enlarged his tail and slapped the demon so hard that it squealed.

"AHHHHHH!" the demon screamed and let go of Baekha. Before Magrod could chase it, the demon disappeared into thin air.

"Damn it!" he growled. A dangerous demon was now on the loose. This was just one. Many more were going to arrive.

I must find the Prince! He groaned inwardly. But where the hell is he?

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