Doctor Demon

Chapter 200 - Dead Killer (5)


Jiwoon filled them in on what she found out from Baekha about the Cho\'s. A long silence followed her statement as they began to work out the clues.

"This makes sense," Hobin said. "The demon aka our killer is possessing bodies to stalk and kill women who look like Jiwoon!"

He sat down and took out a paper to jot down the theories they confirm about the serial murders.

"Ming Jisoo, had long hair," he stated with a point. "She was 21 when she left her husband and now, she is 29. Hence, he\'s targeting women in that age range. He stalks them to see what sort of woman she is. If she\'s strong and independent, he\'ll leave her alone but if she\'s meek and timid, he\'ll think that she\'s Jisoo. The women who were with partners suffered terrible deaths.."

"But I\'ve never heard of this before," Junho frowned. "I know that humans go to Hell only if they make a deal with a demon. But Sungki was literally a human being. How can he become a demon? And souls stuck in Hell can\'t be broken out that easily! The Gates of Hell are sealed tight. If they are opened, then not just one but countless souls will escape."

"Grandpa is right," Jina said. "Gates of Hell have strange rules. They\'re not easy to open. It can take decades to even find one. Unless, the shaman already knew?"

"Where are these...Gates?" Jiwoon asked.

"The Gates pop up only at a place where a demon has appeared to collect the soul of a person who made a deal with him," Jina clarified. "That is either when a person dies or the time on their contract has elapsed.

"Wait a minute…" Soobin began. "Jiwoon sis, didn\'t you just mention that your husband used to consult a shaman? I\'m not sure how it works but what if those two made a pact with a demon?"

Jiwoon thought about it and realized that she was right. That was a possibility.

"And Sungki killed himself in the house," she gasped. "But that still doesn\'t explain how he escaped."

"Two theories for it," Hobin stated. "Either the shaman knows how to extract a single soul from Hell. Or, and it\'s just a theory for now, human souls in Hell can turn into demons."

Everyone was looking at him with curiosity but it was simple psychology.

"Think about it," he said. "If some humans can turn into spirits after their deaths, isn\'t it possible that they can also turn into demons if they\'re sent to Hell? I don\'t know how long it can take, but what if their souls are taken through a process where they eventually turn into demons? And then the cycle of demon summoning continues?"

Junho was thinking hard. They had so little information on Hell that it was impossible to determine this theory but Hobin\'s assumption was not completely off the mark.

"He might be correct," Junho nodded. "If Sungki was taken to Hell where he somehow turned into a demon, then he can be summoned without opening the Gates! That way, it\'s just a normal demon summoning."

"And the Cho\'s were probably tricked into it," Jina added. "They made a pact with their own demonic son and the shaman took advantage of it."

"The demon is now possessing others and killing any woman who is like his version of Ming Jisoo," Hobin said. "But what bothers me is that Jiwoon has now come into contact with Baekha. If the demon is around the Cho family, there\'s a chance that he might have found out about you."

He looked at Jiwoon who was now frozen. The demon might know that she had changed her identity? What if he found her?

The images of the dead women haunted her and she was suddenly scared again. If Sungki could do that to them, there was no telling what he would do to her. He was going to punish her in the worst way and Jiwoon was not strong enough to go through all that again. Her heart was pounding hard and she clutched Jina for support.

"Don\'t worry," Jina said firmly. "We\'ll not let anything happen to you."

"We\'ll need to hide her," Hobin said. "Somewhere safe. You should take a few days off, detective. Until we find the demon, it\'ll be best if you stay low. We need to move you elsewhere. A place where he\'ll not expect you to be."

"B-b-but where will I stay?" she stammered. 

She was now very scared. Even after death, Sungki would not leave her alone and it was a terrifying thought. 

"Don\'t worry," Junho told her. "I\'ll make some charms for you. It\'ll keep any demon or supernatural creatures away from you."

"As for where you can stay," Hobin began. "I\'ll ask my brother to look for a safehouse for you. He\'s got some properties in town. He can help."

"Or, she can live with us."

Everyone turned around to frown at Soobin but she clarified her stance, "Doctor Kang is a good man. He helped sis out once. They even know each other and it was Doctor Kang who saved her from her in-laws today."

"Huh?" Jina asked in surprise. "Really? Do you two know each other?"

"That explains why bro hurriedly left my office!" Hobin realized. "He realized that you were in danger!"

Jiwoon slowly nodded. "It\'s a long story," she said. "I\'ll tell you some other day. But I don\'t want to trouble him anymore."

"What trouble? It\'s a big house!" Soobin exclaimed. "We can stay there together!"

"I agree," Hobin added. "I\'m calling bro right now."

Jiwoon protested but Jina stopped her.

"He\'s right," she said. "Stay with Siwan for now. Besides, Soobin had put up a few charms around the house so it\'s safe from demons. Don\'t worry about it."

Hobin, who had just talked to Siwan, flashed a thumbs up. "He said okay," he said. "We\'ll help you move your stuff."

"I\'ll prepare to do a seance with Bomi and see if we can find out more about this demon," Junho stated. "Until then, I\'ll give you a few charms and a talisman. Do not lose them. Got it?"

Jiwoon nodded. She was overwhelmed by the support they were giving her and did not know how to thank them. 

As if reading her mind, Jina said, "You can thank us by treating all of us to a meal when all this is over!"

"I will," Jiwoon promised with a genuine smile. She felt lighter and much better. 

I should thank Doctor Kang too, she added in her thoughts.

"It\'s settled then!" Soobin exclaimed. "Jiwoon sis will live with us! Finally, I\'ll have some company in that large house!"

That evening, Siwan returned home to find that some of Jiwoon\'s luggage had arrived and she was carrying the bags on her own towards a spare bedroom. The bag was too heavy for her to carry and she was dragging it up the stairs with great difficulty.

He instantly rushed to carry it for her.

"I can do it!" Jiwoon insisted but Siwan already took the bag from her hands.

"It\'s okay, you\'re the guest," he said with a smile and walked ahead to lead her to the guest bedroom.

"Thank you," she said. "For helping me out."

They entered the room and Siwan turned on the lights. It was a simple yet cozy bedroom with a single bed and furniture made of blackwood. Jiwoon was a little awed by the mansion.

"You have a beautiful home," she could not help but remark.

"It\'s okay, I guess," he shrugged. He put the bag on the bed. Jiwoon noted a hint of bitterness in his voice.

"You don\'t like living here?" she asked hesitantly.

Siwan was silent for a while but he was not angry. He was debating about whether to reply or not.

"My younger brother was murdered in the basement of this house," he revealed. "My dad abused and killed him. I guess that\'s one of the reasons I don\'t like this house. One of the many reasons."

Jiwoon wished she had not asked that question and was immediately apologetic.

"I\'m sorry, that was rude of me to ask," she said. 

"It\'s okay. I\'m not really that secretive about my disdain of this place nor of the fact that my father was a murderer."

Jiwoon could not help but admire him for his honesty. He had accepted the bitter truths of his past with a smile.

"You\'re brave, Doctor Kang," she mumbled. "I wish I was that brave."

She looked down at her fingers, fidgeting. Siwan watched her and sighed.

"I wouldn\'t say I\'m brave," he admitted. "I\'m living here to remind myself everyday of my failure to protect my brother. I was living a life of luxury, oblivious to his sufferings. In a way, I\'m punishing myself by living here."

Jiwoon was speechless, unsure of what to say. "That\'s…" she began but Siwan laughed it off.

"Brave? Sad? Nah. It\'s just my way of living. Life is hard but, at least we\'re alive, right? Living this moment right now. Just because our past was filled with pain, doesn\'t mean it defines us. It doesn\'t even make us stronger. We just become more humane and start to love life for what it is."

He flashed her a genuine smile and added, "Think about it. If you hadn\'t taken the step to leave that monster, would you have met the amazing people you know now?" 

Jiwoon thought for a while. He was right. If it was not for her horrific past, she would not have gotten the courage to leave and carve her own life. 

"But at what cost?" she mused sadly. "My daughter died a horrific death. She was supposed to be the one living, not me! It was supposed to be her life…"

She choked up her tears. 

"We can\'t save everyone," Siwan said. "But we can remember them and become better people. I\'ll carry the guilt of not saving my brother. You\'ll carry the guilt of losing Yeonjoo. I guess...that makes us humans too."

It was as if he was telling that to himself rather than her. He smiled at her before exiting the room, leaving Jiwoon to her thoughts. She stared at his back and was awed by the man who was fighting his own battle. 

Is that why you tried to save Yeonjoo that night? She wondered.

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