Doctor Demon

Chapter 221 - Baekha's Plan (1)

A month passed by in relative bliss. Jina was finally discharged from the hospital and was well enough to go back to her house despite the protests from her brothers. They wanted to bring her back to their penthouse but she shot them down.

Junho was off on another trip in order to learn more about the demons in Hell. Hobin and Siwan were back at their work while Soobin decided to keep her hair short for a while longer. Jiwoon was still living with Siwan because the demon was not caught yet.

The crimes had stopped but the hunt for the killer was still ongoing. Jina knew very well that it was impossible to catch the criminal because it was a demon and not a human being. The police were at a loss without any clues and given that Yooseok was already dead, there were no new leads. The media were not informed about the fact that Yooseok was dead before the third victim despite the presence of his DNA on her body. If it was leaked, the cops would become a laughing stock.

Amidst all the confusion, someone yelled out loud in the Hwang household.


Miyoo blinked at him. He was talking about the Prince again so she was showing him the pictures of the fairy tale princes again. 

"Hmph!" she scowled. "Prince!"

She pointed at the Beast on the book\'s cover.

"That\'s not the Prince of Hell!" He exclaimed. "What sort of Princes are you kids being exposed to?"

Miyoo thought hard and her eyes lit up in realization. She plopped towards her phone and typed something on it before showing it to Magrod. He stared at the picture of seven boys who were dancing on a stage.

"Prince!" she beamed. "Handsome! Smooth like butter!"

"NOT BTS!" he groaned in dismay. 

"BTS are Princes!" Miyoo insisted. Magrod only facepalmed himself.

Why am I babysitting a kid? He wondered. I should start charging this miserly family!

He had been looking for the Prince for over a month but no luck. It was like he did not exist at all! But that was impossible. If the Butterfly Priestess had reincarnated, then the Prince must also have done so.

"Ugh! Why are you home on a weekday anyway?" he grumbled. "You\'re supposed to go to school and bring me back cookies!"

Miyoo was now miserable and her stomach growled not out of hunger. She was suffering from an upset stomach again. 

"Serves you right for eating so many candies!" Magrod taunted her. "Who told you to eat the entire box of candies your mom and dad sent you?"

Miyoo stuck out her tongue at him. Just then, Minyoon entered the room.

"Miyoo, both Yoonie and I will be busy today," he cooed at his sister. "We\'ll drop you off at Soobin\'s house where Siwan bro will take care of you. He\'s home today and he\'ll also check up on you. Soobin will look after you after school and I\'ll pick you up in the evening. Are you happy now?"

The little girl\'s eyes were not glowing with happiness. Doctor Siwan? Her one true love will take care of her!

She enthusiastically nodded. Minyoon sighed and packed up her things. Magrod only shook his head.

"I don\'t wanna be alone here!" he complained. "Might as well tag along with the kid for free food."

He crept into Miyoo\'s backpack and hid there. Soon, Minyoon and Yoonmin were driving Miyoo to Siwan\'s house. Since Jina was still resting and Soobin was at school, Siwan agreed to look after Miyoo on his off day. He was going to treat her stomach infection as well so it worked out fine.

After a while, Yoonmin stopped the car in front of the Kang mansion. They walked up to the front door where Siwan greeted them.

"Ah, how is our little Miyoo today?" he exclaimed with a smile. Miyoo instantly jumped into his arms.

"Wanwan!" she squealed. "Miyoo, okay!"

But her stomach grumbled again and she hung her head low in embarrassment.

"We\'ll treat that infection right away!" Siwan promised. He turned to the twins and asked, "I\'ll take it from here. Soobin will be home soon."

"Good," Yoonmin said. "She doesn\'t have any work today, right?"

"No. Why?"

"Nothing," he quickly said. Siwan frowned a little but shrugged it off. As long as the teens were following the rules and curfews, he did not mind them dating. 

Miyoo waved her brothers goodbye and went with Siwan. As soon as the twins were back in the car, Minyoon called Baekha on her phone. She picked up after a few rings.

"Is our plan in place?" he asked.

"Y-Yes, it is," Baekha replied. But something was off. Minyoon frowned a little.

"What happened? You don\'t sound so good?"

"I\'m fine!" she claimed. "Did Yoonmin send the email to those idiots?"

"He did," Minyoon confirmed. "Tonight then."


He hung up but was still worried. Baekha sounded too weak on the phone. Was she alright?

"I\'m not gonna spare them," Yoonmin said quietly. His fingers gripped the wheel tightly. He had been quiet for a month because of Jina\'s condition but now that she was fine, he was going to teach that gang of bullies a lesson.

"Baekha has it all planned out," Minyoon assured him. "And let\'s face it. That girl is quite resourceful."

Yoonmin gave his brother a \'are-you-kidding-me\' look. Either his brother was in denial or completely stupid (Yoonmin suspected the latter) but Minyoo still did not figure out Baekha\'s secret despite spending so much time with her to hatch a plan. 

"Brother, what\'s two times eight?" he asked.

"Er…" Minyoon counted on his fingers. "One thousand!" he finally replied.

Yep, he\'s dumb, Yoonmin concluded. He did not respond and simply revved up the engine before driving away.

Meanwhile, inside the mansion, Siwan made Miyoo sit on a chair.

"Okay, Miyoo," he said. "I\'ll be checking your stomach for any abnormalities. It\'s not gonna hurt but you\'ll feel cold on your belly. Okay?"

Miyoo wined but nodded. "I\'m lifting your shirt a little," Siwan said.

He lifted her shirt till her chest and put on his stethoscope to check her condition. There were some digestive actions which signaled that her digestion was slow and even a little painful.

Miyoo was ashamed when Siwan sighed and covered her belly again. He gave her a stern look.

"You ate too many candies again, didn\'t you?" he asked shrewdly. "I told you. Only one candy per day."


"No candies and only porridge for you today," Siwan went on. "Also-"

He was cut off by a movement from upstairs. Jiwoon was also home that day because she was on duty all night. Siwan thought of not disturbing her but she was unable to sleep much. Miyoo also glanced at her.

"Jiji!" she called when Jiwoon came downstairs.

"Ah! Miyoo!" Jiwoon realized. "What happened?"

"She\'s ill and needs to take care of her diet," Siwan informed her. Jiwoon stooped down to see if Miyoo was feverish.

"She\'s got a fever too!" Jiwoon gasped. "Did you eat something bad?"

Miyoo nodded. "Candy!" 

"That\'s bad for your health," Jiwoon gently reproached her. "I\'ll make you some porridge, okay?"

"I was about to make her some-" Siwan began but Jiwoon\'s face lit up with a small smile. Seeing her excited like that made him stop talking and let her do whatever she wanted to do. Jiwoon might be mostly quiet, but tiny things like these made her happy. 

Maybe it makes her feel less sad about Yeonjoo, he thought.

His lips also curled to form a smile. Miyoo looked from him to Jiwoon who was walking towards the kitchen. 

"Wanwan," she called him. Siwan turned to her.

"What is it, Miyoo?"

She pointed at him and said, "Whipped!"

Siwan frowned. Huh?

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