Doctor Demon

Chapter 236 - Cho Mansion (2)

Baekha stumbled out of the cab and nearly fell. She steadied herself, staggering all the way to the mansion.

"AGH!" She yelped and fell on the pavement.


She gritted when she heard Minyoon\'s voice from afar. He had just arrived at her mansion and found her lying in front of the gate. Running towards her, he helped her to stand up.

"You need to go back to the hospital!" he exclaimed. "You\'re not in a good state!"

"No…" She tried to push him away but he gripped her hard, trying to reason with her.

"Look, you\'re ill! If you keep going like this, your health will only get worse."

"Jisoo sis is in there!" She retorted. "I can\'t leave her behind."

"We don\'t know if she is in there," Minyoon pointed out.

"But she is," Baekha stated. "I know she is."

She was now looking at him, realizing that he knew some things which she did not. 

"I overheard you at the hospital," Baekha revealed. She gripped his arms, demanding for answers.

"What did you mean when you said that my parents summoned a demon? I thought they were summoning my brother\'s spirit?"

"You know about that?" he gasped.

"Yes. Now tell me the truth!"

Minyoon hesitated. He was not sure if he should tell her what her parents really summoned but seeing her determined face, he sighed.

"Your parents summoned your brother," he confirmed. "But he\'s not an ordinary spirit. He\'s a demon from Hell."


"Your brother was into occult and demonology, wasn\'t he? Well, when he was alive, he sold his soul to a demon in exchange for fame and power. Which is why he became famous in such a short time. But after he killed himself, his soul went to Hell and turned into a demon there. When your parents summoned him, they probably didn\'t know that he became a demon. As a demon, his obsession with Jiwoon sis only grew worse. In fact, he\'s so obsessed that he went as far as to kill women who looked like her. You know the recent serial murder cases?"

"I...I heard about them," she nodded.

"Those were committed by your brother," Minyoon said in a grim tone. "He was possessing someone\'s body and killed those women."

There was a long stretch of silence. Baekha was trying to wrap her head around whatever Minyoon said. It was ridiculous and yet, she could not argue against them. Her mind was replaying the way the shaman had tried to choke her with invisible hands. Was he the real deal after all?

"I know it\'s a lot to take in," Minyoon said. "And there\'s a lot more to this. But now you must return to the hospital-"

His words were interrupted by a loud crash which came from inside the mansion. Both of them jumped in shock and turned to the mansion. A cold wind was passing by which made them shiver while a white mist began to form around the place.

"Something is not right," Minyoon muttered. Was the demon really inside that mansion?

Baekha did not wait around. She grabbed his hand and pulled him towards the garden, circling around the mansion instead of going through the front door.

"Baekha!" he hissed. "You need to return to the hospital!"

"No!" she hissed back. "I need to know if Jisoo sis is in there and the only reason I\'m taking you is because you know about this demon! How can I defeat him?"

"You can\'t," Minyoon replied. "But don\'t worry. My sister is coming. She can help!"

"It\'ll be too late by then."

She dragged him towards the backdoor of the mansion which was attached to the attic. Taking out a key from a flower pot nearby, she unlocked the door.

"You keep a key in the flowerpot?" Minyoon frowned.

"The servants keep it there for me," she replied. "In case I need to steal food or water from the main house."

"Steal? But you live here! This is your house."

"I live in the outhouse," she shrugged as she entered the house. Minyoon wondered what kind of weird family she had. Which parents would let their only daughter sleep in the outhouse all by herself?

But Baekha did not linger around to explain all that. She was quietly making her way to the living room with Minyoon in tow. They hid behind a large pillar when a group of people came into view. 

Minyoon winced at the way the demon took over Siwan. The gentle doctor\'s face was contorted into a disgusting scowl. His kind features were replaced with a sadistic streak while his usually neat appearance was manic and crazed.

What the hell did the demon do to him?

"That\'s the doctor!" Baekha whispered. 

"That\'s your brother possessing the doctor," Minyoon growled in a low tone. "We must extract the demon from Doctor Kang."

The shaman moved and Baekha nearly gasped. Jiwoon was tied to the bed, unconscious.

"He\'s going to rape here again!" she realized.

The shaman moved to the foot of the bed, overlooking Jiwoon.

"And now, we shall begin," he declared. "Remember, don\'t break the chant. Otherwise, you won\'t get a son!"

A son? 

"That\'s the reason your parents summoned a demon from Hell?" Minyoon scowled. "That\'s so stupid!"

"They\'ve done stupider stuff before," she muttered.

"But to sell your soul for this? Dumbest thing ever!"

Baekha froze in shock. "Sold their soul?" she echoed.

"Oh…" Minyoon fidgeted, realizing that he did not tell her this part. "Well. To summon a demon, one has to sell their soul to that demon. Once the deal with the demon is complete, the contract must be fulfilled from both sides. So the demon will do whatever their summoner says but after the contract is completed, he\'ll take the souls of the summoner to Hell with him."

Baekha was completely shocked. Her parents sold their souls to a demon and would go to hell! She disliked them but not enough to see them end up in Hell and become demons. 

Sungki took off his shoes. His face was filled with anger and lust and he slowly climbed the bed and crawled up to the unconscious Jiwoon. His hand was creeping towards her shirt when he paused.

"Those two are very noisy," he said. His parents and the shaman were confused when Sungki suddenly turned around and growled. He pointed at the pillar and using his powers, forcefully pulled out the two intruders.

"AGH!" Baekha and Minyoon yelled when they were thrown against the wall, pinned up in the air.

"What the hell is happening?" she yelled. "Why are we stuck to the wall?"

She tried to move but it was impossible. Her brother was glaring at her with hatred, snarling at her.

"I always knew you were a troublemaker," he said in a cold tone. "But to think you\'ll come between me and my Jisoo is unacceptable."

He wrapped his invisible hands around Baekha\'s neck while Minyoon cursed at him.

"She\'s your sister, you dumb fuck!" he yelled. But that did not matter to Sungki. All he wanted was to kill the obstacle in his path.

Minyoon desperately tried to free himself. He managed to take out some salt from his pocket and sprinkled it at the demon but to his shock, it had no effect.

"It seems that you know a lot about demons," the shaman mused. "Interesting…"

But Sungki was not listening. Letting go of Baekha\'s neck, he kept them pinned against the wall with his powers. There were far more important things to do.

"Start the ritual!" he snapped. The shaman nodded. Ciara and Youngjoon were watching their daughter suffer but were indifferent to it all. They closed their eyes and followed the shaman\'s instructions.

"From the depths of Hell, I summon the true Prince," he chanted. "Bless this union and make your presence known to us…"

Ciara and Youngjoon were uncomfortable. Summon the Prince? What did that mean?

But they began to chant. Jiwoon, who was pretending to be unconscious all this time, had enough. Sungki was slowly reaching for her shirt, repeating the cycle of violence she had endured for years.

To Sungki\'s shock, her eyes snapped open and she glared at him with hatred.

"You might try to break me, but I won\'t let you!" she spat at him. "I\'m not the weak little girl anymore!"

Before Sungki could react, Jiwoon mustered all her energy and kicked him in the groin. He doubled in pain. Taking advantage of his helplessness, she landed another kick on him, this time hitting him squarely on the face. He was thrown off the bed with great force.

Sungki rolled over in pain and growled at her. How dare she hit him?

Ciara was about to help her son but the shaman threw a glare at her and shook his head. They must not break the chant. Baekha and Minyoon cheered for Jiwoon who was fighting against the monster on her own.

"Sis, don\'t give up!" Baekha yelled. She tried to free herself but the demon was not letting them go at all. But she could feel the grip had loosened. One more kick and they might be freed!

"Looks like I\'ll have to tame you again!" Sungki snarled and lunged at her. Jiwoon was ready to kick him again but Sungki froze midway.

"AGHHHH!" he screamed and gripped his head as if he was having a massive migraine. His eyes were flashing red and black as if something was happening inside him. Sungki\'s limbs moved on their own as he fought some kind of dilemma. His hands moved to his pocket and took out a key.

"T-Take…" he stammered. Jiwoon\'s eyes widened in shock as Sungki pushed a key into her hand. The shaman was also shocked. So shocked that he stopped chanting.

"Siwan?" Jiwoon realized. He was fighting the demon!

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