Doctor Demon

Chapter 275 - War Of The Leagues (5)

Somewhere in the city, a posh BMW was racing through the roads. The chauffeur of the sleek car was driving at full speed. He was nervously glancing at the mirror, worried about the cold aura which was emitting from his employer.

Sitting at the back seat was a man of immense grace and quiet dignity. His dark blonde hair was neatly brushed back and he was staring outside the window. A look of cold fury mixed with sadness was reflected on his handsome face. He was quiet but the air he gave off was dangerous and wild.

The man had just heard a rather disturbing news and he was now torn between seeking revenge and carrying out his duties. 

"Sir, we\'re nearly there," the chauffeur informed him. The man did not say anything but nodded and turned away, staring outside the window. It was going to be a long night.


Siwan was in the hospital where a new patient had been wheeled in. The patient was a six year old girl with dark hair and a sweet, innocent face. She had been badly bruised when she fell from the hill after witnessing her father\'s death.

"Kim Hana," he muttered as he checked the details on the file the nurse handed to him. The children\'s unit was nearly empty that night except for Hana who was the only patient. Only he and a nurse were there to tend to the girl.

"Did you inject her with anesthesia?" Siwan asked. "Or has she been unconscious all this time?"

The girl was lying on the bed, unconscious. Her arm was in a sling and she broke a few teeth as well. The nurse shook her head.

"She is in trauma," the nurse explained. "The girl has been unconscious since she was wheeled into emergency care."

Siwan sighed and shut the file. "Keep her under observation," he instructed. "And-"


The silence of the hospital was shattered by the cries of a hysterical woman who barged into the children\'s unit. She was completely deranged, her hair in a mess and her makeup running all over her face. Her eyes fell on Hana, who was still unconscious.

"Hana!" The woman screamed and rushed to hug her daughter. Siwan stepped between them, looking calm.

"I\'m sorry but who are you?" he asked politely. "This is my patient and I cannot let you near her unless you are a guardian or a parent."

"I\'m her mother!" the woman claimed. "Song Aina!"

Siwan checked the file. The mother\'s name was also written as Song Aina. 

"My baby!" Aina cried, pushing past him. She was touching Hana\'s face, crying hard. 

"Ma\'am please be careful," Siwan warned. "She is in a critical state and touching her like this will only agitate her more. Please step back-"

"Who the hell are you to tell me what to do to my child?" Aina snapped. "I\'m here to take my daughter away! That rat bastard Hwangjoon snatched her away from me but I\'m now here to take my daughter away!"

Her eyes were bloodshot red and a faint smell was coming from her. Siwan shared a glance with the nurse. 

"Ma\'am, Hana is sick and needs rest," he informs her. "Please step back and follow me outside. I will explain her condition-"

"I am taking my daughter home!" Aina snarled at him. "Prepare her discharge papers!"


Aina glared at Siwan who was calm. She might be Hana\'s mother but at that moment, Hana was his patient and he was the one who would decide the best course of action for her future.

"What?" she snarled. "Why won\'t you let me take my child away?"

"Mrs. Kim, was it?" he asked. 

"Miss Song. I\'m divorced."

"Alright, Miss Song," Siwan stated. "The file in my hands is from the police team who are at the crime scene right now. I\'m sure you know what happened to your ex-husband?"

"Yes. He was killed in the cabin he owned in the countryside."

"According to the investigating officers who sent us all the information via email, the file states that your ex-husband had full custody of your child," Siwan replied. "Which means that you don\'t have any authority to take her away. Only her assigned legal guardian can do so."

"I am her mother and I-"

"Then show me proof where it states that you are authorized to take Hana away in the events of your ex-husband\'s death," Siwan demanded. "Bring the written paper and I will let you go. I might be a doctor but it\'s basic protocol. Only a parent or legal guardian can take the child away-"

"I am a parent!"

"But in the event where the custody is solely with one parent, then the other one must receive a written approval from the court to even visit the child," Siwan recited. "And in the events of the sole custodian\'s death, the living parent must provide all legal evidence to show that he or she is authorized to take the child\'s custody."

Aina did not reply but glared at him as if she wanted to murder him. At that moment, Jiwoon entered the room to see that Aina was giving threatening looks at Siwan. She instantly took charge of the situation.

"Step back from the doctor, Miss Song!" Jiwoon ordered. "Otherwise, I\'ll be forced to arrest you!"

She flashed her badge at Aina, who was scared. "You know very well that you\'re not supposed to be anywhere around Hana," Jiwoon continued. "Your ex-husband removed you from Hana\'s life because you abused her in your drug induced state. The court has prohibited you from seeing your child without permission and even after his death, you\'re not the custodian but your brother-in-law is."

Aina gulped and glared at both of them. "I\'ll be back!" she threatened. "My ex might think that he had won but I will take my daughter away! Does he think that his rich brother will help him? Never!"

She stormed off, leaving them alone. The nurse, who was scared stiff, was the first to speak when the woman left.

"She\'s scary!" the nurse squeaked. "Obsessed with her daughter, she is!"

"Yeah…" Siwan was still staring at the door as if expecting the woman to return. He did not want to admit it but she made him feel uneasy because she reminded him of his own father who was obsessed with his image and lineage. 

Why do people like them become parents?

"How is she now?" Jiwoon asked him.

"She\'s traumatized," he winced. "But we\'ll do all we can to help her. I\'m sure she can make a full recovery."

"It\'s a good thing I had called Kim Hwangjoon\'s legal representative," Jiwoon sighed. "And he told me about this situation. Apparently, Song Aina assaulted her daughter. Aina takes a lot of drugs and in one of her fits, she beat up Hana to the point that the girl almost died. It\'s a good thing her father saved her on time."

"Is her legal guardian coming?" Siwan asked as they walked towards the door, heading for his office. They were now in the corridor, talking alone.

"The lawyer informed the victim\'s brother," she replied. "He\'s apparently some big movie mogul in the country and is on set. He\'ll be here."

"Do you know what really happened to her dad?" he asked. "I heard the news about the mysterious Blue Fish murders and people are saying that it makes people kill themselves. Is it true?"

"Well…" Jiwoon hesitated but there was no point in hiding this from him. Since Junho was mentoring him, Siwan was going to find out anyway. She quickly filled him in about the demon murders which made him raise his eyebrows.

"Demon huh?" he muttered. "I don\'t know if our information is fully accurate about them. I\'ll be heading to the national library tomorrow to try and get access to their archives where there are books on the occult. Do you want to-"


For a moment, the world seemed to have stopped. A familiar voice echoed in her ears and Jiwoon turned around, her face turning pale. Siwan followed her gaze, instinctively protective of her but she was not scared. On the contrary, she was surprised and happy to see a familiar figure standing in front of her. His cold demeanor did not bother her at all but he looked a little sad and hurt.

"Ilhoon?" she gasped. "Kim Ilhoon?"

Siwan recognized that name. Kim Ilhoon was Hana\'s guardian and also the biggest movie mogul in the country. He was only in his early thirties and the most successful movie producer who won an Oscar recently. The man stood there with an air of dignity and elegance. Even in his state of crisis, he recognized Jiwoon as Jisoo.

Without a word, he stepped forward and hugged her in front of Siwan. Jiwoon smiled and hugged him back.

"I missed you, Jisoo," Ilhoon whispered.

"I missed you too, Ilhoon," she said.

Siwan watched them, feeling unsettled and for some reason, very sad. He did not know why but his heart was in pain. Why was he feeling so bothered? For a wild second, he wanted to tear them apart and pull her away from him but he stood there, frozen to his spot.

Slowly, he stepped back and walked away, leaving them alone while his own mind was in turmoil. What was this uneasy feeling? 

And why was he feeling so…so…angry?

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