Monarch of Gluttony: System of Sin

Chapter 48 48: Strategist

Elijah was riding on his horse, talking to someone with a crystal. He was leading an entire army before him. However, he abruptly halted the horse as he yelled in response.

"You idiot! What nonsense are you spouting!"

What did this guy mean when he said that he had killed Michael?

"Michael was killed by that bastard Azekiel! He killed that guy and probably dragged his body back to convince you. That cunning bastard!"

"Ah." The Minister was gobsmacked as he heard the answer. "This... I never even considered the possibility that he might be lying. I took him for his word."

"Of course you did. A person needs a brain and common sense to catch a lie which you don\'t have!" Since Elijah was so furious, he didn\'t even hesitate with his scolding.

"I-i will go to the other Ministers and tell them," the Minister exclaimed.

"Tell them what?" Elijah rolled his eyes. "That I told you the truth? You\'ll be killed, and that Azekiel will find out that you\'ve been my pawn. Moreover, what can you even achieve after telling them? You idiots already handed over the Empire to Azekiel. You can\'t take it back."

"He probably passed the legal requirement. The Empire already belongs to him now. Nothing is stopping him from killing all the Ministers now since you\'re all useless. So don\'t do something stupid."

"Instead of going against him, try to get close to him. Try to understand what he is planning and keep giving me all the information. And if you can\'t get the information from him, get it from the General he told! I don\'t care where you get that information from! All I know is that I want the answers!"

"Y-yes, Master. I will do as you said." The Ministers kept the stone back in his pocket before he unlocked the door. He left the bathroom, wiping his sweat.

"Argh!" As soon as the Minister stepped out, he froze in place to find Azekiel standing right there.

"Why are you sweating so much?" Azekiel asked, smiling. "I was just passing through. Did I scare you?"

"N-not at all. I was just surprised, Your Majesty." The Minister sighed a breath of relief since Azekiel hadn\'t heard him. He was sure that if Azekiel had heard, he would\'ve killed him.

The Minister noticed the book in Azekiel\'s hands, becoming slightly surprised, but he soon shifted his gaze as if he hadn\'t seen the book.

Even though the Minister pretended as if it was nothing, Azekiel caught that glance. This guy knew about the book. Despite knowing, Azekiel still didn\'t comment.

"You all can go and rest. You must be tired after the meeting." Azekiel started leaving without a second glance at the Minister.

Instead of leaving, the Minister followed Azekiel. "Ah, Your Majesty. I am not tired. In my worries for the Empire, how can I rest? I can\'t rest until the battle is over and we win. Please let me accompany you as your Advisor."

"Sure, I do need some amazing advisors," Azekiel smiled. "Please keep me company."

Azekiel and the Minister walked into the hallway, going straight to the balcony from where Azekiel was keeping an eye on the General who was preparing the army and issuing commands left and right.

"Do you think we can win the war?" Azekiel asked.

The Minister smiled wryly. "I don\'t know your battle strategies, so I can\'t comment on that. But I\'m known to be the best War Strategist in the Empire. If you can tell me your war strategy, I might be able to give a more accurate answer to that question."

"Oh right, in my haste, I forgot to tell the Ministers my plan. How stupid of me." Azekiel gazed into the distance. "My strategy is simple. We will send all our force to the battlefield and overwhelm the enemy. I will also personally go to the battlefield. It\'ll be a live-or-die battle, and I don\'t want to leave anything behind for later."

"Entire Army at a single point with you leading them? That is a good plan indeed." The Minister agreed. "The Enemies must be tired after traveling for a long time. With a full-frontal assault, it should be an easy victory. And with you present there, it\'ll be even easier."

"It\'s good to see that such a cherished War Strategist appreciates my strategy. Anyway, I should get ready as well. I\'ll be leading the army after all. It was good to talk to you. After I return, we will talk more." Patting the shoulders of the Young Minister, Azekiel left.

He walked back into the hallway. The Minister watched Azekiel leave, and only after making sure that he had left did he sigh a breath of relief.

"That idiot. He told me the entire plan. What an idiot," the man laughed out loud after he was alone. He brought the stone out of his pocket. This time, he didn\'t even need to go to the bathroom since this area was very safe. No guards ever came here. And Azekiel had also left.

Even if someone came, the footsteps were going to be clearly audible.

"Master, I found out the plan."

"What plan?" The calm voice came in response.

"This guy is sending all the soldiers to the battlefield for the frontal assault, leaving no soldiers in the city. Moreover, he will be leading the charge himself."

"That\'s it? That was his master plan? Attacking with his full force? That kid is really naive, isn\'t he? The more soldiers he tosses our way, the more we would be able to kill since there would be more targets. Moreover, our army is smaller, and they\'ll be slightly relaxed. It\'ll be even easier because of that."

"And by the time they\'ll be close to the victory, the other half of my army will arrive, turning the tide. Even a kid could\'ve made a better plan than him. However, are you sure this is the plan?"

"Yes Master. I swear on my life this is the plan. There is no way I can be wrong!" The Minister swore in excitement.

"Good. Then not only will it be an easy victory but also something more." Elijah grinned brightly before stopping the conversation. He kept the stone back.

He went closer to the General and whispered something in his ears before racing off into the distance, ahead of the army.


Back at the castle, the old Minister was really smug. He had managed to finish the task.

"You did good work." Just as the Minister started laughing out loud, he heard a calm voice coming from the back. His laughter immediately disappeared.

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