Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 36 Plan To Ride Out The Storm Of The Rampage Phase Of The Tournament

"Is that…, the mystic ability of the Wandering Moon Queen?"

Rex was shocked on seeing what just happened to his opponent, and he was even more amazed since he already connected who had this ability.

The Wandering Moon Queen was the only Advanced Mystic Warrior in Delta State who was a wielder of a water mystic ability that was rumored to be able to use the master level water skill, water doppelganger.

This was a master-level water skill that was able to create a water doppelganger of a living organism.

Its mechanism worked by taking advantage of the water in a living organism.

Through the internal water, the mystic warrior can instantly scan inside his opponent, getting his/her complete anatomy which grants him the ability to create a doppelganger of the living organism made up of water completely.

The mystic energy expenditure required to use this skill was stupendous for a basic mystic warrior but was just so-so for advanced mystic warriors.

When a water ability mystic warrior with this skill works alongside a space ability mystic warrior, the water ability mystic warrior could create a doppelganger of both of them, while the space ability mystic warrior warps them away.

This was a legendary escape combination skill that the human race has used a lot of times to outwit the dangerous and cunning mystic beasts.

Rex guessed that the legendary Wandering Moon Queen worked alongside a space ability mystic warrior to so impeccably rescue the student who was his opponent a few seconds ago.

This skill being used was not too shocking, the shocking fact here was that this skill being used represented that the legendary Wandering Moon Queen actually came to spectate the academy\'s graduation tournament.

The fact that a space ability Advanced mystic warrior probably accompanied her made this all the more significant.

The Wandering Moon Queen was a legend of the nearby port city, the biggest city in Delta State, Anime City.

Having been recognized as a genius since her tender years, she lived up to the expectations that were generated by all the hype, successfully breaking through to the advanced mystic warrior realm and becoming a legend.

Besides this, she was the founder and headmistress of the popular water-style taijutsu dojo. She was an extremely powerful, rich, and influential mystic warrior of Delta State.

Rex\'s eyes glittered like stars as he made all these connections, his great ambitions for this tournament already found the needed fuel to grow more.

His ambition was already burning through the roof.

After finally awakening mystic energy, Rex started the graduation tournament to show his power to the world, impress, attract attention and finally escape from his lowly status since the age of 5.

His motivation to reveal his full power burned more than ever now. With such a powerful and influential mystic warrior watching his performance, the stakes involved became higher.

He was ready to impress this powerful woman.

After the explanation from Mr. Minamito, Rex understood the rules of the tournament more thoroughly.

After his first student elimination, he now had 13 points. 3 of these points were from surviving an ambush, while the remaining 10 were from eliminating an opposing student.

It didn\'t matter that this opponent was in his team, so long as only 4 people would be lucky enough to qualify from here, such eliminations were allowed.

Rex looked down at his wrist where his electronic tournament band that was designed for the rampage phase of the tournament showed his points.

He needed to accrue more points, but Rex was not about to go out to fulfill this recklessly. In this tournament, he was not the only strong student, and he was not the only dark horse either, there were numerous of them.

If he became arrogant for a moment, even with all his advantages, even with Berserker, Rex did not doubt that he would be eliminated.

This was the reason why he decided to take this the slow and steady way.

Though he wanted to impress the Wandering Moon Queen, he also wanted his 2 friends to qualify. This was why Rex\'s first plan after eliminating his first opponent and settling down was to seek his 2 friends.

If he could group up with both Ben and Cassandra, Rex did not doubt that together, they would be able to tear their way through any opponent.

Once he finalized his plan, he took action.

With his sword in his hand, Rex started navigating his way through the tricky landscape of the Hillbilly Forest.

In the rampage phase of the graduation tournament, Rex was not the only student competing, neither was he the only student who had ambitions.

When each of these students eliminated their first opponents, they also became exposed to the fact of the legendary Wandering Moon Queen watching their performance. Instantly, their energy levels all rose to a new high.

Their ambition now burned so high like drug addicts who just took a sniff of their meds and got so high that they were already floating in the 9th heaven.

Emboldened more than ever, they actively started hunts for other students. Fights erupted in different parts of the forest with blood flowing where some students were eliminated, while others drew and escaped.

Among these students was Rex who also got to fight more battles. In his quest to find his friends, Rex got embroiled in 3 subsequent battles.

The first was against a random lone student who was hunting for easy prey. Once Rex met him and tested his strength, he ruthlessly went for the kill, eliminating his opponent even faster than the first.

The 2nd was against 2 students of the wind department. These 2 students were friends and they had the same plan as he did.

They already cooperated and eliminated 3 opponents but when they saw Rex, they took an extremely shameless decision and escaped. Rex was shocked, the spectators were completely stupefied.

"When did I become so scary?" Rex was confused.

Despite being confused, he continued his journey until he met his 3rd battle encounter. Once Rex saw the group, he knew that something was wrong.

This group comprised 4 students with their leader being someone that he was familiar with, Rhode Foster was the leader of this group of students.

On seeing the formation of students, it only took a second for Rex to understand their plan. Clearly, these 4 already arranged and saw themselves as the only 4 to qualify from this round, they would team up and eliminate all the others.

Rex\'s face turned grave.

Rhode Foster alone was already a powerful opponent that could give him a hard time, adding 3 other students who were stronger than average tipped the scales so far beyond his reach that Rex made his decision instantly.

"Movement Technique: Drizzling Rain Steps!"


Instantly, Rex turned and disappeared into the forest.

Running with his tail between his legs looked embarrassing, but Rex was not embarrassed since he knew that decision-making was a must-have ability of any great warrior. Knowing when to fight and when to retreat in battle was a good trait.

He was ready to impress, and Rex knew that such instantaneous decision-making was a mark of a great warrior that any powerful mystic warrior looked out for in any promising talent.

He was sure that in the eyes of the Wandering Moon Queen, this was a pass, and it was the main reason why he went against his personality and retreated.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Rhode Foster\'s team was not about to let him escape so easily, once he went on the run, Rhode Foster and her team went in pursuit.

Rhode Foster had the light mystic ability, one of her teammates had the wind mystic ability, while the last 2 were both fire ability users.

In the end, Rex had to fight an uphill battle against 4 powerful opponents. Even with all his advantages, with Rhode leading the group, they proved to be a force too powerful for him to handle.

After running kilometers through the Hillbilly Forest, during which they encountered a lot of students who avoided the confrontation in the process, Rex\'s luck finally shone as he met one of his friends.

After so long, Rex met Cassandra.

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