Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 142 The Invincible Ape!

The mission was short and urgent since the 2 humans were still in danger.

Despite the urgency of the situation, Rex was still able to understand something from the mission details and the main mission.

The main mission said to either help them or kill them. From the mission details, he guessed that if he killed them, he would be getting his rewards from the bodyguards of these 2 Great Shelter Dwellers.

In the same way, if he helped them, he would be getting his rewards from them.

"Great Shelter Dwellers huh, this is my first time meeting them".

Rex felt like a barbarian all of a sudden as he thought of the identities of these 2. Despite the many thoughts in his head, he still knew that he needed to act fast, and was why he did exactly just that.

Perhaps, killing them and handing their dead body over would give him more benefits, but in the long term, Rex believed he would suffer from it.

To prevent himself from going to the dark side, he already decided to do good when possible. This was a prime opportunity to do another good.

The joyful part about it was he would get paid for it.


[You have activated Master Level Skill: Oxygen Manipulation!]


Instantly, the air ignited as fire raged and concentrated in the direction of the massive Ape that was after the 2 humans in silver vests.

The fire engulfed the Ape, dealing a lot of damage but unlike what Rex expected, the Ape came out of the fire with only blackened skin.

It roared and beat its chest angrily before changing its target to him.

As the Ape charged toward him, Rex prepared himself for collision as this allowed the 2 Great Shelter Dwellers to finally catch their breath and hide behind a boulder that was nearby.

"Leave, here is not safe!"

"Keep on yelling Aragorn and Elanor until you\'re saved!"

The 2 humans were stunned but they dared not delay as they obeyed and started running away while yelling. They barely started running before a collision sound reverberated again, Rex took the Ape head-on.


[You have activated Master Level Skill: Ultimate Iron Defense!]


Rex activated his 2 Master level skills consecutively as his mystic energy drained rapidly, but he was glad he did since without it, he would have been crushed to meat paste by the ridiculous strength of this beast.

For the first time since he got this defense skill that his ancestor dubbed invincible, Rex learned first-hand that it was nowhere invincible.

He clashed with the Ape fist for fist and the repercussions followed.

Rex\'s eyes watered as the ripples of the collision spread through his hand into his body, jiggling his cheeks, lips, and muscles in the process as he suddenly felt like someone that was carrying the weight of the whole world.

Rex felt his knees buckle but as he felt the angry Ape about to punch again, his adrenaline levels soared in the face of danger as his eyes glowed.

Definitely, this Ape was above most other Advanced mystic beasts. This was a veteran Ape that had probably spent years or even decades in this realm.

Rex tried but he soon discovered that he could not dodge the Ape\'s follow-up attack. The Ape was not just super strong but super-fast too.


[You have activated Blood Tome skill: Phasing- Mid-range Teleportation!]



Rex disappeared, finally escaping the harassment of the Ape but he was nowhere safe as this Ape seemed to also have enhanced senses.

As the Ape sought out his new location, Rex felt his heart in his throat for the first time since his grade level up to become an Advanced mystic warrior.

"Damn, what kind of Ape is this?!"

Rex dared not stay in one place, he activated the 2 active abilities of his Wind Boots as he instantly started a mad sprint towards his friend\'s direction.

The commotion of the battle was already felt by the others, and Princess Elanor who was the closest was the one who arrived first.


Golden metal arrows rained from the skies, blotting the sun in an intimidating display as the Elven Princess arrived but the Ape was not intimidated as it beat its chest angrily while facing the skies.

The next moment, the Ape slammed its 2 massive arms together. The impact was like a thunderclap as a massive shockwave came from its epicenter.


All the golden metal arrows were shattered to pieces as the shockwave further went to throw Rex and Princess Elanor flying away like headless chickens.

Even as they flew away, the massive Ape like King Kong did not relent as he ate yards of space sprinting towards its 2 prey that was in the air.

While still in mid-air, Rex used his Oxygen Manipulation and other methods to try to hold it back while Princess Elanor manipulated the plants to aid her but none of them could stop the Ape as it bulldozed through it all.

As the Ape was finally about to jump up to snatch one of them and end its life, the 3rd in the brotherhood finally appeared with his Blood Pistols.

Aragorn maintained his aim before unleashing hell on the massive Ape.

As the red-colored beams hit the Ape, it was pushed back for the first time but not for long as it started beating the momentum of the bullets and red beams.

Rex and Princess Elanor landed and they rejoined the battle. Their pride did not let them escape. They believed that together, the 3 of them could kill this Ape but oh boy, they could not have been more wrong.

This Ape went against all odds as its massive arms wreak havoc like the Destroyer, smacking everything that the 3 warriors spammed at it to pieces.

The battle between the 4 of them lasted just 4 minutes, and in this time, their mystic energy was almost depleted already due to the level of skills that they used while the Ape was injured but still fresh and raring to go.


"Run!!!" That was the only conclusion that they could come to.

The Monster Truck arrived right on time as it unleashed one of its newly updated killer missiles that sent the Ape flying back.

This bought enough time for 3 of them to board the Truck as the 2 Great Shelter Dwellers were already aboard. The next moment, Aragorn overloaded the Truck\'s engines as it sped away from the Great Ape Forest.

The Ape was relentless as it pursued for 12 minutes before it finally lost them. Its angry roars continued reverberating in the forest as they escaped.

"Phew!" Rex wiped his sweat in the Truck.

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