Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 168 Arrival Of The Token Holders

A few minutes after he was taken, Ambition woke up again to galloping sounds as he opened his eyes only to see himself in a strange place.

At this moment, he was no longer on the desert surface nor was he engulfed by sand which was the feeling whenever he dived underground.

He was actually underground, but he was not engulfed by sand.

He was in what seemed like a city underground, and at this moment the beasts that carried him were moving through an underground staircase.

The sand of the desert was manipulated to form solid structures through which this city was built. The walls were made of solidified sand, and in some other areas heated sand which already turned to glass.

At this moment, despite his lack of a soul and emotions, Ambition was dizzy as all sensations in his body were already lost, the poison already infiltrated deep.

His body and face were white as his body occasionally convulsed due to his contaminated blood, his eyes were bloodshot and stressed.

He was just a few steps away from death.

As the beasts moved, he felt like he already started his journey through the pathway of death. After 2 minutes that felt like 2 lifetimes to him, he was finally dropped down on the solidified sand floor.

Ambition exerted strength to move, barely turning his body upright which enabled him to finally see the throne that he was dropped at.

This little movement from him sapped away all his energy, making him feel even more light-headed as he struggled to look through his dizzy eyes.

He was dropped at the feet of a massive throne that was occupied by an equally massive Naga. This mythical beast looked down at him with a curious and slightly annoyed look on its beautiful face.

"Where is my lover?!" The Naga\'s voice boomed like thunder.

"My Queen, we finally located him but on getting there, we discovered that he suffered an ambush from a snake group led by a Dust Snake".

"After a great battle, they later encountered a Sand Worm…"


As the beasts explained themselves to the Naga Queen, Ambition\'s senses got duller till all he could hear were whispers that seemed to come from the afterworld where the dead lived.

"So, he is a subordinate of my lover?!"

The Naga\'s booming voice was what aroused Ambition again. He struggled to open his eyes as his life was already nearly drained completely by the poison.

"What happened to him?"

"My Queen, he is poisoned…"

The Naga\'s eyes narrowed as it finally directed its eyes to the equally weak Dust Snake. Just one look at Ambition and she knew that he was almost dead.

Without a word, the next moment, the massive Naga moved as with a smooth motion of its long snake tail, it scooped the Dust Snake up before plucking one of its fangs.

The Naga chewed on the fang till all that was left of it was pieces and sticky fluid. The next moment, she picked Ambition up before feeding him the fluid.

At that moment, Ambition already lost consciousness again.

Just 5 minutes later though, Ambition regained consciousness only to see himself still before the Desert Queen. The dizzy feeling already disappeared.

The Naga looked straight at him. "Where is my lover?"


"Is he deaf or is he a mute?"


On still not getting any reply, the Naga moved Ambition closer to her face. "What are you? You are not a regular human…"

The Naga felt curious and decided to find the truth out by herself.

As she looked into the eyes of this strange human and observed, activating one of her special abilities in the process, her eyes suddenly glowed red and with a scared look on her face, she dropped Ambition.

The Naga Queen rose from her throne for the first time as she glared at Ambition, causing all her subordinates to shiver and cower in fear.

"Such a powerful mystic treasure, so you\'re not living huh?" Her brows crunched. "I hope my love is lovable and malleable, and not so capable".

She soon turned to slither deeper into her city. "Keep the Dust Snake alive!"

"Yes, your highness".

6 hours after the great battle…

Despite all attempts that were made by its body to activate its natural defense mechanism, Storm failed as the poison was more potent than his resistance. In just 2 hours, Storm became a corpse.

As the hours counted, the sand soon started covering the huge Storm Kamaitachi that lay in the desert dead.

When it finally became 6 hours later, before Storm was covered by the desert completely, a wooden desert sail passed through the area.

A few minutes later, the specialized wooden sailer returned. Its sailor, a muscular middle-aged man came down and moved closer to the silhouette.

And scooping away the sand, the sailor was shocked at what he discovered. "An ancient Kamaitachi?!"

Kamaitachis were beasts that were already close to extinction in the real world. Those that lived in the Micro World of Elias were special cases that lived there all their lives starting from centuries ago.

Regular Kamaitachis were extremely rare beasts, as for those with pure bloodlines like Storm Kamaitachis and Rage Kamaitachis, they were an exotic rarity.

Ecstatic by his extremely rare discovery, the sailor did not even care to check if the Kamaitachi was still alive as he hauled it into his sailer before sailing away.

Ambition was carried away by the subordinates of the Desert Queen, Storm was carried away by an unknown desert sailor, even Rex at least fell into the inheritance ground, Grey was the only one who fate screwed with.

It was already a day after the great battle…

Despite the long time that already passed, Grey was the only one of the 4 whose fate was still left hanging at the edge of a precipice.

For 24 hours, he kept fighting against death and the poison that was wreaking havoc in his bloodstream while not receiving help from anywhere.

By now, the sand already buried it completely in the desert but Grey kept on fighting against death. For some strange reason, despite literally being the slave of a human already, the Dark Mist Spider felt very reluctant to die.

It held on tightly to its life due to a strange reason that motivated it.

After the 24-hour mark and still with no help appearing, Grey already lost all hopes of receiving help and it finally decided to focus on itself.

In the end, life and survival were a personal race.

Once Grey came to this realization, it seemed to experience a moment of epiphany despite being a beast as it entered a special state of meditation.

In this special state of meditation, Grey\'s internal body regulation worked in a way that it had not done before as he felt that his body was suddenly in its peak physical state where his strength and resistance were at their strongest.

After another 2 hours, the sand shook before collapsing as one of the 8 legs of a massive spider dug out of the ground. In the end, despite its lacking speed compared to Storm, Grey had one advantage which was its vitality.

Its tenacious vitality paired with its changed mentality after experiencing the moment of epiphany was what enabled its body to fight and purge the poison.

With the poison purged, Grey still felt weak but this served as the starting point of its comeback. Weak, weary, and mentally drained, Grey picked itself up from where life left it as it crawled deep into the desert.

A few minutes later, it discovered another snake, a weak snake. Grey was able to kill the snake and feast on it which replenished its strength a bit.

Grey\'s survival journey officially started.

A week later, the time finally came.

The time for the official 4-year opening of Minato Musashi\'s inheritance ground finally came, and all the inheritance token holders from all over the world finally started converging in the Great River of gold.

The Ancient Carter family was among those that got one of these inheritance tokens for their descendants. And after Ben Carter\'s incredible performance in the carrier ranking test, he got the inheritance token.

After a lot of preparation over the past few months, Ben Carter finally set off alone from the Great Myriad Shelter to the Great River of gold.

Over the past year, Ben already matured a lot as a mystic warrior from the previous horny and woman-obsessed warrior that he was, and with his current strength, embarking on such long journeys was no longer a suicide mission.

Like Rex, the journey was a rollercoaster for Ben as he encountered different situations ranging from marauders to hostile villages, and other dangerous encounters that most times left him hanging at the edge of a precipice.

After entering the desert, unlike Rex who had to grope his way through, Ben knew where he was going and he also had advanced equipment for navigating.

Ben set out on his journey and arrived at the inheritance ground in just 2 days.

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