Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 190 Reuniting The Gang


Rex was petrified from surprise but Grey was not as the massive Dark Mist Spider ran into him. Despite becoming a tenacious survivor already, Grey still retained that inherent loyalty and love that it had for its master.

The massive Spider engulfed Rex completely in a hug that almost suffocated him. Grey\'s hug was not exactly that of love, but to check if he was injured.

It was only after confirming that his master was uninjured and was fine did the Dark Mist Spider finally calm down and stood beside Rex just like old times.

Once Grey calmed down, it finally became Rex\'s turn to become emotional.

Though it was not supposed to be, as his first transformed beast, it was inevitable that after going through many battles and surviving together, he already developed a lot of emotions towards it.

Rex patted one of Grey\'s legs before hugging it tightly.

As all these happened, Ben stood to the side and watched quietly. Though Rex already told him about his transformed beasts and warrior, he was still astonished after meeting Grey in person.

Grey was much more menacing and stronger than he expected. Alone, he was not even 100% sure of defeating this massive Spider in battle.

He chuckled thinking of how in just 1 year, Rex already overtook him and became this strong. "He really is a 1 in a millennium genius".

"I still have a long way to go". He motivated himself with this sight.

Despite the help from his family, Rex\'s genius was what pushed him to become this strong in so little time. Without his genius talent and willpower, he would have been long dead due to the caliber of enemies that he had.

Ben gave master and beast all the time that they needed to enjoy their reunion. While still hugging its leg, Rex finally asked Grey to give an account.

After spending so much time together already, he already discovered long ago that his transformed mystic beasts could communicate with him telepathically.

Once he asked, Grey complied and started giving an account.

Hearing of how much Grey suffered and had to go through, Rex was amazed that the Dark Mist Spider was able to survive it all and even come out stronger.

"You\'re my buddy for life". Rex patted its thick skin with a smile.

"Now, it\'s time to go locate Storm, do you have any idea where he is?"

Grey nodded. After Rex left the vicinity of the Sword Saint\'s tomb and the Coffin of the Ancients was no longer suppressed, Grey did not only become capable of locating Rex, but also the remaining 2 transformed beast and warrior.

According to Grey, Storm was not too far away at the moment.

Without hesitation, Rex invited Ben as they both mounted the massive Spider. Once they were settled on top it, Grey sprinted through the desert.

Having lived and survived here for 2 months, Grey already knew the safest and fastest routes as he sprinted and evaded most of the dangerous groups nearby.


The sound of the wind blowing was especially strong today.

This time though, the strong wind being induced was not natural. This massive wind and dust were induced by a specialized wooden sailer moving through this part of the desert, it\'s sailor must be the flash.

The speed at which this specialized wooden sailer moved was so fast that it was at the very least 10 times faster than its other wooden sailers.

Wooden sailers were most times either pulled by mystic beasts that their sailors tamed, or simply moved by the mystic warriors themselves through their mystic abilities that were most times related to sand.

For this sailor, he had to do nothing even though he had 2 mystic abilities that were related to sand. This was because he had a special companion.

Since 2 months ago after he hit the jackpot and found an Ancient Kamaitachi, John\'s life changed. As a sailor, his life was always eventful as the possible adventures in the desert were so numerous that he was never left bored.

His life was already adventure-filled previously, but since finding Kamaitachi, his life became much more exciting and eventful.

When he carried the Kamaitachi, it was already dead but as a sailor who already spent 30 decades sailing the desert, he knew a lot of things.

Every region of the earth had their specialties, and the Great Desert also had its own specialty in the special gold sand that was said to revive the dead.

John had only ever heard of the special gold sand before, but once he rescued the Kamaitachi, he finally got the determination to brave the dangers and get it.

For 6 full hours, John sailed through some of the dangerous locations of the desert before he was finally able to get his hands on the special gold sand.

And like was spread through rumors, the special sand was indeed capable of reviving the dead. Once Storm ingested the special sand, he choked back to life.

Since then, both beast and sailor became the best of friends. Storm\'s personality and life was so free that it was not as restricted by its loyalty to Rex.

Over the course of 2 months, they both grew to become a deadly duo. They conquered other sailors, they killed powerful beasts, and built a reputation for themselves as the invisible speed demon and the blood sailor.

Today again, they were off to another adventure.

The cause of this unnatural wind was Storm. The Kamaitachi put his race\'s talent to work, rapidly racing through the desert and dragging the sailer along.

Like Grey, Storm also felt the connection when Rex left the vicinity of the Sword Saint\'s tomb. He told the sailor and the man agreed to take him to meet its master, and that was their destination.

On their way though, they met a horde of Scavenger Desert Boars.

These beasts were clearly hungry and on seeing the sailer, they were eager to devour the sailor as they went in pursuit.

Originally, John would have started complicated calculations to evade the beasts but with Storm, he soon grew used to leaving most things to the Kamaitachi. And once again, Storm did not disappoint and rose to the challenge.

Once Storm took control of the wind, the weather and everything came under its control, the beasts were up against nature itself.

Once it gathered enough momentum, the wind exploded with force and erupted towards the group of beasts that were trying to surround and box them in before devouring them. With the eruption of the powerful wind followed sand.

The velocity of the sands moving grew so much momentum that they became as sharp as daggers, and they became the weapons to attack the beasts.

For this encounter, Storm was not about to take advantage of his speed to escape, his intention was to take advantage of his speed, kite them and whittle them down until the last beast was dead.

After the harrowing encounters 2 months ago that led to its death, Storm developed this innate hatred to constantly want to annihilate all desert beasts.

Once the wind\'s momentum finally reached its peak, a massacre started.

The Desert Boars died left and right, only their miserable cries of pain were heard amid the whooshing sounds of the wind and sand moving rapidly.

Rex, Ben, and Grey came to meet this horrifying spectacle.

The wind carried the sand and rose high like a mighty tsunami, everywhere dead beast body parts and blood could be seen flying with the wind. The death cries of the Boars were what added the finishing touches to this hellish scene.

As a mystic warrior, Rex had seen his fair share of deaths and he did not shy from killing too since he killed his first mystic beast but still, this was gruesome.

Massacres were always more visually impacting than one on one battles.

When the battle finally came to an end, only 1 Storm Kamaitachi and a Sailor remained alive, none of the Desert Boars survived the assault.

Rex and Ben watched with mouths gaped open in shock. Grey grew stronger and more tenacious, but Storm definitely changed the most.

After dying once, Storm dropped all its naivety as a young Kamaitachi.

Storm matured so much and developed killer instincts to kill. Storm though did not improve much in strength, because of its change in mentality became a much more dangerous killer than it was before.

The reunion this time was much more muted. Rex no longer felt as emotional as he expected, he was shocked to meet this serial killer version of his transformed beast.

He turned to face the sailor but before he could speak, the sand became loose and opened up only for a massive mouth to rise out of it, a mature Super Grade Sand Worm\'s mouth.

Rex, Ben, John, and the 2 transformed beasts were caught off-guard. They tried to escape but strange warriors with tail as legs and humanoid upper bodies prevented them from escaping from above.

In no time, the massive Sand Worm succeeded in swallowing them all.

After what felt like an hour, Rex finally saw light again.

On waking up, he was not inside the belly of a beast nor was he on top the desert. From the humidity around him, he guessed that he was underground a lot of sand, this was underground the desert.

Since he was not tied up, he turned to look and was surprised. He was in what felt like an underground city, his companions were with him, and the most surprising fact of all was Ambition that stood before him.

Rex was speechless, before he could regain his speech, a powerful voice interrupted him.

"Finally!" The Naga Queen exclaimed. "Welcome to my kingdom, my love!"

Rex felt goosebumps creep all over his skin.

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