Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 211 The Berserk Gang Vs The Exquisite Gang! [1]

Rex felt a chill crawling down his spine as he looked at the large army.

Like he predicted and Ben confirmed, the Exquisite gang army really came in its fullest potential to take advantage of the current weak state of the Berserk Gang.

Without a doubt, they mobilized through the night considering the distance from the South region of the Red Zone to the Blood Market region.

Like an ant colony, they filled the valley as their military trucks steadily intruded into the territory of the Blood Market region.

With thousands of military trucks on the move, Rex easily made an estimate that at least 80,000 mystic warriors were mobilized for this mission.

Like he suspected, they decided to invade the Blood Market region through the Spring Valley and the previous territory of the Ape Ville Gang. This was the easiest way to enter this region without attracting too much attention.

What they didn\'t expect though was for the Berserk Gang to have already guessed their intentions and were prepared for their arrival.

Rex did not know the reaction of the Commander of the Exquisite army on seeing them prepared, one thing that he knew though was that the Commander didn\'t stop the thousands of military trucks from trooping forward.

Without a doubt, the Exquisite army was ready for war.

A war involving tens of thousands of soldiers of this scale in a single battlefield was one that Rex had never fought in all his life as a mystic warrior.

He felt slightly intimidated but he dared not show it. He was the gang leader of the Berserk Gang, he had to set an example for the others to follow.

The Berserk Gang army was divided into 3 parties.

Ben led one to block the road that led to the South region, Aragorn led the other to block another strategic location that led into the Blood Market region, while Rex led the majority of the army to block the Spring Valley.

As soon as he confirmed the direction of the enemies, without feeling flustered, he fished out the special communicator as he switched on its signal.

"All army units, report to the Spring Valley".

"The enemies are on sight".

Instantly after he gave the order, Rex kept the special communicator as with one smooth motion, he unsheathed Berserker out of its sheath.

"This is the moment of truth!" He turned to the soldiers and spoke.

"Today, we fight and defend our territory and the Berserk Gang!"

"Today, we fight for our lives!"


Boom! Boom! Boom!

The Exquisite army was not polite enough to let him finish his little war speech as hundreds of canon balls, energy beams, and kinetic projectiles were instantly unleashed from the military trucks, bloating the sky in no time.


Before the enemies arrived, the Berserk army was already set up in a compact square shape that covered half of the massive Spring Valley.

As soon as the enemies attacked, the alert soldiers reacted as they activated the hundreds of shield generators, erecting huge blue energy shields in no time.

The kinetic projectiles and energy beams finally fell as they hit the energy shields, rippling them with force. The energy shields kept most of them at bay but it was not omnipotent as others penetrated its defensive perimeter.

Explosions rocked the Spring Valley as dozens of trucks exploded on impact.

On seeing this scene, Rex felt his blood burning hot like magma on a volcano as his eyes instantly turned blood-red, then he turned to glare at the enemies.

He finished his speech. "Today, we eradicate the Exquisite Gang!"


Storm came right on time as Rex mounted his transformed beast and led the charge towards the enemies, hundreds of military trucks followed his lead.

On the front and with his sword, Rex started the attack.

Like the wind itself, the Storm Kamaitachi dodged the hundreds of energy beams and kinetic projectiles that were shot in its direction, it rode the wind.

Despite Storm\'s incredible speed and wind control ability, when the attacks increased to the thousands, it was inevitable for him to be hit.

One of the kinetic projectiles went straight at Rex and this prompted him to act having focused on riding Storm\'s momentum since.


You have activated Gauntlet\'s mystic ability: Leonidas\'s Block!

You have activated Iron Mike Cloak\'s mystic ability: Blood Flight!

You have activated Master Level Blackfire skill: Oxygen Manipulation!


As soon as Rex raised his Gauntlets and blocked, a blue energy covered the Gauntlets that not only blocked the damage but also reflected it back.

The energy from so many attacks was powerful as it went far, destroying 4 enemy trucks in the process but this was just the start for Rex.

As soon as he activated the Gauntlet\'s mystic effect, he also activated the Blood Flight of the Iron Mike Cloak as he finally ditched Storm and rose into the sky.

Unlike in his half-bat form, he didn\'t need wings to fly this time. In the skies and covered with a blood aura, Rex was like a demonic version of the superman. His eyes now glowed red in the sky like a second sun.

In the skies, Rex activated his 3rd skill, the Oxygen Manipulation master level skill and instantly, he started diving back from the skies straight at the enemies.

Metallic ringing sounds reverberated as the warriors of the Exquisite army shot at him but Rex\'s myth grade Vampiric armor shrugged all the damage off.

As Rex descended, the oxygen in the air suddenly ignited on his control.


Rex finally landed straight at the middle of the enemy camp in a cloud of fire. On his control, the fire spread uncontrollably through the oxygen in the air.

Military trucks surrounding him ignited and exploded under the heat of the fire as hundreds of warriors died instantly to the first eruption.

Once the first eruption ended, a crater and a huge space was left in the middle of the originally charging army. Now, they no longer seemed as invisible.

Singlehandedly, Rex faced the 80,000-capacity army of the Exquisite gang and he didn\'t die, rather he killed over 200 of them in one attack run.

If this was not intimidating enough, then Rex didn\'t know what was.

Though they already heard about the famous vampire gang leader of the Berserk Gang, this single action shocked the warriors of the Exquisite gang.

As for the warriors of the Berserk Gang, they were emboldened.

"For glory!"

"Annihilate the Exquisite gang!"

While some preferred to ride on the military trucks most especially the ranged specialists to get better shot angles, the others that were mostly close-ranged combatants jumped down and decided to take the battle personal.

In just seconds, both armies finally collided and a huge battle royal started.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Bullet shells rattled through the battlefield like the repetitive and seizing speeches of a stammerer, cold weapons clashed echoing the drums of war, explosions rocked the battlefield like Armageddon was here, it was a chaotic affair.

Amid all this commotion, 2 entities were able to make their mark, Storm was absolutely unstoppable as he spread riot throughout the battlefield.

No Exquisite gangman survived his assault.

As for Rex, he was inevitable as a berserk version of him wreaked havoc.

The battle raged energetically.

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