Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 239 Max's Creed


Armed robbers broke into a small household in the night.

Armed with automatic rifles, they rampaged across the poor household of 2 parents, 2 young girls and a small boy, destroying and stealing things.

They didn\'t stop at stealing; the thieves took it a step further.

A young boy of barely 7 years watched while shivering in fear from under a small table as the robbers rampaged across the small house where he grew.

As he watched while tears flowed from his eyes unceasingly, his eldest sister of 13 years old was grabbed by one of the armed robbers.

"Dan, f*ck you! Leave the kid alone!" The robber who seemed to be the leader of the crew yelled as soon as he saw the actions of his subordinate.

"Chill boss, she\'s grown up already and ripe in just the right places".

"I can\'t wait to ravage this beautiful rose boss, hahaha".

While the little girl screamed and his young brother of 4 watched from under a table, her skirt was ripped to shreds by the aroused robber.

Just a few seconds later, the robber started violating the girl.

The young boy of 7 shuddered at his sister\'s screams of pain as tears flowed uncontrollably down his eyes, he was traumatized by the scene.

While other robbers continued stealing valuables, perhaps aroused by the actions of one of theirs, 2 other robbers came out with malicious intentions.

Once again, they grabbed the 2nd young girl in the house. The 2 hefty armed robbers were merciless as they ravaged the girl of only 9 years old.

Amid her 2 daughters\' screams of pain, the mother could no longer take it as she rushed forward to plead for her daughters to be spared.


One of the annoyed robbers smacked her on the head, leaving her dizzy as she fell down. "Stay down old hag!" He roared.

Perhaps no longer satisfied with the daughter, one of the robbers left the daughter and did exactly what she did to the daughters to the mother.

As all these happened, a young boy of 7 watched from under the table.

After what felt like a terrible nightmare that lasted years, the armed robbers finally got satisfied and left. All 3 women were left lying in a pool of their own blood.

This was when the father of the household finally stood up having surrendered and laid on the ground since. On seeing the aftermath, he placed his hands on his head and cried. "No…, no…"

Numb from crying already, the boy finally crawled from under the table.

He went closer to his favorite 9-year old sister who was covered with blood and nudged her. "Coral…"


Despite nudging for minutes, Coral did not respond, the young boy cried.

"Max…" He soon heard a voice calling him.

On raising his head, he saw his mother calling with the last of her strength.

Max crawled towards his mother.

Blood flowed down her eyes. "Max…, look at me…"

"Promise me that you\'ll survive…, promise me that you\'ll live…"

As she spoke, she soon grew stiff, she died.

Tears overflowed again as Max cried. "Ahhh…" He roared.

"Why is mom dead?"

"Why is there death?"

"Why is Coral dead?"

"Why is there suffering?"

Recognized as a genius from a young age, Max was intelligent and knew a lot. Now, he was questioning life itself as he cried his heart out.

He cried till his eyes turned red as he questioned life, then after 2 hours, he glared at his father who still cowered at a corner crying.

Then he concluded. "There is death because we are weak".

"There is suffering because we are weak".

"The only way to kill death is to become strong and kill weakness".

Max stood up and picked up a knife from the table before walking towards his father. "Dad…, you are too weak to live, only the strong can live".

"M-Max…" The father stammered. "What do you think you\'re doing?"


The man barely reacted before the knife stabbed him straight on the head, he struggled for a few seconds before going stiff.

As soon as his dad died, Max felt a mysterious energy flowing through him, the power of death, the power to overcome death.

When he finally opened his eyes after doing the deed, his eyes were pitch-black, he awakened mystic energy and a special ability at the same moment that he stabbed the knife at his father.

With his pitch-black eyes, Max made a creed. "Power is the only way to kill death".

"Killing others is the only way to get power".

"Getting power is the only way to stop suffering, so I must kill!"

"I will not be like dad, I will find and get power".

"I will get power by all means until Coral won\'t die anymore".

Max stood up, then he set the house on fire before leaving home.

He roamed the wild for 2 years and soon gained notoriety for his pitch-black eyes and impeccable talent for killing. He was noticed by a rogue intermediate mystic warrior who took him in as a student, Max aged and got stronger.

At the age of 12, he killed his master. Over the years, the power of his eyes developed, he more he killed, the stronger he grew.

After killing his master, he grew even stronger.

At the age of 15, he returned to his village and killed the armed robbers. He didn\'t stop at that. "To get power to protect Coral, I must kill!"

Max massacred the whole village, leaving a scene of desolation as he soon became a wanted fugitive. He killed all the bounty hunters that went after him and established a name for himself. At the age of 20, he went to the Gundam Shelter.

In 5 years, he established the Axe Gang and started growing. Even as the years passed, his creed never changed. "To get power to save Coral, kill".

"My ultimate dream is to kill every mystic warrior and stand as the only mystic warrior in the world, then I will control the world as a god".

"Then can suffering and death finally end".

With this creed, he motivated himself into killing and expanding his gang until he finally met the Berserk Gang. Motivated by his creed, he almost succeeded until a mystic warrior called Rex stopped him singlehandedly.

For the first time since he was 7 years, Max doubted his creed. "Am I not the chosen one? Am I not the god to save Coral and bring peace to this world?"

In his prison, Max agonized for a long time after waking up till he finally understood, he added a set of new beliefs to his creed.

"If I am not strong enough to protect Coral, I deserve to die".

"The one who is strong enough to kill me is the one who deserves to kill death, he is the one who deserves to carry the creed of death".

"He will kill me and get my powers then he will become the god of this world, only then can Coral be saved".

Max ignored the tears that flowed from his eyes as he glared at Rex. "Kill me and get my powers, you must save Coral!"

Rex closed his eyes, then he sighed and stood up. "I understand".


You have activated Advanced Sword Skill: One Autumn Leaf- Annihilation Slash!



With one smooth motion, Rex beheaded the war prisoner.

After killing him, he stood in a daze as he replayed everything that he just witnessed. Due to some strange reason, as soon as he asked Max for his ultimate dream, his upgrade ability triggered again.

Alongside Max, they time-traveled to Max\'s past. In just a few seconds, Rex was able to live the whole life of this warrior and was why he understood.

Rex clenched his fists. "Is this the mystic world?"

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