Vampire System- The Last Mystic Swordsman

Chapter 259 Invasion Of The Mystic Apes! [4]


You have activated Master Level Tiajutsu Skill: Green Warrior!

You have activated Master Level Tiajutsu Skill: Ultimate Iron Defense!

You have activated Master Level Sword Skill: Master of the Elements!


"Damn Apes!"

"My territory shall be your graves!"

Seeing the thousands of corpses that belonged to his warriors lying across his territory, Rex lost it completely and he channeled his anger to become strength.


Rex landed with incredible power as the green energy that erupted with him as the center evaporated 5 Apes that were closest to him.

With his now green eyes burning with an aggressive fury, his body moved of its own volition against the Apes that now turned their attention to him.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

With the Ultimate Iron Defense master level skill taking care of his defense, Rex focused fully on offense against the hateful Apes.

Water, fire, wind, earth, he made use of all 4 Elements in quick succession through his Master of the Elements master level skill as the Green Warrior empowered them to an even more ridiculous level.

No Ape that ate his attack had the mettle to survive it.

All traces of them were wiped off the face of the earth.

At this moment, Rex already entered an inspired state that was made possible due to his anger as he attacked with a vengeance for destruction.

He bulldozed through the Apes with unstoppable momentum, and he did not do this aimlessly, his target was the horse-riding Ape.

With repeated piercing stabs which was by far his fastest skill, Rex was able to rapidly close the distance while killing even more Apes.

As soon as he saw the Ape, the green in his eyes erupted aggressively.


You have activated Master Level Sword Skill: Precision Slash!


The Precision Slash was by far Rex\'s most accurate and most dangerous single-damage attack, it concentrated all of its power on a single point.

Rex attacked with the speed and aggressiveness exceeding the Apes.

The horse-riding Ape felt the danger as it instantly reacted. Originally, it ignored this human like the other Advanced mystic human that protected the humans but Rex\'s sudden attack left all its hair standing on end.

The Ape bent to an unnatural angle as he aimed to block with his ancient wooden spear. Rex\'s Berserker descended with fury against the spear.


The sound of collision was like exploding dominoes.

The Ape\'s face was strained as the incredible force accompanying Rex\'s attacked pushed it down from its hell horse, the hell horse became the victim.

The fiery red eyes of this beast watched in fear as the residual sword energy of the Precision Slash descended into its unprotected frame.

The Hell Horse could not escape, the attack dissected it in twain.


The massive Ape grunted and hooted in fury as soon as its mount was cut into 2 equal parts as it erupted with aggressiveness for a 2nd attack.

Rex was ready for it, and someone else was also ready.


It was day with the sun shining brightly but Cassandra was still able to move flawlessly through the shadows like a descendant of the Shadow goddess.

Her sword sliced rapidly like the slicing sounds made by a master chef expertly slicing vegetables in a cutting board.

The difference this time was that the cutting board was the battlefield and it was not vegetables that was being sliced, it was a horse-riding Ape.

"Roar!" The Ape roared in pain as blood flowed.

Cassandra gave it 3 lethal slices across its body as blood flowed before it could react, it pursued the Snake Empress with its ancient wooden spear but someone else was one step ahead.


With her omnidirectional mystic device, Swift Spear rose into the skies like the god of the skies as her grapple hooks were launched on her will.

The Apes roared again and tried to counterattack but she was too fast.

With her swift spear, she toyed around with the Ape with absolute speed as she moved all around him while slicing nitty bitty injuries all across its sturdy hide.

"ROAR!!!" The Ape roared again.

Whoosh! Whoosh!

In it\'s bid to get the human that was flying all around it like an annoying mosquito, the Ape was unable to react to the attack of the legendary archer.

Elanor\'s 2 impeccable arrow shots got the Ape where it hurt the most.


Blood flowed like a river as the 2 arrows dug into the Ape\'s 2 eye sockets.

The Ape seemed to lose its voice due to the pain as it alternated between roaring, hooting, and grunting even as it lost its balance.

The Snake Empress and Swift Spear went back at this moment.

With their sword and spear, they harassed the Ape who was already at its wit end, preparing it for the ultimate attack from Rex.


You have activated Advanced Sword Skill: Planetary Devastation Slash!

You have activated Master Level Sword Skill: Phoenix Ash!


The Planetary Devastation Slash opened a hole in the Ape\'s exposed chest, and the Phoenix Ash skill that followed after widened the hole, cutting so deep inside that the Ape staggered and gasped for breath.

Blood flowed like a fountain as all the other Apes hooted in a panic.

They tried to interfere but this was when Ben finally came into play, with his sword, he cut through the Apes like a hot knife cutting through tofu.


You have inflicted severe damage to the Horse-riding Ape!

The Ape has been affected with the disintegration state!


As soon as the disintegration state triggered, the fate of the Ape was sealed.

It roared loudly in pain as its body disintegrated while it lost its vitality until it turned into ash, this was the true power of the Phoenix Ash.

As soon as the horse-riding Ape died, Rex picked up its ancient wooden spear before sprinting towards the direction of the strategy hall of the Blood Market region alongside Cassandra.

Swift Spear retreated to a random direction while Elanor and Ben stayed behind to help the thousands of warriors that turned into minotaurs.

On getting to the strategy hall, Rex met only one warrior, Melkor\'s assistant.

"Gang Leader". This warrior fell on his knees with tears on his face.

"You didn\'t transform?"

"I didn\'t have the courage, I deserve death, please kill me".

Rex ignored his reply. "Tell me everything that happened".

"Yes, Gang Leader".

Using as few words as possible, this mystic warrior managed to tell Rex about the overall situation about how the invasion started and how it progressed till now.

Cassandra spoke first after the warrior was done. "Rex, you saw the scenes inside the forest, more and more Apes are trooping towards here".

"No matter how strong we are, we can\'t fight so many Apes alone".

"We need to call for reinforcements".

"Yes, I know that". Rex\'s eyes gleamed aggressively.

"When I guessed that Melkor was also experiencing communication problems, I communicated with my transformed beasts through our telepathic relationship. 50% of our full army is already on the way".

"They will get here in 30 minutes, we just need to hold the Apes".

Rex turned his eyes to glare at the Apes.

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