Rebirth of the Strongest Dungeon Master

Chapter 114 Dying

Aditya and the homunculus children run through the forest. The rain did not stop, and the wind continued to hit their faces. The air was so cold that it made their lips tremble. The children kept running even though they were barefoot.

Even with this condition, they did not complain at all.

Aditya looked back from time to time. In his mind, he hoped his comrades would follow soon. He was sure they could all survive. Even if the monsters they fought were impossible to defeat, at least they were able to save themselves.

Besides, Isaac was with them. After seeing the man make decisions and solve problems during this raid, Aditya thought that the instructor was reliable.

"All of you must survive!"

Now, he focused on evacuating these homunculus children to the camp safely.

However, their journey was certainly not as easy as they expected.

One of the homunculus children slipped. He fell and landed in a puddle. When he got up, his face was covered with mud.

Aditya stopped and quickly helped the child. The other children also stopped.

"Hey, are you okay?" He cleaned the child\'s face. "Could you still keep running?"

The child nodded. Aditya smiled seeing his response.

"Good, let\'s get back to moving. It\'s not safe here."

And what he said came true. Suddenly, the bushes around them moved strangely.

He spontaneously carried the child in a hurry.

"Hurry! Hurry! Ran faster!"

The homunculus children obeyed. They ran fast. Aditya kept telling them to run faster. The man looked tense. Even the veins on his face tightened as his heart beat like a drum.

"Keep running! Don\'t look back!"

Even though Aditya said so, he still looked back. His eyes opened wide when he saw a horde of giant monsters resembling humans ran after them.

Their skin was pale green. Sharp fangs dangled from the lower molars. Their long, black hair which was wet because of the rain, moving relentlessly. They glared at Aditya and the homunculus kids with blank white eyes. The ferocity was evident on their faces. They roared while brandishing their weapons in the air.


Aditya cursed in a desperate tone. Meanwhile, the ogres chased them with murderous intent.

He screamed, telling the homunculus to run faster. However, the distance between them and the horde of ogres kept shrinking.

The ogres had large bodies, their feet were wider, and their muscles were able to run fast.

Of course, Aditya was aware of this. It was just a matter of seconds for the monsters to catch up with them.

He ran while biting his lower lip anxiously.

"Damn it!"

Then, he stopped. Aditya turned around. His determination was clearly etched on his face. It mixed with fear that harboured in his heart.

One had to make sacrifices to keep the other safe.

"Do not stop! Keep running!" exclaimed the Indian man loudly.

Yet, the homunculus children still stopped despite being told so. The confused looks appeared on their faces. Even if they ran, they didn\'t know where to go. From the start, they had no purpose, just going with the flow. They really were like the lambs who lost their way.


After being scolded a second time, they finally ran aimlessly.

Aditya smiled in relief, but it didn\'t last long.

The horde of the ogres was only five meters away from him. The man gripped his staff tightly and ran over towards the monsters.


He screamed until all the air in his lungs came out. Aditya mustered all his remaining determination and courage to attack the ogres.


The ogres roared. Then, there was the sound of bones breaking.


A hard club landed in the man\'s face. His body was thrown 10 meters away and hit on the ground. Blood was seeping. It rushed down profusely, staining his face with dirty brown mud. He couldn\'t feel half of his face. His consciousness was also floating.

However, Aditya was back on his feet. He must not lose consciousness. Not yet, he was not dead yet. He needed to buy time so the homunculus children could save themselves.

His hand gave off a green glow. He cast a healing spell, then treated the wound on his face. Not long after, the wound closed and he could feel half of his face again.

The ogres who witnessed that roared in rage.

"I can do this all day. Heheh…"

Then, Aditya attacked them again with the staff in his hands. He threw himself into death once more. The ogres certainly didn\'t just wait.


Bam! Bam! Bam!

Splat! Crack!

The club kept hitting Aditya. His bones and skull screamed repeatedly. His skin was bruised and torn apart, releasing the flesh encased in it. The blood didn\'t stop flowing like a waterfall.

The man fell down; he was badly hit. The pain crept through every part of his body. Slowly, the pain turned numb.

Even so, he still persisted. He cast recovery magic on himself once again. He didn\'t mean to survive, but he just wanted to last a little longer.

If his sacrifice was able to save thirty innocent children, he wouldn\'t mind feeling the pain a little longer.

On the other hand, the ogres mercilessly continued to hit the poor man in turn. They didn\'t care about the homunculus children. They just wanted the human to die.


The roar echoed in the drizzling rain. The club continued to crush Aditya\'s body. His breath began to hitch. His heartbeat was weak. He couldn\'t even move his fingertips.

At that critical moment, the ogres stopped beating him. They looked up in the air and glanced at their surroundings.

They sensed the presence of another being.

A man walked up to them. His white hair was wet and raindrops trickled down his face. He had a flat expression and a cold stare. In his hand, he held a sword.

The ogres quickly roared. Threats spread through the air and the sound of gurgling rain. They didn\'t like having someone interrupt their fun.


The ogres charged at him all together. Yet, the man continued to walk leisurely toward them. There was no sign of fear at all on his face.

He smirked as the dozens of ogres arrived before him.

"Give it your best."

Swooss! Swooo! Soosh!

The clubs swung rapidly until the air was cut off. The ogres attacked the white-haired man repeatedly, but none of the attacks landed on his body.

He dodged every attack calmly, as if he was dancing in the drizzling rain. He wasn\'t touched. Not even a scratch on his skin could be seen.

The ogres attack the man blindly. They surrounded him and tried to attack from all directions. But still, the result was zero.

"I think that\'s enough. Now, I will finish you off."

Slash! Splat!

He swung his sword. With a single slash, the three ogres split into three parts. Blood spurted in all directions. The puddles began to turn red.

The ogres screamed in anger as they watched their comrades die. They went berserk and started attacking him indiscriminately.

However, the thing that happened later was the opposite.

The man slaughtered the ogres instead. The sword sliced ​​through the flesh and cut the bones of the ogres. He killed them all like it was nothing.

On the other hand, the hysterical ogres were full of madness. One by one, they turned into pieces of meat. They could only watch their comrades die and wait for their next turn.

The terrible monsters turned into cattle ready to be slaughtered.

Slash! Splat!



One last ogre fell. The group of ogres was exterminated in just seconds.

After eliminating them all, the man still looked calm. There was no sweat on his body. It was as if he had just finished off a pest.

Then, his attention turned to Aditya.

He walked up to Aditya. His eyes glazed over at the poor man\'s condition, lying in the middle of a puddle of mud in a battered condition. The man\'s condition was like a lump of meat. He barely had any shape.

"I… Inst… instructor… Isaac."

Aditya tried to call out the name of his savior. His voice was hoarse and weak.

Meanwhile, Isaac just stood and looked at the man. His eyes were cold.

Aditya, with all his strength left, grabbed Isaac\'s leg. He held the man\'s pants weakly.

"P… please…"

Isaac stood still with his expressionless face.

"Please… please save… the children…"

Then, Aditya\'s hands drooped and fell to the ground. After that, he didn\'t move anymore.

Isaac opened his eyes wide. He covered his face, then he smiled broadly. It wasn\'t long before he chuckled amusedly. He was trying to hold back his laughter half to death, yet it still slipped out of his mouth.

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