Rebirth of the Strongest Dungeon Master

Chapter 167 Preparation

"Kyu kyu kyu!"

"O hohoh… Hey, are you happy? I\'m happy too." He stroked the tiny monster\'s head. "It\'s great when everything goes according to plan. I can\'t wait to see how their fight will turn out, but for now, let\'s lie down for a bit."


The Qilin baby let out fire for the second time. Isaac gave it a gold bar, then it ate the metal lump like a snack.

After ten minutes of playing with the baby Qilin, Isaac put it in his coat pocket. He then quickly rushed out of the queen\'s room.

In the doorway, he peeked at the state of the throne\'s chamber.

Inside the throne\'s chamber was quiet, only twenty antfolk warriors on standby. They were placed by the Queen to keep Isaac safe. Some of them seemed to yawn while the rest were seen chatting with each other.

Seeing the warriors\' indiscipline attitude, he clicked his tongue.

"Let me guess, they were stationed here to keep me safe?" Isaac let out a disappointed sigh. "How can people like them gain the Queen\'s trust? No wonder the Ant Kingdom is on the brink of collapse."

Annoyed by the indiscipline of the antfolk warriors who were on guard, Isaac quickly entered the throne\'s chamber. He didn\'t sneak or walk in the shadows.

He came out blatantly towards the exit, paying no mind to them.

Of course, the antfolk warriors were surprised to see that.

One of the antfolks reminded Isaac.

"Hey, stranger! What are you doing here!? Go back to the Queen\'s chamber."

Isaac paid him no heed.

"Don\'t play around. Come back, I don\'t want any annoying trouble!"

Yet, he still didn\'t listen to the antfolk. He continued walking towards the exit.

Feeling ignored, the antfolk warrior was furious, so was with the others.

"Tch, that human just did what he wanted."

"Bastard! Just because the Queen likes him, he can act as he pleases? Let\'s teach him a lesson. Come on!"

They chased Isaac who was walking towards the exit. An antfolk pulled his shoulder violently.

"Hey! Damn it! Do not go around as you please!"

At that moment, the sound of gunshots resounded in the air.


An antfolk collapsed helplessly. He writhed on the floor while clutching his severed arm that continued to bleed. His colleagues could only see him, looking flabbergasted.

They quickly pointed their spears at Isaac. The antennae on their heads appeared, standing straight tensely, a sign that they were on alert.

The exit opened, and a group of antfolk warriors entered the throne\'s chamber. It seemed the Queen had also stationed guards outside.

They were also shocked to see one of their comrades lying on the floor covered in blood. Confusion was written on all of their faces.

Naturally, they also pointed their guns at the demon.

Finding himself surrounded by the antfolk warriors, Isaac sighed.

"You are all troublesome insects after all."

He pointed his gun at them.

Bam! Bam! Bam!

Within seconds, tens of antfolk were killed. Those who were still alive were in dying states. Some of them were writhing in pain and some tried to crawl to save themselves, while the rest looked so shocked that they couldn\'t move at all.

Isaac left them all without looking back.




In a large hall that was almost the size of a football stadium, thousands of antfolks were gathered. Most of them were worker antfolks. They seemed to wonder why the queen gathered them there. What\'s more, they were given spears, an object that they were not allowed to touch for the rest of their lives.

The ranks of the workers were put in the same line as the ranks of the warriors. This was an unnatural sight for the antfolk.

Whispering voices echoed like flies. Confusion, fear, worry harboured in their hearts. The worker antfolks were questioning their fates.

In the midst of that anxiety, the Queen appeared on stage with Kaies.

Walking gracefully, the golden-haired woman caught the attention of all the Antfolks in the hall. There wasn\'t a single pair of eyes that didn\'t see her.

Queen Kaileena took a deep breath.

"My people, I know you are all wondering, confused, and do not understand, especially for you, the workers. Let me explain the current situation."

Hearing their names being called, the antfolk workers looked amazed. They very rarely got the attention of the Queen. So far, they had always been looked down upon.

Queen Kaileena examined the worker antfolks. A sincere look appeared on her face.

"As you all know, our tower is being infiltrated. At first I didn\'t think it was a big deal, because I didn\'t want to worry all of you. However, the situation escalated beyond expectations."

The Queen took another deep breath.

"Those intruders, they came to our house. They wanted something from us. They…" her words trailed off, as if something had caught in her throat. ".... killed the males and... burned all our eggs."

Instantly, the hall filled with gasps of shock, not long after, whispers echoed again. The antfolks were completely shocked, especially the workers.

They dedicated their lives to the tower for the future generations, but the thing they fought for all this time had gone.

Queen Kaileena looked gloomy. She lowered her head in shame. Her eyes glazed with tears, while her hands clenched tightly. An aura of sorrow enveloped her.

"The warriors have been trying hard to drive them away. Unfortunately, they are too strong to defeat. More than half of the best warriors had died. Even one of our strongest warriors, Chief Yandez, fell in the battle."

The crowd of antfolks instantly became boisterous. The workers got rowdy, while the warriors lowered their heads. Their faces darkened.

Kaies, the only warrior fighting alongside her, clenched his fists until blood seeped out.

"I need all of you. I\'m not ordering you to fight. I beg you to lend me your strength. I know my request is selfish and forced, but we\'ve run out of options. If we continue to remain silent…. and hide. Everything will end."

Her eyes filled with tears, then those tears rolled down her cheeks pitifully.

Seeing their Queen cry, the antfolks\' hearts were touched. Many of them became furious.

"So, please… lend me your strength! Fight for the tower! Fight for the Ant Kingdom! Fight with me!"

"Queen! I will fight alongside you!"

"You are not alone! We are with you!"

"We will fight for our tower!"

The worker antfolks voiced their thoughts. They shouted energetically to cheer up the queen.




The antfolks\' cheers that said her name resounded in the hall. Queen Kaileena smiled at seeing the support of the antfolks. She smiled while wiping away the tears on her cheeks.

"Thank you! Thank you!"

She bowed before her people. Without them knowing, a wide smirk crossed her face.

The antfolk had fallen from the Queen\'s trick.




Clang! Clang! Clang!

The sound of metal clashing echoed. Sparks erupted every time the two sharp weapons collided with each other. Two groups of demons were fighting with all their might.

"You can only do this much, Gavin?! Where was your power earlier, huh?!"

A red-haired woman with a scythe shot through the air as fast as a bullet, cornering a silver-haired man with her sword.

Gavin\'s face was as calm as the surface of the lake. His hand swung his sword swiftly, deflecting every attack thrown by his enemy, Alyna.

She cast lightning magic. Then, tremendous electrical spikes flashed in various directions. The ground and objects that were struck by them gave off a thin layer of smoke. However, none of them managed to land on Gavin.

That first ranked Duke wasn\'t even hurt in the slightest.

"The duke fights are really different, huh?"

A demon in the form of a blue fur lion with a large shield in his hand watched the battle with an astonished face.

Suddenly, a red ax shot towards him.


The clash between the ax and the shield caused an ear-piercing sound, like hearing the church bell.

"Hey! Where are you looking, Agrias?"

Amon, one of Alyna\'s men, shouted at the lion demon.

Staring at the enemy in front of him with a cynical glare, Agrias pushed out a large amount of mana, then a light emerged from the shield.

"Damn it!"

Amon quickly jumped back.

At the same time, Alyna was thrown in the air, shooting like a meteor towards Amon.

Naturally, Amon saw her coming.

"Lady Alyna!"

The man was about to grab her, but a goat-headed demon stepped on his face and caught the woman.


The duchess landed smoothly in Aries\' hands.

"Are you okay?"

"Yeah, damn it! I let my guard down," Alyna replied in annoyance.

From behind, Amon brandished his ax angrily.

"Hey, you jerk! I can catch her! You don\'t have to step on my head!"

Aries didn\'t care, and neither did Alyna.

Their attention was focused on Gavin who was floating in the air together with the pink-haired woman with the star-headed staff. The two of them landed beside Agrias.

Not far behind them, the black-robed demons were watching their fight.

"It looks like this fight will be long and tiring," Aries whispered.

Alya went down, stamped her feet on the ground. "Yeah, it\'s going to take a long time. The demons hiding under the robes… I don\'t know when they will attack us."

"Hmm. We had better come up with a plan for our escape."

Alya didn\'t answer, she only nodded her head.

Even though Alyna was a duke, escaping from thirteen demons was not easy. At least, one of the three of them had to sacrifice their lives.

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