Strongest Businessman of the Cultivation World

Chapter 109 Little Traitor!

"Mo Fan, how bad are our finances? How big of a gap do we have to bridge to meet our monthly target this month?"

The City Lord of Birch City, Zhen Wu, asked his aide with apprehension.

A month ago, starting a Battle of Rights seemed like a great idea. He had ordered the closure of Sect\'s shops to cut off their finances and bring them to their knees quickly. And yet, there was no response from the Monstrous Flame Sect.

Neither they retaliated nor they surrendered.

It did not take him long to understand that they planned to bleed his treasury dry before beginning their counterattack.

As he received the month\'s report from Mo Fan, he missed the large smile on his face.

While going through the report, his eyebrows furrowed. He couldn\'t help but look up at Mo Fan and ask, "Are these numbers real?"

Mo Fan nodded with a big smile. The City Lord looked at the report once again in disbelief.

Of the monthly target of 10000 Gold in taxes, they could get 9000 gold this month without any changes to the existing tax structure. And of that 9000, 3500 Gold was contributed by a single business!

The tax void left by the closure of the Sect\'s shops was filled largely by Ikasa\'s Manuals. And it was after the 30% tax discount!

City Lord laughed joyously upon seeing Ikasa\'s performance.

"Hahaha! I didn\'t choose my man incorrectly!"

Though the City Lord praised Ikasa, he was not the only reason they were closer to their target.

The Commoners, unaware of the Battle of Rights, had breathed a sigh of relief when daily conflicts stopped. With the advent of peace, they loosened their purses freely.

This benefitted the newly reopened businesses. With more customers, their owners hired more employees or paid better wages to the existing ones. These employees then spent their increased income at other establishments, increasing economic activity.

In a way, a virtuous circle was formed which helped generate revenue for the treasury of the City.

The City Lord put down the report in his hands and laughed heartily. If the gap was just within this range, they could easily afford to fight a battle of attrition. 10,000 Gold per year was nothing for the Treasury that contained enough reserves to last five years.

"Let me see how long you Sectarian bastards can endure."

The City Lord whispered with a savage smirk on his face.


A month is a long period of time for some and for others it is just a blink of an eye.

As the party forced to exercise patience, a month seemed like eternity for the members of Monstrous Flame Sect. News from the City kept pouring in and each piece of news was worse than the one before.

This morning, the Sect Master gathered everyone in the Hall of Elders to review their current situation.

"Path Finder Zhi, your policy of wait and watch is not taking us anywhere. Our Cultivation Manual store is closed but it did not affect City\'s tax revenue. I hear a new Shop has opened in the City and it has captured our share of the market and some more."

The Third Elder appraised the guest of the precarious position of their Sect.

In this past month, they had kept patience as per their plan. But instead of things deteriorating for the City Lord, the health of the economy improved as many small businesses reopened their shops.

They did not have access to the private records of City Lord\'s manor but the bustling streets and heavy purses around the waists were enough to arrive at this conclusion.

"Isn\'t your main business that of Medicines and Herbs?"

Path Finder Zhi Yang asked the sulking elders. Upon receiving a nod from the Sect Master, he continued.

"As long as your shop stays closed, the adventurers and mercenaries will not receive timely treatment. Do you think the Hu Clan can sit on the sidelines and watch their people die?"

His words made sense to most of the Elders. With the barrage of bad news, they had forgotten their importance in the City. Monstrous Flame Sect not only sold Cultivation resources, they were the suppliers of medicines as well.

Just when the Elders were about to make plans for the future, a cyan bird holding a scroll flew to the Sect Master. It dropped the scroll on his lap and flew to the perch near the window.

Every eye in the room focused on the scroll. The First Elder pointed to the scroll and asked, "Is that a letter from the He Family?"

Zhi Yang\'s eyes narrowed upon hearing the question. Before the Sect Master could open it, he confiscated the letter.

"What is the meaning of this, Path Finder Zhi?"

Enraged, Yan Hao stood up, slamming his palm on the table. The other Elders also looked at Zhi Yang with displeasure.

The bearded old man sneered and his aura flared. He slapped the table harder and the table cleaved cleanly into two.

"Just because I have been acting amiably, do you think you are worthy of questioning my actions? You people are nothing but Third tier trash and it will do you well to remember it."

The elders were stunned into silence. For the past month they had spent time with Path Finder Zhi and became familiar with him. This Familiarity had bred contempt in their hearts.

They had forgotten their status and treated a man far beyond them as equal. Now they might suffer consequences. At this thought, fear crept into their eyes.

The disdainful gaze of Zhi Yang prickled them.

The one most affected was the Sect Master. Blood drained from his face when he remembered his treatment of the respected Path Finder in an attempt to regain his authority in the Sect.

After putting them in their place, Path Finder Zhi felt the itch in his heart subside. Due to Absolute\'s restrictions, he had become a lion without teeth. No matter how annoyed he was he couldn\'t slap them to death to maintain his prestige.

\'A demonstration of power had to suffice for now.\'

Zhi Yang thought as he unfurled the scroll. After skimming through it, his eyes gleamed. He looked up at the Sect Master and said, "We should pay a visit to the Hu Clan."


"Shhh, Moony don\'t make noise. If Big Brother catches us, we will be in big trouble."

In the dark of the night, a little girl and a little fox sneaked around the villa. Their goal was the recently transported jars of Energy Infused Water.

The little fox nodded, understanding Luo Qiqi\'s words. It tiptoed, imitating her movements as they sneaked to the store room. They soon reached their destination, only to be disappointed. The room was locked with a large padlock!

Thinking for a few seconds, Luo Qiqi had an idea. She asked the fox,

"Can\'t you make a key out of shadows?"

The little critter tilted its head, not understanding what she meant. Luo Qiqi pointed to the lock and said,"A key… To open this?"

The fox nodded much to Qiqi\'s excitement. She could envision herself taking a sip of the deliciously sweet Energy Infused Water. She couldn\'t forget the taste ever since she had it in Sal City. But she was forbidden from having more than 10 drops.

When she saw the jars and jars of her favorite drink stored in the Herb Garden, her tongue craved for more. She tried to persuade other kids to join in her excursion, but they refused much to her disappointment.

However, she found a partner in the little Fox. When the jars were transported to the Villa this afternoon, both of them looked at them with the same greedy eyes. And thus, a team to steal the water was formed.

And now, she was about to succeed!

The Fox jumped up and sliced the lock with elongated shadows covering his little claws. The padlock\'s link was sliced through as if it was made of tofu!

With a thunk, the lock dangled on the door.

Luo Qiqi looked at the little Fox with shock! The Fox, unaware of what he had done, looked at her with an upturned nose, asking for praise.

"You are so powerful, Moony!"

She rubbed the red tuft on the little Fox\'s head and picked it up. Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she opened the door.

Jars and jars of her favorite drink filled her vision as soon as she entered. Her eyes widened at the treasure trove before her. She wiped her drool and grabbed two jars before sitting down in a corner.

She opened them both and pushed one to the little fox. It immediately dipped its snout into the jar and began to lap up the precious water.

On the other hand, Luo Qiqi took a small sip, savoring the taste she craved. She was also afraid after all the warnings she had received. As the water went down her throat, she felt a warmth spread through her body.

The excess energy running through her made her hyperactive. To calm down, she started to perform the motions of [Around the Body in 80 Breaths] . Her eyes lit up after performing the cycle.

"This feels great! Moony, don\'t just drink. Do some exercise too!"

She admonished the Fox who ignored her in favor of finishing the water left in the jar. Shaking her head, she continued with her drinking and exercising.

Just as she had taken a third sip, she heard footsteps coming toward the room.

"Uncle Chu, will watering the seedlings with the Energy-Infused Water really accelerate their growth?"

Luo Qiqi panicked when she heard the voice.

"Oh no, Brother Ikasa is coming!" She urgently whispered to the little Fox, "Moony, quickly hide us!"

But the little fox had already disappeared from its place, leaving her alone. Knowing she was going to be caught anyways, she stomped her foot in frustration and cursed, "Damn you, you little traitor!"

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