Thrown Into A New World: Let The Punishment Begin!

Chapter 664 - Was I Reborn?

Chapter 664 - Was I Reborn?

Hilda\'s eyes opened with a flash and she was gasping to catch her breath.

Her hands which held her children were now small and dainty, much like the ones that belonged to her daughter in that vision.

There was still confusion lingering in her mind at the two different kinds of life she had witnessed.

One was what she had been living until now and the other was the one she had seen in her visions that had just come to an end.

"Was I reborn?" She muttered in a serious voice as what she had felt was too realistic to be false.

The last thing she recalled doing was entering the Palace with her husband and children and in the next moment, she had opened her eyes here, in the body of her previous self.

From the regal Queen of the Kingdom, she had returned to a time where she struggled to even have a warm meal.

Hilda had no clue about the trick played by the God of wisdom and knowledge to help her recall the memories that this body possessed before the entire world had been reset.

Therefore, Hilda fell under the misconception that she had returned to the past.

A time where she had struggled to fill her stomach and stay safe on the streets for the next few years until her fortune shone brightly on her once again.

However, she could not accept the fact that she had now fallen from the highest position a lady in this could possess Kingdom to a lowly orphan who was too timid to even beg.

Her mind recalled the memories of the luxurious life she lived thanks to her Royal husband after all that she had been through in the past.

He knew of her childhood struggles and had done everything in his power to pamper her and shelter her from harm after reuniting with her.

Thus she was extremely unwilling and regretful that she had come back to live through those troubled times of her past all over again.

She wished desperately that this was just a dream and she would go back to the moment that she was entering the Palace with her husband and children after a short trip to the gravesite of the deceased Grand Duchess.

However, even after trying a few times to shut her eyes and open them up once again in hopes of returning to her happy days, Hilda remained unsuccessful.

Realizing that she was now stuck during the worst years of her life, a sense of desolation and gloom overshadowed her.

Her eyes welled up as she cursed her luck which had brought her back to a time she wished to forget and erase from her memory.

Her beloved husband was no more by her side, her children were not yet born during this timeline and she was once again a lonely orphan wandering the streets to find something to fill her stomach.

She had been living in luxury for far too long and abhorred the very thought of suffering on the streets once again.

Therefore, she did not bury her troubles inside her heart but poured them out as she wept for her dreadful fortune for having brought her back to this wretched period of her life.

How cruel could God be for showing her that radiant life where she had gotten used to all the luxuries of the world only to push her back into her past that was filled with solitude and suffering?

Therefore, she lamented over her fate for a long while until there were no more tears left for her to shed.

Hiccupping pitifully, Hilda took a deep breath in to regulate her ragged breaths and attempted to calm herself.

It did not take long before she had managed to regain her composure.

After all, she was the regal Queen of this land before she had come back in time.

\'I went back in time…\' She repeated what her mind had just reminded her.

She had gone through this same life in the past and became the Queen later on.

While some things varied from the past, like her husband who seemed to have not recognized her as his savior right away in this timeline, most of the rest still remained the same.

Her parents had died in the plague and she was now robbed for her money after which she would struggle to survive on these streets.

\'Adoptive parents.\' Hilda shook her head as she had learned about the truth of her birth parents and her identity as a noble child after a few years of living on the streets.

At this thought, her eyes widened in shock and there was a brilliant gleam emitting through them at the idea that had popped up in her mind.

\'What if I don\'t wait till my birth parents find me years later?\' She wondered what would happen if she sought them out actively instead of being passive and waiting for fate to take its course.

She desired to return to the life where she lived with the man she loved, waking up by his side each morning and basking in the joy and glory she found by staying with him.

To achieve that, she would have to change a few moments of the life that she was supposed to live now.

If she met her parents sooner then she might be able to meet her beloved sooner as well.

With this plan in mind, Hilda decided to pursue her goals instead of waiting for her fortune to shine on her only years later.

\'Will he recognize me?\' She blushed at the thought of the Prince who later became the King but was also worried if he would push her away.

\'No! He would never!\' Hilda denied a life where her Fritzen would reject her as their love was not something that would fade away even if certain things had changed from her previous life.

Therefore, with certainty that he would fall in love with her when they meet again, the young girl\'s eyes flashed with determination.

\'Wait for me, my love.\' She prayed and vowed that she would do her best to make her way back to him.

They were set to meet again anyway so she would do her best to become a woman worthy of standing next to him with her head held high.

\'Those women always pointed out that I wasn\'t worthy of him.\' She grimaced at the vile words of the noblewomen she had interacted with in the past.

Now that she knew what she would face, Hilda would be well prepared and confront them with her chin up, just like how she was supposed to.

With invigoration and resolve to not sit by and experience the same sorry years that she had in the past, Hilda rose from the ground.

Clenching her fists, she decided that she would change her fate and return to the position that she held with pride in her previous life.

Such determination coursing through her veins, Hilda strode out of the dark alley towards the path that she knew would lead her to a better future.


While Hilda was on the path to change her future, Yvonne was snoring without a care for the world.

She had struggled to fall asleep and now that she had, she did not care about a thing as she fell into a deep slumber.

Enjoying her repose, she had no clue about the storm named Hilda that was heading her way and would reach her very soon.

Instead, she was too engrossed in her dream to even bother with this as she was still unaware of the troubles heading in her direction.

Right now, she was dreaming of a certain memory of the past, one that she had forgotten about entirely.

"You will rue the day…!" The screeching voice made her grimace in pain as her ears hurt just by listening to it.

"Your life is set to end in disaster…"

"Disaster! Disaster! Disaster!"

"Doom awaits you!"

"He will be the one to destroy you!"

Those words repeated in her mind with no intention of stopping any time soon.

The screeching voice seemed to be stuck in a loop, repeating the same foreboding sentences which sounded like a warning over and over again.

Yvonne tossed and turned in her bed as in the dream, she was in a dark void with only those words echoing all around her.

Unlike her usual dreams which depicted incidents that took place with \'Yvonne\' of the script, this was one that she had experienced in the past.

However, due to certain circumstances, she had forgotten about it.

This was the incident she had experienced on the night that she had saved Prince Fritzen from the stream back in her Summer estate.

That night, she could not fall asleep due to the weeping voice that echoed each time she closed her eyes.

Upon gathering the courage to inquire who it was, the only answer she found was the numerous warnings she had received from whoever it was that was present in her room.

However, before she could figure out the meaning of those words and the one who had said them, she had fallen asleep too abruptly

It was Asmodeus who had appeared in the nick of time and put her to sleep but Yvonne was still not aware of his involvement.

Regardless of her ignorance about the Bird God\'s contribution to that incident, she had now figured something else out after everything that she had witnessed today.

\'So that\'s what those warnings meant…!\' Yvonne\'s eyes shot open as soon as her mind had reached a conclusion.

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