Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 12

It started like any other day but actually was very different. The fuss about the goblin attack was still going on strongly. People were worried, the watch was kept. Nobody dared to go hunting.

Even though we united against the common threat, nobody was willing to share food, and you need to know, that some people were out of points. Almost all of us were starving to some extent. Only the strongest could allow themselves to eat three meals a day, but now even they had to count their points. I saw people begging for even a single bite, with no effect, obviously. Our future was too uncertain to risk even a single point.

All of that is something you could expect. There was nothing strange in what I\'ve written. I did mention this one was different, and that is because something unexpected happened. Some will say it was a good thing, others would argue it wasn\'t.

So what it was? A group of people came to us. In the beginning, they were ignored and just stood without saying a word, for a solid moment. Astonished? Confused? For us, they were just part of the whole group. We didn\'t recognize their relatively clean clothes and faces. Then they tried to talk and after another moment of confusion, information about newcomers made its way through.

A new bunch was pulled from all around the earth to this strange place. They were hungry for information, and we provided them with what they wanted. They found out about our situation, and had no other choice, but to join us in the struggle of surviving a possible assault. Also, a couple of us went to search the city for those who didn\'t make it to the center yet. Soon even more newcomers joined.

A perfect moment for those in need. They didn\'t waste it and went straight for hunting, providing information, explaining, and asking for food in return, when they felt confident. Bait was caught. Starving people got their food. Life went on.

Outpost at the gate got supplied with a new well rested, strong men. I\'ve gotta admit, that I felt better, safer.

Attack wasn\'t starting. Not a single goblin was seen from the walls. Some people proclaimed that we are not gonna get attacked. There were many explanations for that theory. Some people said it\'s because goblins fear the city. Others, that they probably tried to attack, but failed, and now they don\'t want to risk it. There was also one, that they stopped the chase in the woods after losing our tracks. Nobody knew the truth. So by the end of the day, an expedition went to the forest. They were supposed to check what is going on. In no circumstance allowed to engage.

Will was part of that group. He volunteered. Again, when I started to think I know him, he did something unexpected.

While waiting for their return I ate my daily ration. Nine points down. Then sat on the rubble and listened to the conversations of other people. A lot of them were sad. Many worries were shared. I felt like some lost their hope. For me, if the goblins really weren\'t attacking us, nothing changed. For others, it was like they just discovered that they could die while hunting.

Wasn\'t it obvious from the very start? The stronger will survive. Weak will die. I have no idea why some people thought they will make it, just because others were doing pretty well. I guess after I managed to get those three crystals, some of this mood also got me. I felt like a protagonist of some isekai story.

There was a way to become better, stronger, faster, and smarter. It all could be achieved. Not easly, but with a bit of effort. We even forgot about the killing that took place on the fourth day.

All the worries, struggle, pain, and effort. Everything loses while confronted with success and hope. Light pushes the darkness away. In our case happened the same. Now was just the reality check. A little reminder of how things work here. Well, everywhere.

Will\'s group came back after the sun started to go down. They brought news. Forest looked like nothing ever happened in the past two days. They found a few groups of green ones roaming the forest. Collecting wood. Probably trying to hunt animals.

Non-existing animals. It was like they were not really living beings. Dumb dolls doing what they were programmed to do. I kept those thoughts to myself. It felt like I was slowly going to something. Realizing reality around me. It was still too early for the full grasp tough. What was really that strange device? I knew it\'s the most important thing.

After hearing out our scouts, a couple of people declared that they will go hunt tomorrow. It was only a few, all of them somewhat injured. Probably in need of crystals.

Not even one healthy person was willing to risk it yet. Some tried to convince them, but all they heard in response was \'no\'. Even newcomers refused. They probably felt safe with the starting hundred points. There was no reason for them to hunt.

I didn\'t declare anything, but I wanted to go. It was a chance for me. If there were a few groups of goblins roaming the forest, I could get one of them. I could get some crystals. I was thinking that if I approach it well, it should be easy money. Not engage with a group of more than three. That was the biggest number I could take on with a shield. If possible go for pairs, or even single ones.

I want to clarify that I wasn\'t healed yet. My leg still hurt during rapid movements, as did the side. The thing is... I just got excited. With the realization about the goblins I had before, I just couldn\'t let go now.

So I bought an additional portion of food and water, borrowing the bowl again from Aisha. She didn\'t say anything to me, but I saw it in her eyes. She knew I was going to hunt tomorrow. Even though she didn\'t say a thing. After finishing the food I left the group. Took a stroll around, and when I finally got sure nobody was following me, started to head to my hideout. There, in almost complete darkness, I prepared my equipment for tomorrow and went to sleep.

Day ended with 218 points.

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