Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 101

With everything that happened yesterday, I simply overslept. When I woke up and realized the sun is shining outside, I jumped out of the bed, grabbed my stuff, and went running.

People probably were already in their hunting spots, collecting crystals, so the first ones I met were close to the city center. Hailwic was already waiting, clearly annoyed.

- Finally - she said upon seeing me. - Are you trying to make me not go?

- No. Sorry. I was just tired and overslept.

- You are not taking anything?

- I am. Just give me a moment.

She sighed.

- I\'ve been waiting for so long, so I guess I can wait a bit more. By the way, Nadia is not going. I\'ve been told you know but just confirming.

- Yeah. I know. I\'ll be right back.

And I bolted straight to Wuxia buildings, to grab my cart. It was right where I left it. Hatta was really my guardian angel. Nothing was missing. Although guards gave me annoyed looks as I was taking it.

I quickly restocked some supplies and joined Hailwic. Then we departed.

- So, what\'s the plan?

- Month of hunting. You take what you kill.

- I guess that\'s fair. I wouldn\'t want charity either.

- It\'s better than it might sound. One orc, crystal is ten goblin ones. You should be able to kill two per group, or maybe even more if you catch the grasp of it. We usually get ten to twelve groups each day. That\'s two hundred goblin crystals a day.

- Holy shit, that\'s a lot.

- It\'s a decent amount.

- No, I\'m talking about you. How many are usually in a group?

- Eith to twelve.

- Eith to twelve?! That\'s... Can we handle this many enemies at once?

She was shocked. With mouth wide open.

- Yes. Don\'t worry. Just let me engage first, and then join when most are focused on me. Do not fight more than one at once, and let me know if you have more on you.

- Y-yeah, I will... Damn, that\'s at least six hundred goblin crystals for you every day.

- Not exactly, but yeah. It\'s a lot.

- What do you mean?

- This time I\'m hunting for Will.

- Because of the Blue guy? Is he really that dangerous? I mean, I heard about him, but never actually saw him.

- He is. Strong physically, and smart. That is the worst part. I really need to make Will strong enough to handle everything that asshole can throw his way.

- Why don\'t you just kill him? I mean he is a bad guy, doesn\'t he? I heard he even tried to poison that guy, Hatta.

- Do you really want somebody who decides what\'s right and wrong on his own, and executes people, walking around the city? I guess Hatta is right in this. I really want Blue dead, but... I don\'t want to turn into somebody like him. Do you get it?

- You could do it quietly. We don\'t exactly have the police here to investigate.

- If he disappears who are people gonna blame? Me and Hatta. I don\'t really care what they think about me, but I also don\'t want them running the very moment I show my face. Or even worse, try to swarm me and kill. I would really prefer they just forgot who I am. This attention is just... Too much.

- That\'s why you are trying to make Will take your spot? Wow... You are really great friend - the irony in her voice was very clear.

- No. I don\'t want Will to take my spot. He can become something better. He can become somebody people respect and trust. I could never be like that.

- Why?

- Because I\'m an asshole, a coward. I just... I just wanna survive. I\'m not good with people. To be honest I hate most of them. I could never be a leader.

- Doesn\'t everybody want to survive? And if you say you could never be a leader, then for sure you couldn\'t. You can\'t be something you don\'t want to be.

- You know Hailwic, you are like the voice of reason in my head. Too bad it\'s only one guy in the sea of others who constantly diss me.

She laughed.

- You really have issues, Peter.

- I do. I\'m well aware. If I can\'t get my own shit together, how could I ever... Never mind.

- You think about it too much. If you trust Will, then just do it, but does he want it? Did you ever ask?

- He does, at least somewhat.

- Then let\'s hunt those orcs.

- Yeah. Let\'s hunt those orcs.

The conversation ended. With time we eventually made it to the forest. It was cleared nicely by hunters. The first people we saw were soldiers of Wuxia, around the goblin cave, with Hatta among them, picking up the crystals. I also spotted Juan and Will, probably to assist. Make sure Hatta won\'t die while fighting the boss, or maybe one of them was to kill it? I wasn\'t sure.

We briefly greeted each other from afar and went our separate ways. They underground, and our duo further, heading towards the canyon.

- They sure are not wasting any time - said Hailwic.

- Hatta is afraid of blue. He is gonna make everything he can to ensure his own survival. I\'m sure he already made few alliances and won\'t allow Blue anywhere close to that cave as long as it\'s possible.

- You think Blue will accept that?

- Of course not, but he has limited options right now. We need to keep it this way. Maybe he will take a gamble and try to kill a different boss.

- The rat one? Do you think he can do that?

- He will die. That\'s kinda the point.

She chuckled.

- You guys put some thought into this.

- Yeah. The problem is Blue is smarter than us. He might figure out a way. We are also taking a gamble here.

- Then why won\'t you stay? You know, to make sure.

- I can\'t be everywhere. Will needs more crystals. To be honest, everybody does. They will argue among themselves over it the moment they realize how much the class skills cost to upgrade.

- How much?

- Depends, but usually, it\'s thousand, then ten, the hundred, million, et cetera.

- A million?! Did you put so many points in a single skill?

- Yeah. I have one with over a million points in it.

- Wow. Which one?

- It\'s a fighting skill. General one... Nothing fancy.

- I\'m not gonna pretend I understand. Maybe one day, when I have my own.

- We can work on that when they are gone.

- Are you hitting on me Peter?

- What? No.

She laughed.

- I just... I have a good feeling about you. You might be a bit fucked up, but I believe you are a good person.

- Wow. Did you know that you are supposed to complement the women you are hitting on, not insult her?

- Enough jokes Hailwic. It\'s kinda a bad moment.

- I know. Nadia would kill me if she found out. So, please don tell her, ok?

- Then why did you even start? - I looked at her.

- I\'m nervous. The closer we get, the more uneasy I feel.

- Are you scared?

She laughed.

- Of course not. It\'s just the first time I\'ll be fighting those, so I\'m nervous. It\'s like a job interview. You are nervous before it starts, and then you calm down.

I kept silent. Me trying to dig deeper would only make her angry. We kept walking in silence, and finally, after a few hours more, we finally reached the close proximity of the canyon. We didn\'t encounter even a single goblin.

We set up a camp for the night. I made some barriers to alarm me if they get broken, and sat under the tree with some food in my hands, and a bottle of water. Hailwic made her spot a bit further, so there was one tree between us.

When I finished, I went to sleep, but she didn\'t. I was woked up by the broken barrier, and I immediately jumped on my feet. Hailwic was gone, so I quickly figured out what happened, and went straight to the spot she walked thru.

I saw her standing next to the tree, pretty far ahead, in a spot where the last trees grew. She was sitting leaning against the trunk and looking at what was in front of her. The gargantuan geographical formation, barely visible in such darkness lighted up only by starlight.

I came a bit closer, making enough noise so she would hear me. He turned her head to look, but quickly went back to the view.

- We will have a busy day tomorrow. You\'ll need some sleep.

- I can sleep.

- If you are so nervous then why did you come?

She looked at me again.

- I told you, it\'s like with a job interview.

- I kinda don\'t see the connection Hailwic.

- Just go to sleep Peter. I\'ll be fine here.

I sighed.

- Promise me you won\'t go any further.

- I promise.

I shook my head and went back. Now we both couldn\'t sleep.

Day ended with 255 771 points remaining on my account.

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