Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 143

The initial week was great. Everything seemed to work, morale was high, and people didn\'t look tired at all, but after that, I slowly started to witness the fatigue accumulating through each day.

During the second week due to exhaustion things didn\'t work out as smoothly as before, but a bit more effort on my and Will\'s part made up the difference. Unfortunately from that point, it all started to go down.

During the fourth week, they became quite sloppy, and we had few close calls. Nothing a bit of healing wouldn\'t fix, but still, every little accident could easily turn into somebody\'s death. We had to be careful because one clean hit could mean the end.

I felt responsible and tried my best to make up the difference by myself, which led to some mistakes on my part also. Fortunately, I could take it, and somehow we lasted a whole month. It was difficult, I\'m not gonna lie. To the point, I really needed a day off to get some rest or use the device to get rid of the fatigue and minor wounds I couldn\'t heal with magic since others needed that way more than me.

We managed to collect 14 202 crystals during the whole thirty days of continuous assaults on the orc camp. Which meant 1420 per person with few exceptions, but Will decided to pay his debt and gave me a thousand from his share. Combined, the amount was decent, but I still needed more. Way more.

That stupid manual was four times that much, and I really wanted it. The same with some upgrades worth ten million. I needed way more points. I needed to hunt alone in a different spot. Maybe a more difficult one, with stronger monsters.

Even with stories of what they found on their way to Uhm\'s, the spots further, behind both rats\' nest and wolves\' territory, were a much safer bet, at least at the beginning. I needed to compare my strength to not waste time unnecessarily in too difficult places. There was also the fact of scouting for options for others, after the canyon would become insufficient.

I could probably go after harpies, but I was more curious about what I can find in different places.

I shared my thoughts with others as we gathered in one spot the final evening before the departure.

- I don\'t blame you. Sometimes when I see you fight, I think you could easily hunt here by yourself, and don\'t have to share your score with anybody - said Boris. - You do most of the work anyway.

- If we bring enough people here we should be able to continue - said Will. - I\'m not so keen on splitting up the income with more people, but it is what it is. I doubt I can leave you here and go with Peter. I\'m not even sure if he would want that.

He looked at me while saying that last part.

- Sorry Will, but I need some time on my own. How about next time we will hunt together? When I at least have an idea where we would be going.

- Sure thing. No worries.

- So the next time we are on our own? - asked Nobuo.

- Yes. If you get more people, you should be fine. Just take it slowly. I know it was great to get this many crystals per person, and that won\'t be happening from now on, but you\'ll manage. I\'m also sure we will do this again in the future. Maybe in a different place, but I first need to find those places.

- No need to explain yourself to me, Peter. I understand your motives. We are like an anchor to your growth. Go, and do what you need. We will find a way - he continued.

- If we get more stamina, and few more classes each. Then we should be fine even as nine - said Hailwic.

- Let\'s not take unnecessary risks - said Ryuu. - It was good as it lasted, but the time for change came, and we need to adapt.

- Yes. You should sail with the wind as long as it\'s possible. Fighting it is hard - Boris agreed. - We will find our own way. Even if we have to slow down temporarily.

- Mont or two, and I\'ll probably rejoin you. Maybe in a more profitable hunting ground. We will see what\'s there.

- Just be careful. Ok? We need you - said Will.

- Ok, mom.

My words made everybody laugh.

- You guys should be careful too - I continued. - Rest when you need. Don\'t push for few crystals more, it\'s not worth it. I know how it is when you see a possibility of getting more, but it might end badly. Don\'t let your greed overtake you. I hate to do this, but I agree with Blue, we need to expand, and no time like a present.

- That\'s right. We should at least try to cover more ground. If you get stronger, then you can help us, and it will go forward naturally, so don\'t feel bad about it - said Boris.

He red me well. I was feeling like a greedy asshole. I had no longer an excuse of making sure that Blue won\'t win. Now I was doing it all for myself.

There was also Nadia on my head. I wanted to spend some more time with her, to rebuild our relationship. I started to doubt if it was really love on my part, or just the comfort of having somebody I could rely on emotionally.

It was hard without anything to compare it to since it was my first relationship. I felt good when we were together. Sex was also great. I felt like she would accept me no matter what I did, and it made me hate myself for not being able to forgive her. I still had my doubts, and couldn\'t help it.

We talked some more, but the conversation turned more into joking around. Venting a bit, after the hard thirty days of continuous attacks on orcs, but we grew tired eventually, and one by one, went to sleep.

I did my routine of setting up the barriers, and then looked for a nice spot to lie down.

The day came to an end with 652 521 points remaining on my account, and 2420 crystals on my cart.

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