Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 311

The next four days we spent on hunting, as I really was motivated to get the remaining class points I needed.

From time to time The Great One dropped me some information about Xuvi whereabouts, but they mostly were silent. From the conversations we had, they didn\'t seem like a bad person, but the fact that the incident we called \'The Invasion\' was his doing remained. For me, it was clear that one day I\'m going to punish them for that.

But not only for it. Also for playing with our lives, like we were just some pieces on a game board. For us, this wasn\'t a game. For us it was life.

Two days in, we were approached by Aisha, after our hunt. She invited us to Velvet Lotus where Ki\'rai was treated like some kind of princess or even queen. They had cookies and cakes prepared for her, and juices, freshly squeezed from fruits, to accompany the sweets. I want the other hand was ignored while the girls couldn\'t get over her cuteness.

It was funny to watch at first, but then I got for some reason annoyed, end sneaked outside, to spend some time alone. Watching the stars popping up in the night sky. Maybe somewhere there was earth, or maybe not.

The time alone brought me some peace and allowed me to realize how much in a rush I am constantly. It was good to just sit and relax. I had some time to contemplate my future. If all that everyday struggle to become stronger and stronger was necessary.

Then I remembered what The Great One said about Yashasvee\'mies. If I wanted us to stay alive, to have a chance of coming back to earth, I needed to continue this struggle. I needed to become as strong as possible.

Nex day hunt continued, and a day after I finally reached the necessary class points to go for the second class tier. I ended up going with \'Dreadnought\', and picking up the \'Armored Dreadnought\'.

The class unlocked the following skills for me: \'Incredible strength II\', \'Incredible endurance II\', \'Toughness II\', \'Vitality II\', \'Natural armor\', \'Unbleeding\', \'Relentless\'.

I upgraded them all to the fourth level because the skills of this class were historically very useful at making me more resistant to any damage. After that, I upgraded \'Focus\', \'Power of mind\', and \'Telekinesis\' to fifth levels.

With my new upgrades, I felt much stronger. Enough to start looking for trouble further away from the city.

I returned to my room with a head full of thoughts about where to look for my new hunting grounds. Suddenly a voice in my head stopped all that.

- We have a problem.

- What do you want? - I thought since Ki\'rai was also in the room, and I didn\'t want to worry her.

- Xuvi figured out that I don\'t want them dead.

- What? How?

- Because of your little friend walking in the open. I told you, they are very smart.

- But... She could be anybody.

- No, she couldn\'t. There is enough Xuvi DNA in her for me to be able to tell without a doubt that I\'m not against them. Now they are full on a warpath.

- Are they not afraid of you?

- They are. They are also very good at math. Me allowing them to live means that I have a use for them. They think I need an army of incredibly strong creatures and are willing to provide me with one. They want to put me on the spot to chose between you and them. They count on me valuing you way less than them since I already attempted to wipe you all from the city.

- If they come here, I\'m gonna fight them.

- If they come to the city to fight, you will lose. They would never do such a thing if without being absolutely sure you will die.

- So you have to basically choose between us and them? Who will you pick?

My heart started racing. Those could be our very last moments.

- Nobody. There is a third option. Also, an opportunity for you to pay me back for the help with your friend.

- I\'m all ears.

- Technically you are not using those, but never mind. I need you to go back to their base and kill them all, except the embryos in their lab. I\'ll be taking those.

- You want to rise your own Xuvi?

- Yes. More or less. Anyway. Get a good night\'s sleep. You will have a busy day tomorrow.

He was gone after those words, but I had no idea, so I remained silent for a long while, not allowing myself to think about anything. With enough time passing, I finally asked myself if I\'m ok with genocide? I immediately noticed it\'s a wrong question. It was either us or them, and they would never question themselves while attacking us.

It didn\'t help much though. I was still feeling uneasy. I waited for a long while for Ki\'rai to fall asleep and then left to climb up a building and look at the stars alone.

- What the hell is those place making out of us? - I asked the universe above me.

There was no answer. I thought about this new mess for a while and then realized something. Was The Great One waiting for me to upgrade myself before giving me this information, or was it just a coincidence?

This made me think that the war between our two races was just a game for that being. We were bugs under the feen of something we couldn\'t even understand. Maybe there was not even a grand reason for this at all. Just a bunch of lies for the entertainment of some supreme creature that was bored with their eternal life.

We were to suffer to end that boredom, to bring some entertainment. Those thoughts made me angry.

The day came to an end with 2 870 510 points remaining on my account, and one class point.

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