Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 397

I quickly resumed my exploration after breakfast and a shower, using my water magic. I found myself in the same place I left one of my anchors. I picked it up and started walking in a random direction, wondering how long may it take.

I\'ll skip the boring parts, and go straight to the answer. Ten hours-ish. I had no way of telling the time, so I can\'t say fr sure, but it took almost a whole day. I was about to return when I heard some rubble collapse. Pieces of metal hitting each other made a loud noise, so It traveled all the way to me.

Since there was a big potential that something may be in my vicinity, I followed the noise and sneaked my way closer to its source. That\'s where I found my guy.

A cloaked figure with a hood over the head. Te clothes were black, and torn to shreds. Similar to the one who almost killed me, I could only see the hands and feet of that guy. There were also three big ass metal circles, at least as tall as me, with torn like blades on them levitating in the air, and following him, as he was traveling away from me. Just walking in the middle of the road, like nothing was happening.

I saw this as an opportunity and immediately started casting my magic, without using any other skills. That was a mistake, and a learned it fast. He turned and ran straight at me, sending the rings first. I knew by his speed that I won\'t finish in time, so I stopped gathering mana and used the skills. In a burst of void essence, a large portion of the city turned into a vortex of a giant tornado. The winds blew, stirring up the black smoke, and I started summoning my shadows, to buy time.

I had the weapon already out, so I didn\'t need to waste my time to get it, but since it was almost a useless object in my hands, I decided to not engage, and rather try to use spells anyway.

I started by creating firebirds in the air while retreating and summoning more shadows, which just got obliterated each second in dozens. The ghost clearly couldn\'t understand how weak they are and kept smashing them using the rings, and some electric magic, sending lightning bolts from his hands.

He was getting rid of them very fast, so they were barely holding him back. I had no other choice, but to send some of my suicide drones to get him with fire magic. A bunch of birds gathered around, creating a chain explosion. This allowed me to get some more space, and finally focus on my grand attack.

The first ones to emerge from the burning cloud were the ring blades, ripping apart more of my minions. He followed two, maybe three seconds after. Part of his clothes was on fire, but he didn\'t seem to care.

- Fuck - escaped my mouth as I sent more firebirds, and focused on casting the spell.

It quickly became a race with time, as he, despite all the explosions, and shadows, was getting closer, and closer. The grand spell needed some time, because of all the mana I was putting into it.

Our speed was more or less the same, but I had to run backwards to maintain eye contact on my target. Thanks to \'Eyes of the Void\' I didn\'t have to worry about not seeing where I\'m going.

I could feel the speel getting almost ready, but then something happened. The attention of the ghost focused solely on me, and he moved his hands. The ground under my feet moved, and I had to leap in the air, to avoid sharp pillars of stone emerging rapidly, like giant neeedles.

They followed me, trying to impale, as he kept running, ignoring the shadows. With all that speed we got ourselves already to the devastated part of the city, and I felt the first pieces of debris under my feet. Somewhere underway, I dropped the weapon gifted to me by The Great One.

Then It clicked, as two pillars blocked my path. I hit them with my back and released the spell.

The pilar of scorching energy hit the ghosts, melting everything on its way. At the same time, one of the circles hit my shoulder, cutting my left arm off. The wave of heat reached me, and I could feel my skin burning. I shadow walked past the obstacle, gritting my teeth in pain.

I didn\'t scream, just groaned, and dumped all the heals I could to attempt to close the wound. It healed up a bit, but not enough. I needed to get myself to the device, to restore the hand.

Stumbling I walked to pick the part of my body, spraying ice shards in front of me, to cool the air. They were melting very fast. I threw the hand to The Void and summoned more shadows to pick up the stone from the melted hole.

They jumped there, without any second thoughts, and soon brought me a red crystal.

With that, I escaped to Loistavadvaar. I immediately got closer to the device, and threw the crystal on the symbol, to sell it. I ended up earning 381 388 861 000 regular points, and 3 272 class ones.

I healed my hand for 25 000 and then got some food. My mind couldn\'t handle figuring out what upgrades to buy, so I decided to do it later, and for now focus on filling my stomach, and having a nap.

A smile crawled on my face as I realized that this fucker whom I just got rid of was around the same strength as the one who almost got me last time. Then it was desperation, but now I could really take this guy out. If only I had my weapon, this fight would look way better.

I really needed to get it. A better, stronger version if possible. I needed to get Rishi one of those red crystals...

Another day in Loistavadvaar came to an end with 387 066 470 060 regular points and 3 958 class ones.

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