Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 714 T.D.O.N.B: The Observer

"I am hope" Then I heard in my mind. It was like the whole cosmos, ahead of me, just spoke. It was not the end, though, because after those words we were flooded with feelings.

The feelings of the creature somewhere, ahead of us, who just received its name. It was a mix of happiness, trill, fear, and sadness. I felt those, one by one, as I peeled the layers of the thoughts I had to remove to discover everything that was there.

Hope was happy that they were no longer alone. I\'m using they, because the entity was in a way, a hivemind, of smaller beings, unable to exist without the rest. Similar to a multicellular creature, yet different. Ideas in this strange body were popping from different directions, like parts of it were separate, yet one.

They were thrilled to coexist with us, to speak with us, they were sad because of the story of The Great One. Finally, they were afraid because they saw violence in the memories of the psionic alien.

They informed us that they would proceed with caution in the contact with us. The Great One then invited them to look at the societies we\'ve built from a closer distance, to get a better understanding of who we really are.

" I will watch", Hope said in our minds.

They were gradually learning how to speak with the exchange of thoughts between us. It was something they struggled with, as such a concept was very alien to them, but despite that, the exchange had such a learning potential that the process was very fast.

This concluded the meeting, and we then were transported back to Loistavadvaar by The Great One.

- What a sad story - Druoag pointed out. - Both his and yours.

He added, looking at the fake queen Ixa. The High Queen seemed to be completely submerged in his own thoughts.

- Sad indeed - the alien said after a long moment of silence. - But the day is happy. We managed to avoid conflict, and mat a potential allay.

- You want him to fight together with us? - I almost snorted. - Are you out of your mind? It would be too cruel.

- There are different ways to fight, not just the violence - The Great One responded, looking at me. - Fighting against something can have a different form. You are just too used to physical types of conflict.

He was a little bit right in what he said, but I still didn\'t like the idea. Hope seemed too innocent to be pulled into our mess, but it also was, on some level, their mess too. The conquest of the mysterious alien faction, who once enslaved The Great One, and also were enslaved themselves, would never stop on its own. It had to be stopped by somebody, or it would swallow everything.

In some ways, it was similar to The Void. Ever hungry, just waiting out there to devour. A shiver went down my spine, as I thought about it, and I felt a faint touch of The Void on my very mind.

It was there. In a way, watching. Waiting for an opportunity. I was that opportunity.

- I\'m tired - The Great One added after a moment. - This meeting exhausted me. I\'ll return to my chambers now. Druoag?

Despite the lack of air, we were able to speak through the connection of our minds.

- I will come with you - said the massive alien. - It was good to meet you, Peter. I hope we can talk more soon.

- Yeah - I agreed, I hope that too.

Then I shadow walked, back to my kitchen. Not that much time has passed, so I had still hours before Tihana or Celestine would return. For a moment I wondered what I should do, but then I decided to visit Will and tell him about everything that happened.

- So yeah... That\'s basically it - I finished a long speech, sitting in a chair in his office.

He was behind his desk, with his elbows resting on the desktop, and arms, with fingers braided together, covering his mouth, simultaneously supporting his head.

- That\'s great news - he said, and a short chuckle left his mouth, as he straightened his back by leaning back in his chair.

- In a way, it is great news but.. - I sighed. - It feels wrong to pull that creature into this mess. I don\'t know... Maybe I\'m getting soft or something.

- From what I understand, that being can just say no, if they decide they don\'t want to be part of it - Will pointed out.

- But how can they say no, in this situation? It\'s basically the same as the assholes who left The Great One and escaped, trying to hide somewhere in a dark corner, as it would save them. There is no escape from this - I argued.

- Then maybe it\'s better if that being helps us? We face the problem, win, and move on.

- If only it would be that easy - I sighed again. - What I saw there... We are outnumbered, heavily. And I don\'t just mean the humans. I mean the whole empire. If we want to even have a shot, we need to get stronger, and we need a good damn strategy. No, not just good. We need a masterpiece of a strategy. It feels so fucking doomed... That\'s why I wouldn\'t pull that creature into this. It\'s damn old, I know, but it still has this child\'s vibe...

I finished with a third sigh.

- Your fatherhood is changing you - Will pointed out with a smile.

- Yeah, maybe... - I agreed. - Anyways... I need to cook lunch for Tihana, so see you later.

Saying those words I left, followed by Will\'s chuckle, which made me decide to accelerate things, and just shadow walk to my kitchen. For some reason, I found him annoying.

I started cooking almost immediately, but the thoughts of the whole situation were hunting me through the whole process, so my food was not up to my standards. Then Tihana came, and I had to pretend like everything was fine. Probably the whole day would feel terrible if not for the night part when I sneaked into Celestine\'s room.

She was already waiting for me.

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