Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 724 T.D.O.N.B: Heated Conversation

The next day, a bit later than usual, since everybody, except me, needed more rest after a long night. Tihana just didn\'t go to school.

I began working on breakfast while contemplating what to do about her education. She still needed to finish school. She was a straight \'A\' student, and considering how much effort she was putting into her studies, without really showing it, it would be a waste for her to drop out, but it looked like there was no choice, but put her education on pause.

I needed to talk it through with her, though.

I finished the food and still had to wait, before two women, with completely messy hair, and half asleep, got down and sat by the table. I made coffee for both of them, so they somehow would be able to start their day.

Yawning, and moving slowly, they began eating in silence, which annoyed the hell out of me, since I wanted to talk through so much.

I started by clearing my throat loudly, which got their attention. Both, with toasts in their mouth, looked at me.

- We need to plan our trip - I pointed out. - We also should consider what we will do with our education.

I briefly focused on Tihana, expecting some kind of answer from her.

- We just could take a few books with us - she said and shrugged her shoulders. - Or a tutor.

- Y-you don\'t plan on just taking the two of us, do you? - Celestine asked shyly.

She pointed out something very important. The three of us were good enough for me, but for them, it was too few people. They would go mad just hunting every single day for hours, while for me it was completely acceptable.

- We can take more people. We just need to take trustworthy ones - I said.

- Why not random? - asked Tihana, and shrugged her shoulders again. - It would be more fun.

- There are so many people waiting for help from Arc... We could use this as an opportunity to give them second chance - Celestine jumped on the idea.

- Wait... You want to do a charity event? - I raised my eyebrows.

- Why not? - Tihana asked. - If we get a bunch of dicks, you can just put them in their place.

- Language! - I growled at her.

She frowned a bit in response.

- Let\'s do a charity. Let\'s help those who think they lost. It would mean a lot for me since I\'ve been like that too... - A shy smile appeared on her face.

- We will do whatever you want, as long as I don\'t have to do anything - I said.

- Fine! - She jumped on the idea. - I\'ll organize everything! I don\'t need your help!

I guess I irritated her at least a bit. But a bit frustrated, she was even cuter. It made me glance at Tihana, as I wanted her out of the house, to just grab Celestine and run upstairs.

She noticed that and gave me a look like she could read my mind.

- How about we now talk about the trip? - I proposed to change the topic, and also the overall mood by the table.

- I want to go to Japan - said Tihana. - And to America. It\'s been a while since I was there.

- Me too. I need to check on my store and my friends. They probably are wondering what happened to me, since I completely disappeared without a word - she seemed a bit embarrassed about making such an abrupt decision.

- How about Europe? I could show you a thing or two - I proposed.

- So Japan, America, and Europe? - Tihana asked to clarify.

,m - And whatever we come up along the way. We are not on a time. I want us to do everything we want to along the way. Money won\'t be an issue. Everything else too, so if there is something you always wanted to try, but couldn\'t this will be the time - Then I immediately switched to Tihana. - No alcohol, or drugs for you.

I even raised my index finger. It made her frown, and roll her eyes.

- Like I would want that - she snorted, almost theatrically.

- What about me? - asked Celestine, and I noticed in her tone of voice that she was challenging me.

- You can have all the alcohol and all the drugs you want. You are an adult after all - I said to her.

- I\'m not into that anyway - she said then, still clearly a bit angry with me. - You shouldn\'t experiment with drugs.

I noticed that despite my efforts, the conversation was going off the rails, and was heading against me, so I needed to fix that before we all were pissed at each other.

- How about we share the responsibility for the trip? - I\'ll organize the money, and you will plan everything? There are two of you, so it should be easier for you.

- That\'s not fair. You can kill monsters in a few seconds, and then sell the crystals, and you are done. We will have to call many places or make the reservations online. It will be much more work - she pointed out.

I clocked my tongue. She read through me like through an open book. I opened my mouth to say something, but I really didn\'t have anything.

- Let him have it. We will plan the trip. Let\'s show this lazy man how it\'s done - Celestine threw me a lifeline.

Too bad it had thorns. I wanted to respond but still was unable to.

- Ok. I agree -s aid Tihana, uniting with the brunette against me. - Let\'s allow him to chase the little monsters he is so fond of, while we do the hard work.

I ended up rising my arms in a gesture of surrender.

- You said it not me. I\'m going to get the crystals - I said, and shadow walked the hell out of there.

Slightly pissed, I gave hell to a bunch of giants, who, unfortunately for them, were on my way to a family vacation. The vacation, which was gonna be full of surprises, but I didn\'t know that back then.

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