Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 755 T.D.O.N.B: Bad News

The first people coming to me, declaring they are ready to go, came in no time. Just a day after everything I was visited by a guy from Bushido, to inform me that they are ready to depart any moment, so I went with him to their facility.

Nobuo, among a group of many not-that-experienced members, with only a few veterans, was waiting for me inside one of their many practice rooms while sitting on the floor. Everybody was armed, everybody was prepared, just waiting for my move as they gathered, sitting along the walls.

Without any delay, I took them to their new place.

Next was Nil, who in a few days had everything prepared, so I also moved him to a new world.

Then I was contacted by both Druoag and Katri Xel Avakadaisu who traveled together on a massive ship straight from Quel\'kabar. Although the group of Atri was built with only the representatives of their race, the former champion had a seemingly haphazard team of many shapes and forms.

They all looked tough. It was quite obvious that those weren\'t just random people, but rather gladiators with experience, who knew bottle very well. Probably also shared my friend\'s view about the world. I have no idea, thought, how much has he told them about everything.

Without any delay, I moved them to their new place.

Since everything seemed to be working smoothly, and soon I would be cut from the flow of information from Ixan empire, and Arc, I got quite relaxed. Obviously, I wasn\'t gonna remove my anchors spread around different places, but I decided to not use them. There was also The Great One who would be able to contact me, but I doubted he was going to do that, until something, which he wouldn\'t be able to deal with alone, happened.

This peaceful feeling got shattered. only two days later, when I was visited by Daniel. He started his visit by pounding on the door to my house with his fist. Tihana let him in, and the first thing that left his mouth was a demand to speak with me.

I was back in the garden, throwing a frisbee with Carmelita and Leonel. Tam was with us too. Each time we threw the disc, he tried to snatch it from the air, running all around. It might sound stupid because he was a chicken, but he wasn\'t a normal chicken. He was able to jump that fast and that high. It made me even wonder if the little fucker couldn\'t fly if he wanted to.

- Dad! - Tihana yelled to me standing inside the door leading back to the house, with her hands crossed on her chest.

It picked my attention,w which almost ended with me being hit in the face with the orange frisbee, but I stopped it at the very last second using \'Telekinesis\'

- What?! - I replied.

- Daniel came! He says he needs to speak with you!

Those words were enough for me, to rush there because I knew he wouldn\'t come if the situation wasn\'t dire.

He was sitting, panting heavily, which indicated he ran all the way to my place.

- Sit - he said. - I have bad news.

- Just say it - I demanded.

- The seed Martin and Hailwic had, is gone - he informed me.

- What?! How the fuck is it gone?! - I immediately started yelling.

- They are looking for it as we speak with a bunch of people, but it\'s obvious somebody knew about it and stole it - he informed me. - If that person knew about the seed, I doubt we will find them.

- But who knew?! Who the fuck knew?! Just us. It was just fucking us! - I started yelling for good.

- Calm down - said Daniel. - Hotheaded we won\'t do anything. We need to stay calm.

I went silent briefly, knowing he was right. I needed that moment to get a hold of myself. The loss was gigantic, and my mind wasn\'t really listening to me, because it tried to find the culprit without my conscious support, so it took me a bit longer than it should have.

- You should take the seeds until we find what is behind this. I\'ll do my best to find that person. I\'m gonna look under every rock in this city, and beyond - he proposed. - Until then we need to assure that all the other seeds are safe, and accelerate our efforts to move out from Arc.

I ended up nodding because I just couldn\'t focus. Finding my own answers was impossible, so I needed to rely on Daniel. Fortunately, he was a very smart guy, who could keep his cool despite the situation.

He was able to read through me, like through an open book.

- I\'m gonna gather everybody with the seeds, and tell them to come here, so we can discuss this together, and leave the seeds in your protection - he proposed. - In the meantime, try to get a hold of yourself. Just remember that there is no reason to yell anymore. The people who screwed up, know they did. There is no sense in losing our unity because somebody was able to beat us when we were too relaxed.

I nodded again, then he left.

I needed some air, so I stepped out of the day room, just to see the kids, with Tihana, eavesdropping. They didn\'t really need to do that, because I was yelling so loud.

They seemed scared, maybe because of my reaction.

- Something bad happened - I informed them. - So I\'m a bit angry right now, but we will fix it, so don\'t worry, ok?

They shyly nodded in response. It clearly meant that my words didn\'t do much to change how they felt. Fortunately for me, Tihana was there to step up.

- Let\'s go play in the garden - she proposed to them. - The adults will have their hands full for a while, so we shouldn\'t interrupt them, ok?

She received a much better reaction, only showcasing to me that they trusted her more. It made me sigh heavily, as I returned back inside.

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