Another Stupid Isekai

Chapter 773 T.D.O.N.B: Unlikely Duo

His blades suddenly appeared above his head, and he dragged them down, aiming at John\'s head. The hunter stepped back, bringing the spear shaft up to protest himself, but it worked only on the initial strike, which was followed by another one, and another one, pushing the brat further back. I immediately noticed that this assault was overwhelming for him, and if it were to continue, he would lose his footing which meant death in normal circumstances.

I didn\'t recognize it at first, but my body, on its own, lowered my center of gravity, as I slightly bent my legs, reading myself to jump forward.

I didn\'t have to, as Tihana came charging from behind at the goblin with a battle cry on her lips, and she swung her sword wide, exposing herself. Her attack didn\'t reach him, since he heard her from miles away, kicked the guy and turned around at the last moment blocking her blade.

Bright orange sparkles sprayed around. The successful block quickly turned into an attack, but my daughter was very fast, and she utilized the shield to block it, as she went down on one knee. From that position she sliced the shin of the boss, then rolled to the side, avoiding his next attack.

- GRAAAAAH! - He screamed, then stepped to the side avoiding John\'s spear.

He trusted it with all his might, but the monster was faster than him.

I clearly misjudged him and Tihana. They were weaker than I thought. In my daughter\'s case, the boost to physical capabilities of her body I used to give her was to blame, which combined with the fact that I could easily overwhelm the boss by myself, not leaving him room to do anything but die, made me believe he was weaker than in reality.

In John\'s case, I knew that he was able to deal with the monster in a group since he and his pals used to clear the whole cave, but I overlooked the fact that they usually had a very strong guy with them. An experienced hunter, who probably provided them with openings to kill that damn thing.

After tumbling to the side Tihana immediately picked herself off the ground and charged. Meanwhile, the brat pulled his spear back, just to thrust it again, aiming at the boss\'s head, but this attack was again avoided. This didn\'t mean he stopped, he kept pushing forward, making the creature give some ground, as his leg was injured and dodging became a little harder.

This allowed Tihana to close the distance, and ram into his side with the shield. It looked like she threw him off balance. She definitely thought that as a smile appeared on her face, but it was actually a feint.

"Watch out!", almost left my mouth, but I caged the words with my teeth. All I could do was to save their lives in the last moment because doing anything more would rob them of a very important lesson, which could, later on, help them survive similar situations.

The boss looked like, he was falling, but he dragged his legs to his torso, just when my daughter moved the shield to the side, exposing herself to strike with her sword. This was the opening the monster was looking for, as he landed crouching, and brought both his blades up, to strike.

Fortunately, John was there to intervene. He trusted with his shield, blocking the attack at the last moment.

Tihana stumbled backward mostly because of fear, but she quickly caught herself, as the whole audience gasped. The brat retracted his weapon, to make room for another attack, but the goblin knew what was going to happen, and smacked the spear out of the way, then rushed after Tihana.

She needed more space. I would do something else, but her idea was to throw the shield at him, which worked, stopping his assault, and allowing her to regain her balance. She immediately jumped to attack, which was another correct move, because the shield was wide enough to block a lot of what the boss could see, so he didn\'t notice her until the last moment.

His reflexes, though, were fast enough to react and block with the two jagged blades. Another burst of orange sparks illuminated the oval chamber a little more.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Celestine observing the fight with her sword already on the ground. She was covering her mouth, but her eyes remained glued to the action.

At the same moment, John rejoined the attack, swinging from a slightly different angle to Tihana, and making more room for her. She seized the opportunity unleashing a combo of wide, strong swings directed to push the monster back, and corner him.

He deflected and dodged all of it, but had to give the ground. It was a strategic success since the back wall now became a crucial obstacle for him, which he couldn\'t ignore. The only resolve was to switch towards attacking, which he did.

Tihana already knew it would happen, and she swiftly turned towards defense, while John kept stinging with his spear. My daughter tried to create an opening for him, which was very annoying to the boss, as she suddenly switched his full attention to the brat, unleashing a blizzard of attacks at him.

As I soon noticed, it was exactly the move they were counting for. A ball of fire appeared in my daughter\'s hand, she threw it at the monster\'s face, launching herself forward. The flames blinded the creature, making it react instinctively by covering its face. A perfect opportunity for my daughter to sink her blade deeply into one of the goblin\'s forearms.

This was enough for John to pin the boss to the wall by piercing through his shoulder. Tihana finished the duel by slashing the exposed neck open. Boss turned to smoke, leaving a nice crystal behind.

- YES! - Celestine screamed jumping up, which made me chuckle.

Everyone around started clapping. The performance was good, but what was more interesting was how well the two cooperated.

I\'m, not gonna lie, I was very proud.

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