Spy Mage System

Chapter 74

“Come on, let’s move!” she shouted, picking me up onto my feet. The room behind the door exploded, and fire was raging through every direction around us as we quickly ran towards the door. September pulled me towards her as we ran past the agents that were lying on the floor and had passed out from their own struggles.

My chest felt heavy, like something was stuck in there, and it seemed like my breathing was being strangled by something that was wrapped around my throat and cutting off my air supply, but I just couldn’t seem to drop to the floor dead.

I felt dead, but my body was still pushing forward.

We were close to getting to the door as we heard several agents run through it towards us from behind, but suddenly I heard another loud explosion and suddenly there were no more agents standing in our way or chasing us anymore.

A big cloud of fire bursted through the building, and September dragged me through it. As we finally exited through the door, we ran down the stairs with smoke billowing all around us and fire spreading all over the place from the burning building.

“Come on, come on, come on!” she worried frantically, as the fire spread all around her, but I just felt like I was frozen in place and unable to move my body at all.

We finally escaped onto the first floor, where shouts and screams from everyone bellowed through the floor, but we still ran for the door that led outside, as we didn’t have time to stop anywhere else.

After bursting out the door, I looked back, seeing the building completely engulfed in flames and on fire from the top floors down to the bottom as several people screamed in agony from their burns that had been caused by the fire as it spread all around them.


“We need to find Matt, Mari, Malachi...Rin!” I shouted, coughing from the smoke as well as trying to gasp in some fresh air through my mouth.

“We will, we will,” September promised, I think. She was coughing just as much as I was from all of the smoke we had been breathing in from inside that building, but her eyes seemed more determined than ever before.

But then I looked behind and saw something that kept me frozen in fear.

TSA agents dragging Matt, Mari and Rin on their shoulders.

“Rin!” I shouted, and we darted towards them.

They were about to get on one of those deck boats, whatever they were called.

“Hurry!” September urged, but I was already running as fast as I could.

I leaped onto the boat just as it started to move and quickly got up, only to be tackled by one of the agents.

I turned around and saw that Mari and Rin were both being dragged towards the other side of the boat by another agent, whom September was chasing after. The deck boat began to speed away, causing me to roll towards the edge.

The same thing happened to the agent, who was now trying to get a grip on the slippery edge of the boat while still trying to hold onto Mari and Rin.

I quickly got up and ran towards him, but he just swatted me away like I was nothing.

I hit my head against the side of the boat and saw stars for a few seconds, but I quickly shook my head and recovered. He wasn’t gonna take me down that quickly.

I leaped up onto my feet and swung hard, hitting him in the face and causing him to let go of Mari and Rin. September quickly grabbed them and pulled them away from the agent, who was now staggering backward, holding his bloody nose.

“You got Matt?” I asked.

She nodded, but then someone kicked her in the stomach and she stumbled back, losing her grip on Mari and Rin. The agent grabbed them and started to drag them away as September tried to get up.

I quickly ran towards them, but another agent hit me in the head from behind and I fell to the ground, barely conscious.

Then he rose his wand and thrust it towards me on the ground. I needed to do something, and quick! I kicked him in the stomach, pushing him back and causing him to drop his wand.

I quickly got up and grabbed it, but before I could even think about what to do next, he had already tackled me to the ground. We struggled for a bit, but then he finally managed to subdue me and take back his wand.

He got up and pointed it at me, but I quickly swept in with an elbow to the stomach and knocked the wind out of him. I then got up and ran towards Mari and Rin, but the agent grabbed me by the leg and tripped me.

I tried to get up, but he just kept kicking me in the ribs, preventing me from moving.

“Stop!” September shouted, but he didn’t listen at all. Wasn’t like he was going to anyways. The boat was now in the empty ocean, as the boat began to shake and water started to fill up the deck.

The agent just kept kicking me, even as I tried to curl up into a ball to protect myself. But then I heard a splash and the agent stopped kicking me.

I looked up and saw September holding the agent’s head under the water, and after a few seconds, he stopped struggling and went limp. All the other agents except the driver, who was shaking vibrantly, were all unconscious on the ground.

September got up and walked towards me, holding out a hand to help me up.

“Are you okay?” she asked, but all I could do was nod in response.

I was in too much pain to speak, but I managed to get up anyways. “Mari, Rin, Matt, ya’ll okay?” September asked, but Matt only rubbed his head while Mari and Rin nodded.

But then all of a sudden, we saw other deck boats speeding toward us, and they looked like more TSA agents. But the thing was, Rocke was inside the boat directly behind us. And he had the Cybertron with him.

“September! What do we do now?” I shouted, but she didn’t say anything.

Then I looked at Matt, Mari, and Rin. “Where’s Malachi?” I wondered. Another boat came into view, and I noticed it at the same time. We turned to the right in surprise as we beheld another deck boat, this one with Malachi aboard.

Surprise and revelation were frozen on our faces, as he looked back at the hoard of boats chasing us. “What the,” he wondered.

He then looked at us and saw the state we were in. “What happened?” he asked, but I just shook my head. Now was not the best time to start explaining things.

“We need to get out of here,” Mari said, and I nodded in agreement.

Malachi then looked at Rocke, who was looking back at him. “Take down both of them!” he shouted, and the bolts started flying through the air again.

“Get down!” Malachi shouted, and we all quickly got down on the deck as the bolts shattered the glass around us once more. September began shooting bolts at them, but they were just bouncing off the other boats.

“It’s no use!” she shouted, as the bolts continued to fly past us.

“We have to do something!” I shouted. Matt began to shoot ice spikes at them, but they were quickly melting in the water.

“It’s not working!” he shouted.

I then looked at Mari and Rin. They were doing the best they could, it was only a matter of time before we were captured. I needed to use my Perk.

I charged up my arms, feeling the energy surge through me. Then I released it all at once, in the form of two massive blasts of water. They rushed towards the boats, as Rocke dodged it and some did. But most of them were caught by the wave and explosions erupted, flipping the boats over.

The agents all shouted in surprise and pain, as they were all thrown into the water. The driver of our boat began to shake, and he jumped into the water. September looked back, and she quickly sped for the wheel.

“Keep defending!” she ordered.

We all got back up and continued to shoot at the agents, who were all trying to get back on their feet. They were obviously dazed and in pain, but they weren’t giving up.

Then I saw Rocke, who was still speeding towards us with the Cybertron. “Take them down!” he shouted. Then he turned his agents behind him, “We’re gonna do a little boarding.”


We continued to speed towards them, bolts speeding through the sky. September was doing her best to dodge them, but they were quickly catching up.

“What do we do?” I shouted as Mari began to look frantically. Then Malachi steered towards us and began to shoot red bolts at them. Except these seemed different, much different. Suddenly, when one of them landed on a boat, the boat erupted in an explosion, sending pieces of metal and wood everywhere.

“Whoa,” I muttered, as I saw the other boats following suit. “That’s different, what is that?” I asked.

“It’s a trick I use,” Malachi replied, as he continued to shoot at the boats. “I can charge up my bolts and make them explode on impact.”

“Nice,” I muttered, as we continued to speed away. But Rocke was still behind us, and he was furious. All of a sudden, he jumped onto our boat as the other agents followed. “Uh, oh,” I muttered.

Malachi quickly leaped from his boat and got onto ours, leaving only two boats in the sea. “So, I see you’re coming for the Cybertron?” he chuckled. “You fools. You couldn’t get the Armonk, now what makes you think you can obtain this?”

“Don’t even try,” Malachi hissed, as he walked towards him. “You have no idea what you’re dealing with.”

“I think I do,” Rocke smirked, as he gestured to his agents. “Now, let’s end this little game.”

The agents all charged at us, but we were ready. Mari was quickly shooting at them with little spits of water. Not sure how those are gonna do much, I thought, as I saw one of them get hit in the face. He yelped and clutched his face, as he dropped to the ground.

Matt was shooting ice spikes at them, which were quickly melting. But he was still hitting some of them, and they were slipping and falling all over the place. September was shooting bolts that were trailing towards the agents. But then they arrived at combat range.

One of them swung their wand at me, but I quickly knocked it out of the way with my arm. Then I kicked him in the stomach, and he flew backward, hitting one of his comrades. After that, another one tried to shoot me with a bolt, but I ducked and punched her in the face. She was knocked flying backward and struck her head on the boat’s edge.

“Someone, go for the Cybertron!” I shouted, as I fought off another agent. But no one moved, they were all too busy fighting. Then I noticed Malachi was standing in the middle of the boat, not moving. He seemed to be in a trance, and his eyes were glowing red.

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