Spy Mage System

Chapter 85

“Okay, who’s ready to eat?” Tisiah asked as he rubbed his stomach. “I’m starving.”

“We just ate like an hour ago,” I said, as I crossed my arms. “Hot dogs, remember?”

“Yeah, but I’m still hungry,” Tisiah said, as he began to walk away. “Come on, let’s go.”

Nikki spawned in the same Genesis, as September hopped into the driver seat, and Tisiah got shotgun. I then turned to Greg and asked, “Where’d you want to eat?”

Suddenly Greg’s smile widened, and he said, “I know just the place.”

We then got into the car and drove off. Greg told us to head to this place called...uh...the name escapes me, but it was a really good place.

He then told us to park in the back, which we did. I looked up seeing the title: The Hungry Hungry Hippo.

“What is this place?” I asked as I looked at Greg. “It looks...weird.”


“The name is weird,” Malachi added, as he also looked at Greg.

“It’s a restaurant,” Greg said, as he opened the door and got out. “Come on, you won’t regret it.” Malachi sighed as we all moved out of the car, and we followed Greg inside.

I surveyed inside the place and it was quite comforting, in an odd way. It was dark, with red walls and black tables. The chairs were also a deep red, along with the booths. It gave a certain vibe, but I couldn’t put my finger on it.

“Nice place,” Nikki said, as she looked around. “A bit dark for me but nice.” But the place was packed though, which was strange for a place like this.

“Sit anywhere you want,” Greg said, as he walked up to the counter. “I’ll order for us.” Nikki rushed to him as he left, “Hey, here’s some money I made with my power. Just make sure you don’t stay there for an hour.”

Greg chuckled, “I will totally, Nikki.” He then looked at us and smiled. “I’ll be back soon with the food.”

We all sat down at a table, as Malachi looked around. “I’d say so far this day has been calm, but we’re in a place called ‘The Hungry Hungry Hippo,’ so I’m not sure what to expect.”

“Well, just try not to be so out there just in case there are some agents in here,” September said, as she looked at Malachi. “We don’t want to cause any trouble.”

Malachi crossed his arms and said, “I’ll make sure no one sees us, but if they do come close, I’m not gonna hold back.”

“Just try to be calm,” I said, as I looked around. “I don’t want to die from getting a bolt at the neck, so try not to be so reckless.”

“I make no promises,” Malachi said, as he leaned back in his chair. Nikki sighed, as she looked at him and said, “Just try, please?”

Malachi shrugged his shoulders, as he said, “Fine, but if anyone comes chasing after us, all bets are off.”

Just then Greg came back with the food and placed it on the table. He got Nikki a cheeseburger, me a bacon cheeseburger, September a BLT, Tisiah a buffalo chicken sandwich, and Malachi...something with tofu in it.

“They only do burgers here?” Malachi asked, as he looked at Greg. “What kind of place is this?”

“A burger place,” Greg said, as he sat down. “Just realized?”

Malachi rolled his eyes, but then as he did, his face seemed frozen in horror when seeing the window. “Guys, I think someone-some people found us to be honest with you, look.”

He was pointing to the window, and when we all looked, we saw a black SUV with agents in it. And they were coming out in piles.

“I hope those ain’t TSA,” Nikki said, as she looked out the window. “I rather not have to go through that again.”

“No, those look more like FBI, unless that’s their disguise,” Tisiah said. “Don’t look at them, maybe they won’t see us.”

Suddenly the door opened, and a man in a black suit walked in. He scanned the room, and when he was done, he went up to the counter. He stood there for about ten seconds, and then he left.

“That was weird,” Greg said. “He just stood there.”

“Yeah, that was really weird.”

Then all of a sudden, multiple men in suits barged into the restaurant, and they were all carrying guns. “Everyone down on the ground, now!” one of them shouted.

We all quickly got down, and everyone began to scream. What-was-happening here? This didn’t look good, not one bit.

The men in suits continued to shout orders and wave their guns around. Everyone was down on the ground, as fear and terror filled the room. I had never been in a situation like this before, and I didn’t know what to do.

Then I heard more cars moving into the parking lot, and the sound of doors slamming. More men in suits were coming into the restaurant, and they were all carrying guns.

“What’s going on?” one of them shouted.

“None of your concern,” the man said, as he pointed his gun at the customer. “Now get down on the ground, now!”

The customer got down on the ground, wimping as he laid down on the floor. “We need to get out of here, now,” Greg whispered, as he looked at us.

“But how?” Nikki asked. “They’re everywhere.”

“We’ll just have to make a distraction,” I said. “Can you make a sort of distraction?” Nikki smiled wide for some reason, as she said, “Oh, I think I can manage that.”

Nikki then got up and started to head towards the restroom.

“Get down!” the man shouted, as he pointed his gun at her.

“I have to go to the restroom, is that a problem?” Nikki asked as she put her hands on her hips. Then she froze and looked at us. The man looked around puzzledly, as he said, “What the-what did you do?”

“I don’t know,” Nikki said, as she looked at us. “But I guess I know who you are, agent.”

Then she suddenly booked it out for the door, as the agents began to scream, “stop, or we’ll shoot!”

“Quick, let’s move out the back door,” Greg suggested, as he got up.

We all ran to the back door, as fast as we could. I looked back and saw that the agents were running out the door, as I heard the engine of the car roar. Suddenly, the Genesis car was vrooming towards the restaurant.

“This is not what I expected,” Greg said.

The car crashed through in a mighty force, with glass and agents flying everywhere as Nikki stopped the car to a halt, in the middle of the restaurant.

“Get in!” she shouted, as she revved up the engine.

We all quickly got into the car, as she vroomed away, crashing through the other side of the restaurant with glass and pieces spraying everywhere.

“Who were they?” I asked. “One of TSA’s allies, the LASM,” Nikki said. “They have a lot of vehicles probably after us so we need to move.”

“Shoot,” I muttered.

Suddenly, engines roared behind me as I froze in shock. Oh no, they were after us. I looked behind me, seeing about four SUV’s behind us, with their lights on.

“What are we gonna do?” I asked as I looked at Nikki.

She smirked and said, “Drive.”

She suddenly swerved the car into an alleyway, and I heard the sound of tires screeching. We were going so fast, and I was afraid that we were going to crash. But Nikki managed to shift gears, drifting into the busy street.

The SUV’s behind us were still on our tail, as Nikki weaved through traffic. I looked behind me and saw that they were still following us, as sweat dripped down my forehead. We were going so fast, and I was sure that we were going to get caught.


But then Nikki took a sharp turn into an alleyway, and the SUVs crashed into each other, as pieces and glass shot everywhere.

“We lost them,” Nikki said, as she looked in the rearview mirror. “But we’re not out of the woods yet.”

I looked ahead and saw more SUVs coming towards us, as my heart sank into my stomach. This was not good, not good at all. She turned into a lead to a highway, as the organs in my stomach were churning.

“Hang on,” Nikki said, as she pressed down on the gas pedal.

We were going so fast, and I was sure that we were going to crash. But Nikki managed to keep the car under control as we weaved through traffic. The SUVs were still behind us, but they were losing friction.

“Don’t kill us now!” Greg shouted as he held onto the seat.

Nikki just smirked and said, “Don’t worry, I got this.”

“You better!” Malachi shouted. “Unless I’ma beat you when we get to heaven, girl!”

Three SUVs were behind us, as Nikki took a sharp turn. I heard the tires screech, as my stomach lurched. She was able to keep the automobile under control and we were on our way to an exit.

“We’re almost there!” she shouted, as she pressed down on the gas pedal.

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