Spy Mage System

Chapter 95

And there was Malachi staring back at me with those big puppy eyes of his. Fear struck inside my heart as I shrieked, “Oh!” and then I leapt out of bed with a thud.

But it wasn’t loud enough for Malachi to hear it because he still didn’t seem to notice me yet. He sat up and looked around the room with his hands on his chest and he said something in a sleepy voice that sounded like “mmm.”

After some time, I shouted, “Over here!”

He turned to my direction and yawned, as if he was too tired to even look at me or anything. But he turned to me and I noticed his eyes were bloodshot and his hair was sticking straight up like he was using a brush or something. “Hey, uh just to let you know, Captain Vance wants us.”

“Without being dressed?” I muttered in disbelief. You’re gonna wake me up from my sleep and tell me to go somewhere without being dressed. This place is different, but not better.

“Yeah, I guess,” he said, stretching his arms and back out before he stood up and yawned again. His hair fell down again and he grabbed it with his hand as if he were combing it back with his fingers, and then he left the room.


We were led into this room, like some sort of gym but training class at the same time. The place had a huge mat on the ground with weights on top of it that looked like they weighed about a thousand pounds. It was just one big mess of weights and metal plates and ropes, all sorts of stuff you’d need to learn to use in the army.


A few people were already here and some were talking amongst themselves, while others were doing some stretches.

But there was once space that was reserved for us, with this trainer there. She reminded me of Master Tiphe, but she seemed more forgiving.

She had short black hair that had a white streak right above her left eye and was wearing a pair of sunglasses that were slightly tinted pink as well as a black tracksuit that looked like it was made from rubber or something. “So I see these are some new people correct?” she said, as I looked at Tisiah.

He seemed excited, like real excited.

“Yes,” September responded, while she looked over at us. She then pointed at Tisiah as if she wanted to say something but couldn’t find the words, and she said instead, “He’s our newest recruit.”

Tisiah looked back at her in disbelief before he turned to us as if he wanted to say something else but then he decided against it, and instead he walked up to the mat as if he was going to stretch.

“Yes, all of you guys, come,” the trainer said. “We can’t train from miles away.” I gulped, but followed. You have no idea how nervous I am right now.

She stretched her arms above her head before she twisted her body left and right. She then folded her arms behind her back and stretched out her legs before she bent over and touched her toes, looking back up at us. “I’m Daphne by the way,” she said before she motioned for us to sit on the floor, but she made it seem like it was normal for us to sit on the floor. “But call me Maistresse.”

“W-wh-wh-what kind of language is that?” Greg muttered.

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“You know, that’s weird.”

I shook my head in response to him. “Must be French.”

Maistresse nodded, “That’s right. And what do you call yourselves?”

“I’m Greg,” he said quickly.

“And you?” she asked, looking at me. I tried to speak but nothing came out of my mouth.

She smirked, “You are?” I nodded quickly. She laughed loudly, “Okay, good.” Confusion raced through my mind as I thought that she knew exactly who I was but then I remembered that she was from a different country and culture and stuff. Maybe she could figure out something from my movements or something.

“Okay, so what do you guys know?” Maistresse asked. We all looked at each other before September said, “We know a lot of things.” She smiled at her own joke as she looked back at Maistresse. She chuckled. “I’d like to see.”

Suddenly she took out her wand, and Greg shrieked in fear.

“All of you guys, against me,” she said with a smirk, while she raised her hand at us and started to chant words I’ve never heard before. She started with Greg as she pointed her wand at him and shouted a bunch of words at him, but Greg wasn’t affected.

“Uh, I’m not sure what happened, did I miss something?” Greg asked. But then she swung her wand, hitting Greg square in the face and he was sent flying across the mat as he fell on the ground with a thud.

He rolled onto his back as blood trickled down his nose from a cut that must have been made by her wand, which wasn’t too bad. “Now, as for the rest of you,” she said. She swung her wand at September, which she quickly ducked and the wand hit the mat next to her head.

But it was when Tisiah was hit that I started to panic. I got my wand ready, preparing to block her attack. Quickly Maistresse lunged at me, but I was too fast. I blocked her attack with my wand, which made a loud bang as I struck hers, causing her to go flying backwards into the wall. “Sorry!” I shouted in realization.

“It’s fine, it shows who has the most strength out of all you,” she said. All of a sudden, September’s eyebrows lowered into anger and she walked up to me as if she wanted to fight me, but then Maistresse spoke up again.

“Wait, wait, wait,” Maistresse said as if she could sense September’s anger and didn’t want her to do anything dumb. “Tisiah, you’re up.”

Tisiah nodded, and September touched my shoulder. “You should’ve beaten her up worse.”

I gulped.

Then Tisiah started to cast his spell as well as he did the same thing as September and cast another spell at Maistresse before she was able to react. He hit her right in the face with a blast of wind and she flew backward through the air like a cannonball into the wall as well. But she wasn’t done, because she fired a blast of wind at his legs and Tisiah fell on his knees as he lost his balance and fell on his behind.

I gaped at this, because I thought it was pretty cool how Tisiah was able to block her attack like that, even if it didn’t seem like it would be very effective. “September, come now,” she said as she motioned for September to come towards her.

September sighed before she walked over towards Maistresse, and then she raised her wand and cast her spell, which was a small burst of flame that hit Maistresse’s chest before Maistresse quickly kicked September in the face and knocked her down with ease.

But September wasn’t done, not yet.

She pulled something tricky: a bomb from her pocket and threw it right at Maistresse, who quickly dodged it by moving her hand away from it, while also creating a shield that stopped the bomb from exploding.

September stood up and smiled before she said with a smirk on her face, “I’m going to teach you a lesson.”

Greg looked at her in shock. “Where did she get that?!” he said with a gasp.

Maistresse rolled her eyes, “Where do you think?”

“That’s not funny,” September said with a smirk. Maistresse sighed and grabbed her wand again as she started to cast a spell, but suddenly we were interrupted.

Captain Vance was in there, and he seemed very amused.


“Wow, you guys are something else!” he said with a laugh as he walked over towards us, with his hair perfectly combed and his eyes bright. He looked at Tisiah as he walked past him, “Not bad for a rookie.” He then walked over to September, and he looked over at her with a smile on his face.

“Such determination,” he said, as he went over to me and said, “Such will.”

Malachi stuttered, seeing we were getting compliments from the captain himself, “Watch this!” He sped towards Maistresse, who looked at him as if he was some kind of pest. He swung his wand at her while chanting some words at her, but she easily blocked his attack by using a shield that appeared out of nowhere as if it was made out of thin air. It probably was to be honest.

He was reflected back into his own shield and then he ran back at her while swinging his wand again but she easily blocked it with the shield again, causing it to bounce back at him and hit him straight in the chest. He tumbled back and fell on the ground while gasping for air like he was choking.

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