Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 475

*Pho?* Plow suddenly realized how she shouldn’t be happy or she would lose the chance of receiving something from Vincent.

Plow lowered her ears and tails and acted sadly. “Plow still feels very very hurt.” *Pho...* She cheekily said.

Lupa noticed Plow’s acting and felt like she was the only one who wouldn’t receive something from Vincent. “I want compensation too.” Her competitive nature urged her to say.

[How about I also get compensation too while we are on this subject?]

“...” Vincent was at a loss for words when everyone in the room wanted to be compensated for not giving Ester and Lilith a potion.

*Sigh* Vincent sat on the bed and raised one finger after a short pause.

Lilith sat beside Vincent and winked at him with a cheeky smirk. She grabbed his hand and raised his fingers one after the other.

From one, it became two, three, four. “Slow down, Lilith. I will become exhausted with that amount of dates!” Vincent exclaimed while pulling his hand from her grip.


“Ouch. ” Lilith said while holding her hand. “That hurts.”

Vincent became worried about injuring Lilith. He never believed he would ever hurt his women.

“I am sorry for hurting you. Let me bring Iris to treat your hand.”

“Stop.” Lilith requested when Vincent was about to leave. “I think compensation can make my hand recover in a second.”


*Wink* Lilith teased. The more confident she became after shedding her past, the more she wanted to copy the romance books she loved to read.

After Kazumi gradually stopped teasing Vincent all the time, he now had a seductive teasing woman once again.

Vincent opened the door. “Lilith’s birthday is soon, so how about an entire day on a date sound? I will let you girls decide.” He said before leaving quickly.

[What about me? I can’t age.] Kazumi asked grumpily.

-That means you will outlive the girls and stay with me until the end.-

[What has gotten into you? Are you already thinking about the death of your wives because they can’t live for one hundred years?]

-That’s one of my fears.-

[...] Kazumi understood how life could not pause.

If the Book Of Heroes contained truth, then there is a high chance Vincent couldn’t die from aging.

Vincent would need to part with everyone he knows and loves in the end. That is the fate of those who remain.

Vincent wanted to change the depressive subject and went to Iris. After noticing how cheerful Iris was for growing so many herbs for ordinary use and treating Jun Ye Rim’s arm, Vincent spent some time with her.

Later, Vincent went to train and figure out how to use Lion’s Roar. It was difficult to combine shouting loudly, using the skill Submit, and to use domination aura. Not to mention spreading them in a radius harmoniously after becoming one.

*Day 139 – 25 October – Sunday*

“Wake up! We need to go!” Lupa exclaimed while nudging Vincent’s shoulder until he opened his eyes.

“Huh? What’s wrong?” He asked while noticing it was still dark from the window.

[Did you forget how you wanted to gain more sponsored soldiers?]

-What does it have to do with waking up this early?-

*Yawn* Vincent leaned upwards and looked around. He became confused to see everyone already awake, and Lilith was putting makeup on Ester and Iris.

‘What his happening? Am I missing some of my memories, or did they plan something without informing me?’ Vincent pondered. He looked down, and even Plow was eagerly looking at him.

[It’s a surprise. But because I am a kind-hearted soul, let me give you a hint.]

[Compensation, hehe.]

*Gulp* ‘Don’t tell me...’ Vincent thought upon realizing what was planned for today.

Vincent had a lot of time to think while wearing his uniform and going to wait for Sofy’s arrival.

‘If that is what will happen, then I need help. I should ask Ganni to find people for me.’ He decided it would be the best way to get the right people on their side.

*Emerald Lionheart Mansion*

Eliara and Fliara were guarding the gate when they saw the carriage arrive early than usual. When both approached to ask Vincent, he jumped down, used his strength to open both gates a once, and let the carriage go inside.

“Did something happen, lord Vincent?” Eliara anxiously asked. She was afraid the carriage was being followed, and Vincent urgently let the carriage go inside to be safe.

Fliara looked around, but she could only see a person walking on the sidewalk. “I can’t see any danger nearby. Is someone sick, perhaps?” She guessed.

“There is no need to worry, but can I know if Ganni is inside?”

“No. Ganni will return in the evening like every Sunday. ” Eliara answered. She nervously looked at Vincent and continued, “Did something happen to Ganni, or did he do something wrong?”

*Sigh* “I guessed so.”

“No, nothing of such. I need to talk to Ganni and ask if he knows any good candidates for sponsorship.” Vincent paused for a moment and embarrassingly scratched his head. “Because I might have pissed off more noble families.”

Eliara and Fliara shivered for a moment. The news was shocking to them. Their restless hearts become reassured after watching the carriage leave to the barracks Ganni is stationed in.

If Vincent succeeded in what he wished to achieve, then they would have more allies watching over them. Having more soldiers patrolling around the property at different times would help deter any half-hearted revenge plans.

The carriage later arrived, and Vincent visited the barracks while Sofy remained with the horses.

Vincent met with a pair of soldiers, taking a break. When they noticed the uniform of the academy and the insignia of a noble, they saluted Vincent and asked if they could be of assistance. They quickly understood that he was a big shot for being allowed to leave the academy.

After asking where he could find the vice-captain Ganni, they respectfully led him to Ganni’s office.

“Lord Vincent! Did something happen?” Ganni urgently asked.

Ganni never thought Vincent would visit him so early in the morning. The abrupt visit made Ganni concerned a problem needing his assistance occurred.

“Please sit.” Vincent calmly said. “I’m here to ask a couple of questions and a favor. But nothing is wrong yet.”

“Yet?” Ganni asked while concerned about his family’s future.

Vincent sat on a guest chair. “Please sit.” He requested again to the agitated Ganni.

Ganni nodded and sat on his chair. He looked at Vincent nervously with beads of sweat appearing on his forehead. Calming his nerves was going to take some time.

“I have offended the Blackheart family more than before and maybe two more. So I wanted to ask if you know about trustworthy soldiers I could sponsor.”

Ganni gulped while a bead of sweat slid between his eyes. The situation is terrible if three noble families decide to take revenge on the Lionheart family. Ganni feared his family would be in danger.

Ganni became determined to help Vincent. ‘I need to protect my family at all costs.’ He thought.

Ganni grabbed a quill and a paper. He jotted down all the soldiers he could remember that needed some kind of help.

“Two at the northern gate, six at the southern gate, and two and the western gate. ” Ganni informed Vincent before suggesting, “In the northern gate is a captain named Russo. Since his teacher was Koss, he might be interested, and his teacher’s family is under your protection.”

[I remember that name. So Koss’s student, who left his training early because of his awakening, is now a captain. Wow, that is some juicy news.]

However, Vincent was of a different thought. He became skeptical about why a captain-ranked soldier wasn’t sponsored.

There were only seven captains for each gate side, meaning a total of twenty-eight city defense captains in the kingdom. As for the number of captains from other categories, Vincent didn’t know.

Ganni noticed how Vincent was pondering about something. “I will try my best and pull some strings and have some of the new sponsored soldiers work at the eastern gate. They can keep an eye on the Blackheart sponsored soldiers.” He offered.

[Ganni is more perceptive than I thought. I am starting to respect this man.]

Vincent finally smiled. He stood up and extended his hand. “Thank you, Ganni. I brought more danger. Now I will bring more support.” He said with conviction.

“I will be on the lookout for more trustable soldiers from now on. ” Ganni said while shaking Vincent’s hand.

Ganni saw Vincent close the door and leave. He stared at the door for a while until he stopped hearing the sound of footsteps.

*Thud* Ganni dropped on his chair and touched his chest. He could feel his heart was still racing from such a point of turning events.

The more a noble family has sponsored soldiers, the more rumors there will be among the soldiers. If Vincent managed to sponsor Russo and have his protection, then the Lionheart family rebuilding its strength will be the next famous news.

“So that’s why you are here.” A vice-captain said while talking to Sofy.

Vincent approached the man with a familiar voice. “Good day Ben.” He greeted.

After having a small chat with Ben, Vincent left after Ben agreed to tell Ganni if he ever thought a trustable soldier needed sponsorship.

*Emerald Lionheart Mansion*

Vincent entered the mansion and went to the living room. There he saw Zefine playing with the children and Plow. After asking where Sakura was, she informed him how Sakura was in Lilith’s old room.

Vincent arrived in front of the door, but he heard the voices of multiple women. He wondered what was going on.

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