Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 634

Kazumi was worried the soul egg in her hands would suffer from the same fate. She tried her hardest to make the distance, yet the soul egg was heavier than she expected. This was the first time Kazumi had hands, after all.

Fortunately, Egos walked casually and slowly. Kazumi was losing distance by about an inch every second. There was still time for Egos to reach striking range and attack Kazumi or the soul egg.

[Don’t come here, you monster! Huff. This is more tiring than I expected...]

[But! Why did you have to kick the egg and cave its shell? Didn’t you see how parts of the shell broke after it landed on the ground?]

Kazumi said. Her words allowed Vlad to comprehend what had happened while Vincent left him to handle Freerie and Wolfie and later regained some of his speed.

Vincent looked at the soul egg held by his arms with a sorrowful gaze. He felt terrible for spending a lot of time trying to get Vlad on his side, not to mention getting him angry to hurry up as time was ticking.

However, once a choice is made, the other choices will have their fate played without the presence of the one who made a choice.

This meant if Vincent tried to safeguard the two soul eggs, Vlad could be acting differently, and Freerie could possibly still be attacking Vincent at the moment. Yet, such a future can’t be calculated since it never happened.


Vincent placed the shell on the ground. “Forgive me, little one. I will make Egos pay for what he did to you.” He stated with a sorrowful tone and an angered frown appearing on his face.

“Huh?” Vincent froze for a moment. He felt the eggshell become fragile all of a sudden.

The eggshell broke and became fine dust. A tear welled in Vincent’s eyes at the view of a soul pet’s death. A death before having the chance to be born and live.

Vincent stood up, and the fine green dust fell on the ground. His head moved, and his eyes locked on Egos.

“You will not hurt Kazumi or the other soul egg. I will protect them from you... you monster!” Vincent said, brimming with anger and conviction to stop Egos from doing more harm.

The line of friendly actions was already passed. Vincent’s anger became more profound, and his fists clenched tightly. Vincent wanted to beat Egos into submission instead of communicating now.

*Bzzt, Bzzt* Vincent was about to run when he abruptly felt his left hand vibrate. He raised his hand and noticed the vibration was originating from the Soul Watch.

“What the?” Instead of the time remaining, the watch was displaying (OwO).

Vincent saw the display of the Soul Watch show (OwO), (UwU), and (OwO).

“Is... is the watch showing a face? Are the eyes blinking as if it is alive? Am I becoming delirious?” Questioned Vincent after he saw the capital O become a capital U as if the soul watch was blinking its eyes.

After Vincent talked to the Soul Watch, he saw (^w^) next. This made Vincent think out loud, “Did you enter inside the Soul Watch?”

*Bzzt, Bzzt* (^o^)

Vincent felt relieved to know this information. The soul egg didn’t die. Instead, it used the properties of synergy to possess the Soul Watch.

Vincent was now hundred percent sure Kazumi was protecting Iris’s soul egg because only Sakura’s soul pet was the most likely candidate to have synergy with materials.

“Soul Watch, no, Watz.” Vincent quickly named the soul egg integrated with the Soul Watch Watz. “What do you say about saving Kazumi and your sibling?”

*Bzzt!* (*w*)

Vincent sprinted forward. He swiftly arrived between Kazumi and Egos. His fists clenched tightly before his body lunged at Egos.

Vincent swung his arm and delivered a devastating strike to Egos’s head. *Pop* The head exploded like a balloon made out of light. Dozens upon dozens of particles scattered everywhere at about a one-meter distance.

Vincent stopped attacking and revealed a puzzled frown. ‘Was Egos that easy to beat? Did I need to land an attack once to beat him instantly?’ He pondered.

[Vincent. Come here quickly! I can feel it! I can feel Egos is about to begin recovering his head shortly.] Kazumi warned Vincent.

‘If he is going to recover, then I need to make some distance.’ Vincent thought before twisting his body to perform a spinning kick.

*Swish* The leg passed through the body of green shining light.

“Huh? I can’t kick you away?” Vincent questioned after the second attack did not harm. Not even a nudge.

[Try punching him away, then!] Kazumi suggested [I have a hunch it will work this time.]

Vincent instinctively followed Kazumi’s suggestion. He pulled his right hand back and threw a strike with great force on Egos’s chest.

*Bam* As Kazumi suggested, the hit landed without passing through the body of light. Egos was knocked a couple of meters away.

Vincent looked at his extended fist with a puzzled expression. The third hit worked, while the second didn’t, nor did it connect with Ergo’s body.

The mystery of what happened grew even more significant. The spinning kick attack failed, yet the punch worked. Vincent couldn’t understand at the moment. He was too bewildered to think straight.

Kazumi predicted that one thing was different when the three attacks were made. The punches were covered with Bright’s rays of light, while the leg doing the spinning kick didn’t.

Kazumi considered how Vincent’s soul created Bright. More specifically, at the time before, Vincent and Egos’s souls had split, and Egos mutated a soul of its own.

Thus, Bright had a similar mutated soul composition and wavelength to Egos. This could be the reason why Vincent could connect with Egos’s body of light.

*Bzzt* (*=*)

Vincent snapped out of the daze, thanks to Watz. He saw Egos stop tumbling. He placed his shining hands in front of him and took a good look at them.

‘Without help from Bright, I couldn’t stop Egos from eventually reaching Kazumi. However, why didn’t he run? Why did he specifically kick Watz in my approximate direction?’

*Bzzt, Bzzt* (?_?)

Vincent stopped brooding. He turned his left hand around and looked at the display of the Soul Watch.

“Hehe.” Vincent chuckled after watching Watz display a confused expression.

“Good job, Bright. Thanks to you, I could do what I couldn’t.” Vincent complimented. He looked at Watz and continued, “Thanks for alerting me to remain focused, Watz. You are also a trustable companion.”

The halo above Vincent’s head shone brightly for a few seconds. Soothing warmth brushed on Vincent’s head. Vincent felt pleasant, and he could guess Bright liked the compliment.

*Bzzt, Bzzt* (^w^). Watz also liked the compliment.

Vincent turned around. He saw Kazumi preciously holding the soul egg resting between her radiant green arms.

A frown appeared on Kazumi’s face before saying [How long are you going to keep wasting time? Are you going to...]

Kazumi was quickly interrupted by Vincent rushing over to her and managing to remove his usually stuck Soul Watch.

“Sorry for taking too long.” Vincent removed the Soul Watch from his hand and placed it on the soul egg, with the display facing Kazumi.

“Kazumi. This is Watz. Mine and Sakura’s soul pet.” Vincent introudced.

*Bzzt, Bzzt, Bzzt* (^w^) Watz greeted with a content expression.

[Watz? Wait a moment...] Kazumi looked attentively at the Soul Watch. Tears welled in her eyes after figuring out the baby soul pet, who she thought had died, managed to survive.

[I am happy to know Watz is alive. But Vincent!] Kazumi frowned, and she looked pissed [Why didn’t you hurry up to rescue me? I thought you had abandoned me and this cure egg.]

Vincent placed his hand on Kazumi’s smooth, round head. “I will not abandon you in a million years.” He warmly said before the shining halo became brighter, as if Bright also agreed with Vincent’s statement.

[Humph!] Kazumi closed one eye and looked slyly at Vincent with the other [What happens after a million years pass?]

“I will re-extend the duration to a million years again.”

*Screach!* Egos screeched loudly, interrupting their conversation. They looked at Egos and saw him pointing angrily in their direction.

Vlad suddenly appeared beside them. *Tsk* He clicked his tongue before grabbing Vincent’s shirt with one hand and Kazumi’s body with the other.

Vincent nor Kazumi had the time to utter a conceivable word. Their bodies felt a strange heavy pressure. They thought Vlad was going to kill them at that moment.

*Bam, bam, bam. Bam!* Four different stingers. One with a cold mist surrounding it, one with a small flame on it, one with wind sending a breeze to the ice and fire stinger, and the last one was thicker and visibly heavier.

Vincent and Kazumi saw their bodies pierced for a brief moment before the bodies vanished. After realizing what had happened and how Vlad saved their lives, Vincent and Kazumi noticed missing an egg and a watch.

[NO! The egg!] Shouted Kazumi.

Kazumi’s arms and hands couldn’t handle the speed of movement. The soul egg slipped from her fingers and remained in the exact location where the four stingers landed. Regrettably, the egg was nowhere to be seen.

Vincent felt his left hand a little less heavy. His gaze moved on to his hand, but the no Soul Watch could be seen.

“How did the Soul Watch slip from my hand?” Vincent questioned while blankly staring at the four stingers, each exhibiting a different element.

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