Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 688 - 688 Place your future in our hands

The clan chieftain almost fainted at the view of her son losing his pride. Her thoughts became blank, and any plan to take advantage of her was forgotten.

[Ohh, my. You hit the bullseye, hehe.] Kazumi looked at everyone’s expression and continued [This piece of trash has lost more than a pair of unneeded balls.]

Vincent smirked. “Hehe. The clan leader is now dethroned. And all it took was one rock. That is how powerful the leader everyone followed was.” He said in a condescending tone.

The Dullahans snapped out of their shock and started to chatter. They never expected their clan leader to be defeated with one move.

The Dullahans also never expected the person who was going to win and become their next clan leader was going to be of a different race. More shockingly, a person from a race they called slave traders instead of humans.

“Everyone. I hope you all could see how I won while I was weak, injured, and felt dizzy all of a sudden.” *Crack* Vincent cracked his neck and continued, “Any proud and mighty Dullahan who wishes to fight me and attempt to become the next clan leader can step forward.”

However, Vincent’s words said in his intimidating rough voice, and his intimating presence and appearance caused the Dullahans to mull over if they had a chance to win.

Their clan leader was the healthiest Dullahan in their midst. If Vincent defeated Labh with one move while strangely avoiding all his attacks, then they stood no chance to last more than one or two of Vincent’s moves.


“No one? Great. Then I hope you all will not view me as a liar anymore. The bear’s head you all saw was Orso’s head.” Vincent looked around and continued, “The danger of encountering such a monster in this forest has been taken care of. Everyone is now safe from facing such a powerful monster.”

The Dullahans were starting to consider believing Vincent’s words. Most of them glanced at the clan chieftain, but she was still suffering from shock. They couldn’t hear her complain or say Vincent was lying.

Awa stepped forward, helped by Zero. Her adrenaline was waning, and her weak legs began to tremble again. Regardless, Awa needed to make an announcement before the crippled Labh, and his shocked mother tried to twist Vincent’s victory against him.

“O proud Dullahans. Does having a Dullahan or a Human leader that important? If this human named Vincent can help the pregnant women bear the next generation of our kind without forcing us to become slaves.” Awa looked all around her and continued, “Is it that important?”

Awa’s words sparked a lot of chatter. After a while, the chatter quieted.

“If Awa is going to be the next clan chieftain, the next little clan leader could be a Dullahan since our blood is stronger than humans.”

“If a Dullahan and a slave trader make a child, the child will definitely be a Dullahan, no questions asked. Our bloodline is too mighty to lose to the blood of slave traders.”

“I like Awa, but I do not trust the slave trader. He needs to win my trust.”

“He already won my trust. I haven’t seen my child smile so brightly in a long time.”

“Me too. I have never seen my child become exhausted eating.”

“Same here. I never thought my child could eat the portion of three adults in one go.”

“My wife is feeling better because of the food. I want to try trusting the slave, no, human.”

Vincent and Awa’s acceptance as the next clan leader and chieftain grew one Dullahan at a time.

The more positively the Dullahans who received food from Vincent spoke, the more the rest started to doubt if Vincent could be a person they could trust or not, follow or not, and live a better life or not.

Vincent moved his gaze toward Awa. He chuckled when seeing Awa glancing at him with a pair of bright cheeks. Hearing about having a child with Vincent made Awa greatly embarrassed.

Awa wanted to dig a hole in the ground a hide, yet she needed to resist the urge to do so and stand confidently beside Vincent. Regardless, Awa could not stop recalling Vincent’s body, and her cheeks were unable to stop blushing.

“Vincent Vincent.” *Pho*

“Huh?” Vincent looked down. Beside his feet was Plow looking at him with her ears tensed.

“Plow is hearing the sound of thunder. Plow does not like the sound.” *Pho...* Plow told Vincent in a slightly frightened voice.

Vincent looked at the sky, but there weren’t too many clouds. The stars were also starting to become visible as the sky became darker.

[I don’t think it is going to rain with thunder. We also didn’t find information about thunder appearing when it snows.]

“This is strange. I do not hear thunder.” Vincent looked at Plow and continued, “Can you tell us more details?”

“Thunder is making ground shake. Plow thinks the ground will break.” *Pho...*

Vincent and Kazumi had a bad feeling about this new information. Thunder could mean a lot of things if Plow heard such noise from very far away. However, feeling the ground shake meant a few things.

“Plow, tell me when you hear the sound each time and feel the ground shake.” Vincent requested.

Awa was confused at first, but after watching Vincent become serious, she started having similar thoughts.

“Vincent... do you think there might be another monster like Orso?”

“I hope not. But after encountering the great snow tiger, great snow wolf, undead bears, and Orso, the possibility isn’t slim to none. This forest has more mystery and danger than anyone can estimate.”

“...” Awa was at a loss for words. After witnessing Vincent defeat the enemies he mentioned, Awa had the gut feeling she would soon hear dreadful news.

“Bam. Bam. Bambam.” *PHO!* “Bam. Bam.” *PHO!* “Bambambam.” *PHO!*

Vincent, Kazumi, and Awa became concerned. Thunderstrikes would not make a consistent sound while becoming so loud that Plow had to bark loudly to portray the intensity and loudness of the sound.

“Was there another...”

“No.” Awa interrupted Vincent mid-question. “Orso was the only formidable monster my clan has ever met in this forest.”

“Did your people ever mention anything about the creatures I defeated on our way here?”

“... no.” Awa answered.

Awa realized if her fate didn’t get intertwined with Vincent’s, Orso wasn’t going to be the only monster they had to fear or suffer losses to kill.

[I will go to take a look.] Kazumi said before flying to the sky as far as she could.

Amin and Lamin saw Awa act strange. They also noticed Awa express fear on her face.

Both parents approached them. They asked Awa if she was being threatened now that Vincent was going to become the next clan leader if all the Dullahans present accepted the results.

“Mother... father... Vincent killed the great Orso. I witnessed the giant bear’s head roll, but... ”

“What is wrong, my sweet daughter? Is he making you lie to everyone?”

“No father... ” Awa moved her gaze to Plow and revealed, “The little fox is hearing something troubling. I think our village might be under siege soon if the little fox keeps hearing the same noises.”

Amie and Lamin looked at Plow with shocked expressions. Their daughter had never lied to them, apart from how the clan leader and clan chieftain treated her. Both parents wanted to trust their daughter and trust the trust Awa placed in Vincent and Plow.

“Vincent Vincnet. Plow is hearing many many ants now.” *Pho* Plow notified.

‘Kazumi is still scouting our surroundings while Plow, instead of telling me the sounds have stopped or lessened, Plow is now hearing the sound of ants moving. Could there be remnants of the ants? Is the one making loud noises a Royal Guard Ant?’

Vincent pondered while trying to guess what being could make such sounds. Regardless, Vincent might have to fight again in his current weakened and tired state.

Vincent stopped using Overheat because he couldn’t stop wasting the skill’s duration. He took a deep breath and ordered loudly.

“As your clan leader, I order everyone to bring all your valuables to me. We will be moving out of this cold village.”

Vincent noticed the Dullahans were all frowning. They started to believe Vincent was a slave trader after all.

“O proud Dullahans. Vincent is not trying to trick us, nor does he intend to sell us. I vouch for his words and intentions. Please believe me.” Awa said loudly, hoping all the Dullahans could hear her belief in the man beside her.

“Vincent wants to offer our clan a new life. A life where we sleep in a warm room and eat the portion of three adults every day. Please, listen to Vincent and do as he asks. Please, place your future in our hands.” Awa pleaded while not revealing the destructive news Plow mentioned.

“Awa is right. Place your futures in our hands. Bring anything of yours to me, and let me carry all your items like how I carry Orso’s head and body everywhere I go.” Vincent added.

The Dullahans looked at each other. They didn’t know what to do. They waited for someone among them to say the first word or take the first step.

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