It's Hard to Control My Naughty Wife!

Chapter 241: PUNISHMENT

Chapter 241: PUNISHMENT

Of course apart from taking care of Hailee, not taking his eyes off her for even a second while she was out of the house, was Pyro\'s main job, but there was something else he had to do as well, which was to tell Ramon whatever his wife was doing, down to the little things like what she ate or drank.

At first, Ramon\'s overprotective attitude toward Hailee when they were newly married took all of his bodyguards by surprise and they thought it was the most protective attitude Ramon could show, but seeing the change in him after learning that he was going to be a father, made them realize that they were too early for making such a judgement.

Meanwhile, Hailee couldn\'t help but smile wryly and show a \'guilt\' expression to Ramon, but it didn\'t work, her husband still put on a horrible face because of what she did.

"You\'re careless," said Ramon. There were actually a lot of words he wanted to say to Hailee, but Ramon wouldn\'t rebuke his wife in public, no matter how angry he was.

"Sorry," Hailee said in a low voice as she lowered her head.

Ramon looked at the top of Hailee\'s head and felt helpless in the face of this wife of his, but he didn\'t want the same thing to happen again, so he had to warn her strictly enough so Hailee could remember it.

"Come here, we need to talk," Ramon said firmly, grabbing Hailee\'s hand before leading her to their room.

Meanwhile, behind them, in whispers, some of the maids started their own chatter while looking at Hailee worriedly.

"Is Mr. Ramon going to scold Mrs. Hailee?" one of the helpers asked the friend next to her, starting the gossip.

"I don\'t know, but Mr. Ramon\'s face looks very annoyed. Could it be that Mr. Ramon will scold Mrs. Hailee to the fullest?" replied the friend before the third servant chimed in.

"I don\'t think so, can\'t you see how much Mr. Ramon loves Mrs. Hailee? Maybe he\'ll just rebuke her a little," she replied and the fourth maid joined the gossip circle.

"But don\'t you see the expression on Mr. Ramon\'s face? It\'s rare for Mr. Ramon to show such a facial expression and whenever it happened, it would be a serious matter," she said with a frown, looking worriedly at the stairs.

"Are you done gossiping?" Martha suddenly appeared from behind the four of them and startled the four young servants. They all looked down, because now the expression on Martha\'s face was as scary as the owner of this residence. "If this attitude of yours came to Mr. Tordoff\'s notice, you guys are sure to get fired. Now get back to your work!"

Without waiting for the command to be repeated again, the four servants immediately ran away, leaving Martha who could only shake her head.

Slowly, she looked up at the top of the stairs and smiled a little. There was no way Ramon would hurt Hailee, seeing how he had been treating his wife all this time, of course no matter how angry he was, he wouldn\'t even raise his voice…


Ramon pushed Hailee against the door as soon as he closed it and glared at her. "So, what\'s your reason for leaving your bodyguard and going alone to meet that woman?" He kept his voice calm, but still, when Ramon recalled that their meeting didn\'t end well, his chest ached, thinking about the worst that could possibly happen.

"I…" Hailee stuttered, when she had to answer this. In the car, she had put together so much to explain the situation, but it seemed that with Ramon\'s domineering attitude like now, Hailee had forgotten all about it. "I told you earlier… there were a lot of people there, so I didn\'t think it was possible for Aileen to do something to me that would attract attention and damage her image in the company, especially when her image had already been damaged by the diamond ring incident the other time."

Ramon gritted his teeth suddenly. He didn\'t soften at all after hearing all that explanation and Hailee lost her confidence under her husband\'s fierce gaze, so she couldn\'t convince him in a proper way.

Therefore, she tried the other way.

"Are you mad at me?" Hailee sulked, she wrapped her arms around Ramon\'s neck and kissed the man\'s chin, ignoring the fact that Ramon didn\'t respond at all. "Do not be angry. I\'m fine…" okay, that was not enough, Hailee had to try harder. "I promise this is the last time I go alone. Next time I leave the house I\'ll take Pyro everywhere I go, even to the women\'s restroom."

"Women\'s restroom?" Ramon frowned, not liking the idea.

"Hm," Hailee mumbled, nodding her head as she pressed her body against Ramon seductively. "Maybe someone will hurt me in the women\'s restroom, who knows?" Hailee whispered into Ramon\'s ear and kissed the man\'s neck.

Well, if a verbal apology couldn\'t lower the tension between them, then there were some specific ways to reduce the tension, right?

And it went without saying that Ramon understood what Hailee was initiating, but at this point he still wasn\'t giving the response Hailee wanted and this frustrated his wife a little.

"I already apologized and promised never to do it again, must you be this angry with me?" Hailee sulked again.

"You know what will happen to you, don\'t you? If your little plans and assumptions about your situation don\'t work out?" Ramon\'s tone sounded very cold. "She could be stupid enough to hurt you instead of inventing tricks to hurt herself."

Hailee realized it, but she also didn\'t want to be constantly blamed, because after apologizing for a long time, she was starting to get annoyed. "Yes I know. I am sorry."

Silent, Ramon observed the sincerity of Hailee\'s apology before he said, "You should be punished for that."

"Punishment?" Hailee scowled. She was not a child who should be punished for causing this kind of trouble, right? After all, what kind of punishment would Ramon give her? This guy wouldn\'t resort to hitting her right?

But, before Hailee could protest, she gasped as Ramon\'s cold hand traced her inner thigh before he silenced Hailee\'s next words with a long kiss.

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