Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 308

“Sleeping on a comfy bed is soooooooo much better.” Frost rubbed the comfy mattress with no small amount of affection. Those nights in a tent or on a simple cot were not pleasant, especially for one as spoiled as him in terms of sleeping comfort.

By the time he got out of the bed there as a knock at the door. It was one of the servants.

“Sir Frost, if you’d prefer the bath house is set up and is currently free.” Commonly especially ones skilled with magic would simply use [clean up] to freshen themselves up, ready for the day. But within the noble and rich circles people tended to have bath houses as it provided people with more than just a cleaning experience. One which Frost to be honest quite enjoyed. The feeling of being encapsulated in hot water, allowing it to seep into your pores. It felt as though any built up stress was being melted away, he really ought to thank his younger brother Agar for thoroughly explaining the joy of baths.

“That sounds great, same place?” Frost replied back with a smile and stopped putting on his robes. Currently he was in nightwear, softer and looser, perfect for sleeping in.

“Yes the western bath house, allow me to guide you.” The servant behind the door was female and she was quite insistent in being able to guide him. Frost didn’t think much of it, he collected his clothes and opened the door where a cute maid in her twenties was waiting with towels. She looked up and down Frost with a glint before gesturing the way.

“Thank you,” Frost thanked her before walking ahead. Normally if one was guiding they’d be in front but since the maid was just a servant she remained behind as etiquette dictated or rather that was the excuse she used.

“No thank you,” the maid whispered under her breath as she eyed Frost’s back and rear as he walked. She did well to keep a straight face so anyone passing by would see a very dedicated and professional maid but the heat in her gaze was impossible to hide. Frost however was either none the wiser or simply ignored her.

The maid gave a grateful courtesy after giving Frost his towels and sauntering away, sashaying her hips as she did. Her belief being that since she eyed him up it was only fair that he got to do the same. Unfortunately, she wasn’t even on Frost’s radar, he turned and headed into the bath house without hesitation. The leaving maid couldn’t help but suffer a blow to her pride, finding that she mustn’t be cute enough or lacked enough assets to draw the attention of such a handsome young man. She sighed a little before getting to work, not dwelling on her failure.


Frost however, not aware of the maid’s lamentations walked into the bath house with an eager smile. He couldn’t truly relax in the place last night given that he was joined by Sam, Yarrow, and Ren. Ren most all kept swimming and splashing and was constantly asking questions. Cute and fun but not a very relaxing environment. This morning however he was going to take full advantage of the solitude and truly relax his body and remove the ingrained kinks that developed over the past couple weeks from his exploring the Glacial mountains.

There was a wash station with body cleanser and shampoo at the side, which was to be used before entering the bath. Frost wasn’t one to go against tradition, so he followed suit. The body cleanser smelled of mint, refreshing and a good smell to wake you up. The shampoo was berry scented and given Frost’s long hair it was quite a hassle to deal with but afterwards it looked even more glorious than normal.

“I should definitely see to creating a large bath house in the private space, it’d be a worthwhile purchase.” Frost nodded his head as he thought about having his own grand bath house where he could relax and enjoy the pleasant smells of soap and shampoo.

After washing up Frost lowered himself into the hot water, letting out an appreciative sigh, sinking deeper and deeper, enjoying the feel of the hot water on his skin as well as the peace and quiet.

However, this peace and quiet was interrupted a couple minutes later by a chorus of groans and grunts from two men.

“Oowowowowow my back and legs.” Sam complained aloud as he removed his garments.

“Pssshhhaa lucky it’s just your back and legs I think I threw my hip out as well and at my age that’s a possible death sentence.” Yarrow argued back as he too undressed, his body spasming in pain with each movement.

The two men had exhaustion written across their faces and their bodies ached with each movement, yet they showed blissful smiles, the pain they were suffering was more than worth it.

They continued to creak and groan into the bathing area before eventually seeing Frost who sported an irritated look. Yarrow and Sam turned to look at one another before their smiles became evil and cocky, their exhausted and painful bodies no longer hurting in the slightest, they entered the bath with grace, joining Frost.

“Sleep well Frost?” Yarrow asked in a tone full of innocence.

“Yes I did” Frost’s irritation grew he knew exactly where this conversation was leading.

‘Looks like I won’t be able to enjoy that relaxing bath I envisioned.’ He could just leave and avoid this annoying chat but that would be admitting defeat.

Sam and Yarrow both smirked before Sam spoke first. “Haaaaaaa to be single it must be wonderful being able to get a full night’s sleep.”

“Yeah those were the days Sam, no interruptions just sleeping. I probably could have used such a rest last night, but you know married life, got to keep the Mrs happy and rejuvenated.”

“That I do, that I do father, it’s hard work and I’m not complaining but just imagine having the bed to yourself, alone with your thoughts, able to get a complete 8 hours rest, man that sounds great.” Sam and Yarrow used the most irritating tone imaginable as they complained about having to engage in battle with their wives.

Frost turned to face the two men with a freezing cold expression, his killing intent subconsciously leaking out along with his aura caused the bath water to plummet in temperature.

“Not another word or I’ll be forced to personally aid those sore backs of yours.” He spoke slowly, full of threat, cracking his knuckles as an example, their backs would be making similar sounds once he was done venting.

Yarrow and Sam felt a chill down their spines and not from the cold temperature. They looked at one another silently as though gauging whether continuing would be worth it... after several seconds they came to their answer, a big fat no. Frost was really quite scary when he was mad and if he did ‘aid’ them they’d have only themselves to blame, no one would stand on their side.

“Sorry” they both apologised to Frost genuinely before the three of leaned back and enjoyed the bath as it began to heat back up, relaxing their bones and muscles. A few cracks could be heard from Yarrow’s hip as he sunk lower, a sharp pain followed as did the laughter of Sam and Frost. The old man clearly gave it his all last night if his hip was thrown out.

The three of them left the bath house at the same time, heading to the dining room once they got dressed.

There waiting with almost blindingly radiant expressions were Lola and Chia who unlike their husbands didn’t seem to have any pain, only satisfaction. Frost who had just got over his annoyed jealously had his lips twitch and the sour feeling returned once more. Sam and Yarrow gave hollow laughs before quickly separating themselves from the young man, yet it was hard to hide the prideful smiles adorned on their lips. They caused that, why wouldn’t they be proud. Quickly they took up the seats next to their wives who wrapped their arms around their husbands and rested their heads on their shoulders.

Thankfully the servants entered the room shortly after Frost sat down preventing him from stewing in his own irritation. Tea, coffee as well as fruit juice were served along with a choice of items for breakfast. Tulip, Jasmine, and Ren came in a moment later, still dressed in their pyjamas and with bed hair. Jasmine and Ren weren’t bothered but when Tulip saw Frost and realised her current appearance and attire she yelped in surprise before rushing out to change. This brought a round of chuckles from everyone in the room bar Sam who eyed Frost once more with that dangerous look.

She returned a few minutes later with her hair done up and wearing a nice dress but it was clear that she rushed. Another rounds of laughter was the result causing her to turn red in the face.

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