Dungeon of Niflheim

Chapter 317

Frost saw the pained looked in Daki’s eyes and felt hurt. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to bring up painful memories.”

“No, it’s fine he passed away several years ago and you didn’t know, I’m not sad just filled with nostalgia.....I’m sure he would have liked you.” She wiped away a couple tears as an image of her father’s proud smile flashed in her mind. He was a good dad and a great teacher; it was a shame he’d never get to meet Frost.

“Anyway, we’ve got a lunch to get to and some good news to break. Let’s connect these two communication crystals and be on our way as I’m sure by now they’re getting impatient.” Daki stuck out her tongue in a playful manner before bringing her crystal close to Frost’s connecting them to one another. Now she and him could stay in touch regardless of their physical locations.

Frost smiled before tucking the communication crystal back under his robes. He then grasped Daki’s hand and lead her out of the store where Kiba had been waiting the entire time.

Thankfully Kiba wasn’t too bored since people were once again not afraid of him due to the blood red contract mark on his forehead. Not only did it tell people he was a contracted monster it helped dilute his natural frightening presence.

“Kiba sorry for making you wait so long.” Frost spoke with a tinge of guilt; he’d been in with Daki for over half an hour. Kiba however wasn’t bothered, he smiled brightly before rubbing up against Frost affectionately. Daki by his side had her lips twitching, she never saw Kiba earlier when Frost was at the door, and he never mentioned it during their alone time.

“You successfully contracted with Kiba?”

“Yeah we entered into a contract just before I came to visit you.” Frost rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment.


Daki had seen her brother’s prized monster more than few times, she even played with him a little when he was but a cub and knew how stubborn and unwilling to contract the little brat was. This man of hers just kept getting more and more attractive.

“Kiba, Daki’s coming with us so let her on your back as well.” Frost wasn’t sure if Kiba would allow another person on his back given his personality but after the big glacial winged tiger looked at his master then to the hand that was connected to Daki he displayed a knowing look in his eyes before lowering his body to let Daki on. His master and Daki were clearly together plus Daki was Druakai’s sister, pretty much his aunt so he wasn’t against carrying her.

“Do you want to sit up front or back?” Frost asked Daki with a chivalrous tone as he prepared to help her on, like a gentlemen. This however was met with a coy smile from her who leaned in and whispered into his ear.

“I think that’s up to you. Do you want to feel my breasts on your back or my butt on your front?” Now that their feelings were known she returned back to her usual flirtatious personality.

Frost audibly gulped as he thought which option would be best, a slight blush growing on his face before he shook his head to remove distracting thoughts. He then turned to face Daki, showing a charming smile “I think I’ll have you sit behind me; the front may be too stimulating.” He answered honestly, both options were inviting but second one would be too intense. He remembered when Maya sat on his lap during a carriage ride and how ‘tormenting’ that was.

“Hahahahah very well, as you wish.” Daki found his honesty adorable, giggling as she jumped onto Kiba’s back without effort. Her current abilities weren’t too far below Sam and Lola’s despite being out of the adventuring trade for a number of years.

She landed gracefully, as though weightless and Kiba wisely didn’t flinch when she landed. Frost gave him a thumbs up which he received a cocky chuff in response before Frost too leapt up, landing ahead of Daki.

Once he was on Kiba, Daki did as promised and pressed her ample chest against Frost’s back and wrapped her arms around his waist for balance, she showed a joyful smile and even hummed with glee.

Frost leaned back against Daki’s chest, very much enjoying the feeling before signalling Kiba to go.

Daki gave directions but never left Frost’s back, drawing a fantastic amount of ire from the passing onlookers. Frost even saw a woman clench her teeth in anger and call him a bastard before walking off in a huff. She was clearly one of Daki’s strong admirers.

Thankfully Ramsey’s star restaurant was in the same town making the journey only take 20 minutes to get there otherwise Frost would have likely been stared to death 100s of times over, Daki was incredibly popular after all.

The restaurant was very highly decorated and like the Phoenix fledgling restaurant in Furano had multiple floors, though it was 5 instead of 3, showing just how popular the place was. The bottom two floors were for regular customers, whereas floor 3 and 4 were reserved for those of status and or a certain level of wealth. One needed to book far in advance to dine on these floors and even put down a deposit. The final and top floor was reserved for the very top customers, those with very high status, money and or friends of the owner.

Occasionally since the top floor was frequently empty they’d hold raffles for those in the 3rd and 4th floor every month or so allowing them to dine on the top floor and enjoy the crème de la crème of their dishes. This idea was thought up by the current leader of the restaurant, Ramsey’s son, Ramsey junior and ever since business on the 3rd and 4th floors has boomed, all because of their desire to eat on the top floor which would give them insane bragging rights.

Yarrow being the mayor of Kranor, and a good friend and current employer of Ramsey senior was always granted service on the top floor along with any number of guests he chose to bring along. He’d still have to fork out a significant sum when he did but given Kranor’s recent yearly income, money was one thing he had in spades. However, covering ten people and two large monsters was going to be costly regardless of the discount Ramsey junior would grant him.

As the old mayor sat in his chair at the head of the large restaurant table, the looming cost of such a lunch became all the more real. As the minutes passed in their wait for Frost, Daki and now Kiba to arrive, an anxious frown grew on his forehead. He began to regret his impetuous offer in dining here. His darling wife, Chia understood his feelings and did her best to distract him from such thoughts.

Sam and Lola kept the kids occupied while they waited, showing grateful smiles whenever Yarrow’s frown grew more pronounced. Druakai however sat with a nervous expression and did his best to avoid meeting Yarrow’s glare. He was a big man with a big appetite meaning he’d likely play a significant part in the upcoming bill that Yarrow dreaded.

“Frost and my sister are certainly taking their time getting here.” He complained in an attempt to redirect Yarrow’s ire, not knowing that he just landed himself in hot water.

“I’m so sorry for making you wait little brother; however, can I make it up to you?” Frost and Daki appeared a moment later hand in hand. Druakai felt a cold shiver go down his spine as he turned to see his sister’s pissed off expression.

“Crap!” He uttered as his face warped in regret. As if to confirm his fears Daki swiftly appeared behind him, placing her two fists on either side of his head before enacting a painful pushing, and twisting motion.

“Girls, Druakai require time to get ready before going out for a meal, especially if that meal is with their boyfriends, so excuse me if you had to wait an extra ten or fifteen minutes.”

“Aititititiititit!” Druakai yelped in pain as Daki drilled into his skull without remorse. “Sorry sis I’m sorry owowowowowo.” Druakai pleaded for forgiveness not picking up on what she said but everyone else in the room did. They all ignored Druakai and looked at Frost with intense curiosity.

Frost nodded, he and Daki had decided to pursue a relationship thus making them boyfriend and girlfriend so to speak. All the adults in the room smiled and nodded their heads, happy with such an outcome.

Ren and Jasmine didn’t really get what it meant since they were still too young, but Tulip was not happy, in fact she looked pretty much crushed. Her eyes looked venomous as she swiftly glared at Daki, eyeing her as some dire enemy. She looked at her bewitching face, her massive chest and well rounded butt before looking at herself and seeing that she had none of that, a strong sense of defeat filled her, making her want to cry.

Lola understood her daughter and quickly pulled her into her embrace, whispering into her ear. “Don’t worry honey you’re still growing, look at me and your grandma you’ll definitely be more than a match for her once you’re an adult.” The little girl clenched her fists and looked up at her mother before nodding strongly, determined to grow into a kingdom toppling beauty that outclassed Daki.

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